by George Phillies
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Game! has now reached its second year of publication. We hope that you will enjoy the articles I have found, continue to subscribe, and encourage your friends to do the same. Your Editor is working on new and different approaches to finding and recruiting good articles form remote sources. We have been particularly troubled that the supply of miniatures articles has tended to fade, so that we do not always have as much as we would like on miniatures, figure collecting, and rolegaming. Remember, Game! is available by mail subscription from Game Table Online. Back and paper single issues are available from Homer Games. I continue to be amazed that a supposedly shrinking board wargaming industry continues to turn out vast numbers of new titles, not only on familiar battles and wars that have been done before, but on events and periods that have historically not been of interest to game designers. I did do a recent count from Pimper’s All the World’s Wargames, which in its various issues lists nearly 3800 different board wargames, some in print, some out of print, some fabulously rare. (As a collector, I am saddened that my set of board wargames remains less than complete.) One may reasonably suppose that in the next few years there will be more than 4000 different titles out there, all waiting for reviews and tactical analyses. The new European Games area is drawing large numbers of people into the hobby, people who would respond with a lack of enthusiasm to playing a full game of Drang Nach Osten with 4000 unit counters and 50 turns of scanning the vast number of rules. Euro Games are just as much a part of our hobby as any other, and we will continue to cover Euro Gaming to such an extent as we are able. One bothersome trend is that game prices seem to be climbing faster than might be explained by inflation. Just as house prices that climb too fast eventually stifle the housing market, so also game prices that climb too fast will tend to stifle the gaming market, at least until the unifying force of the market brings what game companies are prepared to sell and what game buyers are prepared to buy in line with each other. So Until Next Month... Back to Table of Contents -- Game! # 13 To Game! List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2005 by George Phillies. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |