By David Makin
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During the US involvement in Vietnam the best and the worst of the US military were shown in the harsh light of war. One of the worst features was the pursuit of the "Great Game". i.e. the process of receiving promotion in the US military. To say that it encouraged short sighted, self-seeking and destructive behaviour amongst many of the US officer corp could be argued as being an understatement. In tonight's game you get to play the part of a low level officer, your aim is to get promoted ! Body Count The best way of getting promoted is for troops under your direct command to kill enemy troops. Each time troops under your direct command (i.e. ones that you have given an order to.. so either a line company, or Artillery/Aircraft that via a "Call Fire" order issued by your command stand) inflict a hit on enemy stands you get to collect that many "jelly baby" bodies from the "body bank" jar. You will be given a small green bag to put the bodies in_ these will be tallied at the end and will go a long way to determining just how well you did in the Great Game. Please take only as many "bodies" as you are entitled to.. because if you take too many false information on the progress of pacification will be passed to higher HQ. And you are meant to be an "Officer and a Gentleman". Survival Of course it helps your career if you don't get killed along the way -- either by the enemy (Purple Heart) or by your own side (Friendly Fire and Fragging)
Friendly Fire: Sometimes known as an "own goal".. it happens in all conflict.. try not to have it happen to you or your troops, and if your orders have it happen to some-one else ensure that no blame can be attached to you.. Fragging: This is what happens to officers that are very unpopular with their troops (and fellow officers?). Like Friendly Fire, it's a fact of life in combat.. it just seemed to be popular in 'Nam. The best way to avoid this is for your troops under your direct command not to take hits. In the morale phase the number of hits this turn on stands in your direct command (apart from hits on your own std) is the number (or less) that you *don't* want to roll equal to or less. The dice roll is modified -1 if Green/Trained troops, +1 if Veteran/Elite troops. If you fail this roll then you are out of the Great Game. The Situation In the province of Bunh Fuet the local force Viet Cong ("VC" / "Charlie") has been taking a beating by the US task force in the area (and in fairness by the ARVN units as well..).. intelligence indicates that there is less than a Companies worth left.. and these have been avoiding contact. If you are to get ahead in the Great Game then you could do no better than burying these. A morning rocket attack against the village of Phut Yoi has stirred the collective "Free World Forces" in the area, these being:
1 ARVN Infantry Bn (in and near Phut Yoi, 1 coy Ready Reaction force) 1 US Air Cavalry Troop (AH-1 in DS, GS to other units) 1 US Armoured Cavalry Troop 2 US Infantry Companies (Mechanised) The Players#1 Task Force Commander: TO&E: Regular Morale 8. 1 command OH-1 helicopter (you) You can issue orders anywhere as you are circling the table. (at the end of movement you may move your Helicopter model to any point on the table at low alt.) Notes: All units are under your command, but to get "bodies" you will have had to issued orders to the "killing" unit this turn. If you place your order on a coy it will over-ride the owning players order. All "Call Fire" orders (for Artillery and Aircraft) will be given to you on slips of paper, *before* you issue your orders. {The exception to this is Bn Mortars and coy Wpn stds}
155mm Artillery Bn in GS (concentrate sheaf 2"x2", dispersed 6"x2" HE 7 ) AH-1 Cobra flight in DS of Air Cav Troop, in GS to other units. (The Air Cav Call fire over rides yours) US Airforce Assets: You will be told the aircraft and their ordenance load available for the next turn. Since these will be flying GS missions you will need to give them a North:East co-ordinant or obvious target point: e.g. 57" North; 32" East, or Phut Yoi village.. *not* "the Jungle" #2 US Air Mobile Company, 101st Div. TO&E: Regular Morale 8.
3 Infantry stands 1 Weapons stand 2 UH-1 helicopters (can carry 2 stands each) US Air Cavalry Gunship plt, Black Horse Regiment: 1 AH-1 helicopter (can "loiter" 4 turns then must spend 4 off table) (DS) AH-1 Cobra flight is in DS of Air Cav Troop, in GS to other units. (priority of "Call Fires" is Air Mobile Coy, TF HQ, US units, ARVN units.) At the end of movement you may move your Helicopter models to any point on the table and end at either low altitude or Land. #3 US Armoured Cavalry Troop (-), 11th Divisional Cavalry: TO&E: Regular Morale 8.
2 Recon M113 ACAV and Patrol stands 1 Sheriden tank #4 US Infantry "A" Company (mechanised), 1st of the 3rd (I Bn/3 Regt): TO&E: Regular Morale 8.
3 Infantry stands 1 Weapons stand 2 M113 APCs (can carry 2 stands each) #5 US Infantry "B" Company (mechanised) , 3rd of the 3rd (III Bn/3 Regt): TO&E: Regular Morale 8.
3 Infantry stands 1 Weapons stand 2 M113 APCs (can carry 2 stands each) #6 ARVN Bn Commander: (optional) TO&E: Trained Morale 7.
2 Infantry Companies, each with:
1 Weapons stand {in bunkers} Heavy Weapon Company, with:
1 81mm Mortar Stand (ds) (10 shots) {in weapon pit} 1 75mm Recoilless Rifle Stand (ds) (5 shots) {in weapon pit} Notes: Your forces are in the Fire Base near Phut Yoi, except the Ready Reaction force that can be anywhere on table. While this unit is subordinate to you, you only get it's "Kills" when it is operating under an order issued by you. While you are playing the "normal" Great Game you also have additional responsibilities that will effect your chances of promotion. These being: Security of Phut Yoi; you need to prevent damage to the village, and ensure that the VC does not enter it and Security of the Fire Base; you need to ensure that it isn't effectively attacked. Note: The US TF commander has been treating you with more than the usual contempt, patronising you and insulting the achievements of your subordinates. Since any "call fire" from you or your subordinate must go through the US TF HQ you can be sure that it will have the lowest priority and will just "prove" how dependant you and your country is on these arrogant foreigners. #7 ARVN Infantry Coy, Ready Reaction Force: TO&E: Regular Morale 7.
3 Infantry stands 1 Weapons stand Notes: The Ready Reaction force will be deployed by player #6 (ARVN Bn Commander) anywhere on table. The Battalions 81mm Mortar is available for your use. Any "Call Fire" on US assets must go first to your Bn commander. Viet Cong ForcesControlled by the referee.. all will be revealed after the battle. Terrain: The table is 10' x 6' Open areas (rare) are just that.. The sunken areas are paddy fields.. treat as scrub and heavy mud. Jungle areas (treat as forest) are those with trees and lichen. Open Jungle (treat as woods) are those just with trees. Rubber Plantation (treat as open woods) are trees in rows. All streams are steep banked, fordable by vehicles only at indicated positions and then treat as hvy mud for miring. All buildings are as presented.. you will note that many of these are stone.. this is intentional. Players will each get a "kit".. one of each order chit, 1d10, 1 green "body bag", 1 ruler, 1 small pad for writing "Call Fire" requests (i.e. they must put down a call fire counter *and* write a request). TO&E, Data and Quick Reference charts. VC Main Force Company (+): Experienced Morale 8
2 Infantry stands {in entrenchment's} 1 Patrol sapper stand {integral RPG-7} The rocket attack is to draw the ARVN ready reaction forces out, the patrol stand will then attempt to lure them into an ambush by the rest of the company. NVA Battalion (+): Regular Morale 9 Bn HQ Company (+):
1 staff telephone stand {in Bunker} 1 82mm Mortar stand (ds) {10 shots} {in weapon pit} 1st Company (+), with:
1 Weapon stand (integral 75mm RCL (bg)) {in Entrenchment} 1 engineer stand (attached) {in Entrenchment's} + 4 x 1"x1"minefields 1 patrol stand (attached) {in Entrenchment's} 2nd Company (+), with:
1 Weapon stand (integral 75mm RCL (bg)) {in Bunker} 1 patrol stand (attached) {in Entrenchment's} 3rd Company (+), with:
1 Weapon stand {in Bunker} 1 AAHMG stand (RoF 2)) (attached) {in Weapon Pit} Weapon Company, has been farmed out to other coys (i.e. 82mm mtr, 75mm RCLs, AAHMG) All NVA stands have Integral RPG-7 This battalion has recently arrived in the area to teach the Mercenary aggressors a lesson. The VC ambush should bring a response from US forces in the surrounding areas. The 1st coy is in an ambush position on the main road into the area. The 2nd coy is in an ambush position on a secondary trail, and as flank security for 1st coy. The 3rd coy is in an ambush position covering a likely LZ on the flank of the bns route of withdrawal. The Bn HQ is in a series of reserve entrenchment's and Bunkers that form a fall back position for the NVA Bn and VC coy. Note: the various defensive areas have been rigged for telephone order transmission, with further communication "nodes" on the planned route of withdrawal. The plan is to hit the enemy, and either "Hold his belt" if destruction of the enemy is possible or if he is too strong then withdraw to further ambush positions before he can bring in excessive force. Main Objective: Inflict more damage to the enemy than the unit suffers.
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