by George Phillies
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Welcome to Game!, the international magazine of game play and game collecting. No matter your interests, whether you play ‘German’ nonmilitary tactical games, tabletop miniatures, board wargames, rolegames, collectible cardgames, diplomatic games, play-by-mail games, live-action games, or are numbered among the noble company of collectors, we hope that Game! magazine will have something for you. Game! is an experiment. Our publication is all-electronic. You pay the nice people at GameTableOnline a very modest subscription fee, and every month or so you will receive at least 12 pages of .PDF file. When paper copies become available, Game! will cost at least $3 per issue plus shipping and handling. I previously edited other gaming magazines going back to The Tank, the first amateur board wargaming fanzine. The Guide to Wargaming Periodical Literature, The History of Wargaming Quarterly, The Stalingrad Review, The American Wargamer, and Strategist each spent some or all of their lives under my Editorship. Now I edit Game! Electronic publication not through a hobby club has some important benefits for your humble servant and Editor. Because we are electronic, I am freed from the tyranny of the one ounce postal weight limit. If I want a longer issue and have the material, I have but to assemble it. Because we are electronic, I do not need to think about printing, collating, folding, sealing, labeling or mailing the issues. I do the typing, the computer generates the file format, and I am done. There came a moment when Soviet Communism collapsed. In Outer Mongolia, a popular leader wanted to mobilize the people. His call had first been heard centuries before: “Men and Women of the Horde! To your Horses!” We live in quieter times and places, but there comes a time to remember that the purpose of Gaming and Gamers is to Game! That’s Game! magazine’s purpose—inspiring better gaming of all sorts: Boardgaming, Miniatures, Rolegaming, Diplomatic Gaming, Computer Gaming, Collectible and Other Card Gaming, and perhaps on occasion Live Action gaming. Mindful of the perhaps fictive advice of a perhaps mythical Outer Mongolian leader, we can find no better closing advice than: Gamers! To Your Tables! Back to Table of Contents -- Game! #1 To Game! List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2004 by George Phillies. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |