By David Barnes
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I'll give a rapid resume of the articles. The writers are either experienced researchers or wildly enthusiastic ECW 'buffs', or both. First, 'The Editors' Declaration' followed by 'The Capture of Shrewsbury 22 Feb 1645' by John Barratt, 'Sir Bamabos Scudomors' by John Atherton, 'Scoutmosters & Scouting during the Civil War by P.M May, 'The Kings Race at Tutbury ' a royal stud during the ECW, by Ivor Carr, 'The Quakers & The CM War" by Richard Thorpe (The Society is written about in the past tense I Being a Quaker, 18,000 of us are not in the post and I shall be writing to Richard to tell him so.) 'The Mysterious Major Mole' I Carr, 'The Search for George Willinghan - the Influence of the London Uvery Companies on the conduct of Holles' Regiment 1642' by David Appleby, 'Book Review', 'Queries', 'Return Fire, the Highland Charge in Ireland', Stuart Reid and various full page adverts. One advert 'Colonial Conquest' now an Imprint of Partizan. 40 pages excluding covers, good photographs and drawings ( some by a Quaker called Barnes appears sometimes ?) Interest to wargamers ? Well this one is interested - side lights on equipment, armies and flags appear regularly and the odd little known skirmish battle is given an airing, often from local archives. It comes out in a stuttering sort of way, but you always get all the copies you pay for. Back to The Gauntlet No. 1 Table of Contents Back to The Gauntlet List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1994 by Craig Martelle Publications This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |