WWII German Wehrkrise System

Illustrations (monstously slow: 488K)

By Shelby Stanton

Mea Culpa Corrections from Issue 9

Several informational errors and omissions appear in the Wehrkreis graphics which accompany Shelby Stanton's "Facts Behind the Counters" in TEN#8. These occurred during the conversion of Mr. Stanton's hand-drawn maps into graphical form and unfortunately were not detected until after publication. We apologize to Mr. Stanton and our readers and submit this listing of corrections:

Wehrkreis I: The Schuberth brigade should be political police, while Nordost is an emergency brigade.

Wehrkreis IV: The Elbe and Oberheldacher brigades are both SS.

Wehrkreis V: The southernmost city on the map is Konstanz. The maneuver divisions are misnamed. The one shown as Konigsbruck should be Heuberg and the one shown as Zeithain should be Munsingen. The emergency divisions are misnumbered. The 404 and 464 should be the 405 and 465 respectively.

Wehrkreis VII: The Bayernwald SA division should be noted as Jaeger instead of political police.

Wehrkrels VIII: The Breslau fortress unit should be a division instead of a brigade.

Wehrkreis X: The Munster, MunsterNord, and Putlos divisions are maneuver divisions.

Wehrkreis XI: The western city should be Hannover and the eastern one Magdeburg. The maneuver divisions are misidentified. The 401 should be Altengrabow and the 461 should be Bergen.

Wehrkreis XVII: The southernmost city is Wiener Neustadt.

Wehrkreis XVIII: Note the correct spelling of Innsbruck.

Wehrkreis XX: The Westpreussen and Weischel SS units are maneuver units.

Wehrkrise Military Districts and Troops

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