by John Desmond
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The Philadelphia Area Gaming - Meet in Chestnut Hill on Tuesday evenings and in Center City on Sunday evenings. Email lists on - page, pagecentercity, page_announcements The Ambler Gamers - Email list - AmblerGamers on The Eastern Pennsylvania Gaming Society - Meet in Oxford Valley Mall, usually on 1st and 3rd Saturdays of every month Email - epgs on The Penn Gamers meet Wednesday evenings on the Univ. of Pennsylvania campus. For the latest info about meeting locations, check To get on their mailing list, visit Lansdale, Pa - Gaming meeting at my house (about a mile from exit 31, PA Turnpike NorthEast Extension) Thursday, 7:00PM until 10:00. German-style boardgames, old time miniature games, non-German style card games. Contact me, Bill Chapman, at Berks Gamers meet on Wednesdays, and sometimes on weekends, either in Kutztown or near Reading, PA. Their website is, and the contact is Jim Carvin,, 610-220-5644. Reading, Pa. Area Wargamers - meets every Thursday night - Mostly historical miniature games of various scales, sizes, and eras - schedule at, YahooGroup - http://games.groups. Days of Knights - games club in Newark, Delaware - board games every Saturday - Trenton - There is regular gaming at the Gamer's Realm in West Windsor, NJ on Thursday nights from about 6:30PM until 10:30. Anyone interested should join the realmgamers mailing list at Yahoo Groups. We tend to get 5-10 people each week and play designer/German games for the most part. Princeton Games Union - - Meets on Friday and Saturday nights (sometimes Saturday afternoons) in the Frist Student Center at Princeton University. Board games, RPGs, etc. Harrisburg - The West Shore group is Boardgamers Pastime. They meet in the annex (called "Foundation Hall") to the New Cumberland Public Library in New Cumberland, PA, on the first and third (and usually fifth) Sundays of each month, from 1-6. The organizer is Mario Lanza, who can be reached at Harrisburg - East Shore group meets at the East Shore Area Library, which is at 4501 Ethel St., Colonial Park (behind the Colonial Park Mall), on the first and third Saturdays of each month, from 9-5. Don't have the name of the organizer for this one, but call the library at 717.652.9380, and they probably tell you. Local conventions for gaming, etc: The Shorecon game convention is now Southern Exposure, and will be Sept 30-Oct 3, 2004 at the same hotel as last year. Shorecon was acquired by Double Exposure convention management - The boardgame coordinator can be reached at The Historical Miniature Gaming Society-East conventions (in Lancaster),,, The Miniature Figure Collectors of America's Annual Show - one of the world's oldest and largest exhibitions of military miniatures, collectors' figures, and toy soldiers - MFCA, 205 Park Place, Cherry Hill, NJ, 08002 Ground Zero Games East Coast Convention - downtown Lancaster - for GZG games -- Dirtside, Stargrunt, Full Thrust, etc. Please send additions and corrections John.a.desmond Back to Table of Contents -- Game! # 7 To Game! List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2004 by George Phillies. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |