by Rolfe Hedges
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OrientationBashoe is a (fictional) nation located on the SW African Coast. Two days ago a Coup deposed the government (and hung the president) and installed a military junta. After the Coup, the nation has been witness to numerous and escalating violent acts. As the harbor and airfields have been closed, the US Ambassador requested that US and Allied Nationals be evacuated. 26th MEU inserted a Non-Combat Evacuation Force to the Embassy. The Bashoe Military fired on the helicopters inflicting, effective SAM fire downed a CH-46 (killing six Marines), so neither the nationals or the Marines can be withdrawn by air. Terrain OrientThe game board is a 4' x 8' sheet of plywood. The south edge is a beach. 2000m north of the beach is "Bashoe City" Highway One runs from the N edge through the city and up to a pier. Terrain is a mixture of hills, woods and agricultural areas. Several small outlaying hamlets are also scattered about. The city is roughly 1500m E-W by 1000m N-W and centered on the board. The city center is 24 blocks of brick and wood construction, an industrial area consists of sheet metal warehouses bulk liquid storage tanks and shipping containers. Three blocks of 6 - 8 story 'high rises' on the west side, dominate the sky line. The embassy is a 4"x4" stone stucture on the N side of the city. The National Palace is nearby. The rest of the city is a shanty town (treat as brush). The US NEO force starts at the embassy. The remainder of the force must enter per the "landing plan." There are six stands of friendly civilians which must be evacuated. Five are located at the embassy. One is located in the Southern-most "high-rise." The Bashoe Para Commandos start distributed evenly through the city.Before they can start effective offensive action they must regroup. The Armor Bn recon BRMD enters the N edge durning turn 2. The rest of the Bn follows on turn 3. Non-Combatants: Each housing building contains one non-combatant stand. They will stay in the building unless it's fired on or entered by troops of either side. Then they will flee 3d6 inches generally away from the fighting. Shantytown areas contain 1 std per 2x2 area. CNN Newscrew: A 1/2 sized CNN newscrew will be controlled by the referree. They have no real purpose exept "Yes we have video of you firing your tank main gun at that house." Victory ConditionsBasically, If the US player can evacuate the US and allied nationals and then withdraw all of his units to the ship he wins. If the Bashoe force can capture any civilians or prevent the withdraw of any US unit he wins. US vehicles and stands destroyed, creat casualties which must be evacuated. SituationEnemy Forces: The Bashoe 1st Para Commando Battalion are located in Bashoe City. They are equipped with AK-47s, RPK, RPG-16s, AT-7 ATGM, and a handful of BMP-2 (w 30mm cannon). They are dispered at road blocks and post through the city. Reports of looting and acts of violence by these troops indicate that their discipline may be breaking down. Elements of the Bashoe Tank Brigade, are expected to begin arriving at Bashoe City around 0700. Naval Aviation has attrited them significantly but approximately a Battalion has leaked through. Original Brigade strength was 3 Bns of T-62 (42 tanks), a Bn of Motor Rifle Troop (46 BTR-60s), a Artillery Bn (18 D-30 How)120mm Mortars. Enemy aviation and air defense assets have been effectively neutralized. 26 MEU has directed BLT 2/6 to conduct a ground movement to link up with and evacuate the NEO force. Commander's Intent is to swiftly penetrate the coast, link up and then fight a delaying action to cover the withdraw ensuring that all US and Allied nationals and military personnel are brought out while minimizing collateral damage. The USS Scott is providing Naval Gunfire Support. The USS George Washington is providing air cover and deep interdiction strikes no A/C available for CAS. 26th MEU's is available and consists of two AH-1W, two AV-8B, 2 CH-53 {cc 2 if armed troops, 3 if civilians} 2 CH-46 {cc 1 troop, 2 civilian}. Exp:9 Mission: At 0545, BLT 2/6 will conduct an amphibious raid in the vicinity of the Bashoe City in order to extract the NEO force. US ForcesExperienced: 9 NEO Force (Starts in perimeter Defense around U.S. Embassy):
1 JASCO std Landing Support Plt (ROF 2 other) G Co:
1 USMC Weapons Stand (RoF 2/3), SMAW (RoF 1) 3 USMC Infantry stand (RoF 3/2), Integral AT-4 LAW. 1 Javelin ATGM (ROF 1) Max Rg:40", 7:x7 Recon Teams: The Bn STA Plt and MEU Recon Plt start the game ashore. The US Player may place four recon patrols anyplace on the board at least 1000m from the city. These teams must be extracted. Echo Co: Enters via amphip landing on south edge of board on Turn 1.
1 USMC Weapons Stand (RoF 2/3), SMAW (RoF 1) 3 USMC Infantry stand (RoF 3/2), Integral AT-4 LAW. 1 M-1 tank 3 AAVP-7 {cc 4} 1 Armoured dozer with line charge (2 shots) trailer Fox Co: Enters via helicopter insertion into LZ chosen by player anywhere on board at least 1000m from city on turn 1.
1 USMC Weapons Stand (RoF 2/3), SMAW (RoF 1) 3 USMC Infantry stand (RoF 3/2), Integral AT-4 LAW. 1 Javelin ATGM (ROF 1) Max Rg:40", 7:x7 Enter on turn 2 S edge of board. 4 LCACs. Each can carry two LAV or 3 HMMWV. Can all withdraw at the same time or seperately. LAV Plt (one full LCAC load)
LAV-TOW (RoF 0) {cc 1/2} patrol stand (RoF 2/1) {sz 1/2} CAAT Tm Hunter
1 HMMWV w TP: Mk-19 AGL (RoF 1/2) CAAT Tm Killer
1 armoured HMMWV w TP: TOW IIB (RoF 1) Engr Plt: Cmd engineer stand (RoF 3/2) w HMMWV Support Elements
1 Armoured HMMWV w TP:HMG 2 81mm Mortar stands (ds) 2 HMMWV The Artillery Battery (Golf Btry, 2/10) may be brought on during turn 3, or not depending on US players orders. These are landed on the same LCUs which land the tanks and M-9 ACEs. They take a turn to cycle through the load off-load sequence. If they have to be withdrawn then the tanks and ACEs cannot be reembarked for two turns.
1 armoured HMMWV w TP: Mk-19 AGL (RoF 1/2) 1 155mm Hwtz 1 gun crew (ds) 1 gun truck w TP:HMG 2 ammo trucks with trailers 2 support MMG stands (RoF 1/2) Bashoe ForcesOrders from the Commander in Chief: The Coup was successful, and we have taken control of the nation, but now the Americans have invaded. First they landed troops in the capital. We shot down a dozen of their helicopters. All night long we have faced constant air raids and firing of cannon and missiles from ships. Our air force continues to fight and has destroyed 63 American jets and three Naval Vessels. With the coming of the Dawn we will prove that we are powerful and no one can impose their will on our mighty nation. Red Lion Bn: Attack and destroy the American enclave. Capture the civilians, they will ensure that we are paid reparations for the damage done to our country. The Rhino Battallion is even now moving to your aid. Rhino Bn: You have skillfully maneuvered within striking range. Manuever to the south of the city and ensure that the Americans cannot move more forces to the aid of those alread in the city. Red Lion Battalion (Trained 8) Currently dispersed in a security role in Bashoe City. Bn HQ:
3 Airborne Infantry Companies, each with:
2 Infantry (RoF 2/1) std, RPG-16D (RoF 1) Rhino Bn (Trnd 7) BRDM enters N edge on Turn 2. Remainder of Bn follows on turn 3.
Recon BRDM 1st Co
2 T-62 2d Co
3d Co
4th Co
2 Infantry (RoF 2/1) std, RPG-16D (RoF 1) 1 AT-4 Std 1 SPG-9 Std 3 BTR-70 Hvy Mortar Btry
1 120mm Mortar 1 Med Truck AFTER GAME REPORTPlayed Sun PM. Two Players, and 1 Ref (Me). Interesting, challenging and eventful. Both players were fast and aggressive. US Player got the embassy staff (+) and all of his troops out but got shot up pretty well. Significant collateral damage inflicted by both sides, US Player refrained from using supporting arms in the city. Played ten turns in three hours and fifteen minutes. Both players were new to C.A., but have played board wargames. Both players felt the results were reasonably realistic, MOUT fighting was bloody and supporting arms were not very effective. Some high-points:
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