Scorched Earth Errata

April 1, 1989

By John Astell

Axis OB:

Jan I 43: (additional to the note): German Reserve, ersatz, and training units may be disbanded. German divisions (any unit types) may be disbanded.

Mar I 43: (additional): German: Replacement Pool: Remove: 1x 2-6* Inf 111369 (Cr)

Aug I 43: (additional): German: Withdraw: 2x 2-10 mot hv AA 111 18, 42 (LW)

1942 Scenario:

Rumania: Rumanian Reserves: (deletion):

Change 2x 1-2-6 MG X 5, Res to 1x 1-2-6 MG X Res

Regauged Rail Lines: "1B:2006 to 1B:11132" should read "1B:2006 to 2A:1132."

Conditional Reinforcements: The German player has already received the Kaunas, Riga, Simferopol, and Tallinn conditional reinforcements.

Soviet 0B: 1942 Scenario:

General Reserves: (additional): 1x 2-1-8 Tank X 69 1x 0-6 RR Eng X

Replacement Pool: (deletion):2x 0-6 RR Eng X

"147 is listed twice in the 4-6 Rifle XX section. Delete one of these IDs.

Conditional Reinforcements: The Soviet player has received all of his conditional reinforcements except those for Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, Stalingrad, and Saratov.


Rules 41 132a. 1942 Scenario Deployment, last paragraph.

    1) Change: In the second sentence, change "inactive" to "inoperative."

    2) Add: When activating air units, the Soviet player may choose any six to be Guards. He chooses these units after activating his air units but before selecting his inoperative air units.

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