by Anne F. Jaffe
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Nova Game Designs, Inc. Jim Rosinus announced that Nova has been granted a license to produce Lost Worlds booklets on specific Tolkien characters. The first two, planned for early 1986 will be Gandalf and the Balrog. Frodo, Gollem, Sheelob, and others will follow. Palladium Books' Kevin Siembieda announced that Palladium has bought the rights to all Recon products formerly produced by R.P.G. Inc. Palladium also expressed excitement over advance sales of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Odier Strangeness, their recently released role-game. At the Model Position Special Meeting on September 23, representatives of the Hobby Industries of America Association (HIA) and the Game Manufacturers Association (GAMA) were able to agree on several improvements in the way the annual HIA trade show would work for GANIA members. These improvements include having a special area of display floor dedicated to GANIA members only having a demonstration area adjacent to the GAMA display area to showcase products in use, and two hours a day in a nearby conference room for seminars explaining to retailers how to stock and sell games. The purpose of these improvements is to introduce adventure gaming products to a large number of buyers in the hobby trade who are not currently familiar with, or even aware of, adventure gaming. Other results of this meeting include dropping plans for a separate trade show in the fall for models and games and focusing instead on getting more buyers to attend the main HIA Show in January. The possibility of allowing non-HIA members to exhibit on a trial basis was discussed, as was the need for a membership drive. Much interest was expressed in an existing library of videotapes to be made available to HIA members covering short educational subjects common to most retailers, such as effective display techniques, how to combat shoplifting, etc. The schedule for the seminar room available to GAMA is still being formulated, and all GAMA members are urged to consider what they may be able to contribute to broaden the general public's understanding of our hobby. he room is available each dav for one hour at 10 a.m. and one hour at 2 p.m. Demonstrations will run continuously while the trade show is open each day. Of 34 booths available at the HIA Show, GAMA members have taken 33 already, and a waiting list is expected. HIA has assured GAMA that any added space will he adjacent to the area already earmarked for GAMA. Edward Goldberg of American Traders, Inc., Chairman of the Special Committee of Model Divisions of the Hobby Industries of America Association addressed the following memo to "those interested in the model industry." Replies sent to our editorial offices will be forwarded to the HIA. It's Your Industry "Ask not what YOUR Industry can do for you... but what can YOU do for your Industry?" Although this article is being put together by those who are deeply involved with the model segment of the Hobby Industry of America, it is designed to reach out to all those who arc not members of the HIA and who directly earn their livelihood in some part of the distribution chain prior to reaching the ultimate customer. We feel the word YOU, as emphasized in our title, is probably the most important part of our subject matter. We feel that you are the most important person, as it relates to your business and its ultimate goals. For the past two decades, we have watched our industry face competition from a multitude of new product lines. The video and computer crazes have virtually knocked a giant hole in the overall scheme of leisure time activities. No longer will our business cycles restore themselves to those of peak years. We feel that only through a united effort on behalf of everyone will we return our industry towards top days. Fragmenting our efforts... complaining about business and all aspects pertaining to it ... remaining dormant without offering concrete suggestions and new ideas... letting everyone else do it... will only delay our chance for positive recovery. We all have ideas, and many of us have our own thoughts on solutions. The important thing is that YOU and ALL OTHERS collectively bring forth the necessary ammunition to put the proper focus on the present and eventually it will resolve in a better future. We challenge each and every individual to take that extra step of energy, invest in your own future and bring forth the ideas and needs that surround YOU. Ask yourself some of these vital questions:
2. Have I put on paper, for others to take advantage of, successful ideas, promotions and sales programs? 3. Have I attempted to work with others who are involved in my industry in nearby surrounding communities or geographical locations? 4. Do I volunteer to serve on committees that are working for a better tomorrow? 5. Do I correspond with trade magazines, so as to offer positive steps forward? 6. Do I belong to an association(s) so that I can study, learn and be a contributor? 7. Do I continually promote my business throughout the community through civic organizations or city projects? 8. Do I participate in exhibitions, community activities, business and industry shows, etc.? 9. Do I participate in marketing studies and surveys so as to get a better handle on current business trends? 10. Do I take full advantage of association assets and services, so as to fully reap the rewards of my membership investment? 11. Am I doing all I can to not only help myself, but combine my efforts with my fellow businessmen? We need your help, your efforts and your suggestions. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today! Please sit down and write us your suggestions ... anything you think would help. our committee will consider each and every suggestion in detail. We are hoping that some quiet individual who usually does not respond is going to come up with a solution to save the industry... will it be YOU?? Waiting anxiously for your suggestions... Back to Table of Contents -- Game News #10 To Game News List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1985 by Dana Lombardy. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |