by Rich C. Velay
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185. FitE/SE Upgrades Q: Can the upgrade of Soviet Guards cavalry divisions to partial mech be done in a zone of control? Do you have to upgrade all at once? A: No upgrades can be done in a ZOC. Yes, the upgrades must be done to all Guards cavalry in play (full strength units, cadres, or units in the replacement pool). Units to be upgraded which are in a ZOC in the upgrade turn are upgraded in the first friendly initial phase in which they are not in an enemy ZOC. 186. FitE/SE Airfields Q: As airfields cannot he built in woods, can a reference city or a dot city in a woods hex have its airfield upgraded? For example, could an engineer in Pskov (]A:] 705) upgrade the one-capacity airfield due to the reference city into a fourcapacity airfield? A: No. The terrain of a hex determines what can be built there, not any other features in the hex. There is no provision for upgrading any airfields in FitE/SE, so an airfield cannot be built in a woods hex, regardless of whether or not a city is in the hex. 187. AH: Overruns Q: A German player moves a 9- 10 from hex A to hex B, spending 2 MP; an 11-10 from hex C to hex B, spending 3 MP; and a 10-10 from hex D to hex B, spending 1 MP. He then wants to overrun hex E, adjacent to hex B. Is this legal? A: Yes, this is legal. Note that there are no provisions in the rules saying that one unit has to finish moving before moving another unit. Also, there is no requirement that overrunning units must begin the turn stacked together. The important thing to remember is that all overrunning units must enter the defender's hex from the same hex, and that all overrunning units must be able to pay all costs involved in the overrun. Both for overruns and for certain engineering functions, it is often more efficient to move one unit a few MPs, then move another unit a few MPs, etc. Since this happens infrequently, it is usually quite simple to manage this. If you want, use status markers to record the number of MPs spent by a unit. 188. FitE/SE: Exchange losses Q: In an exchange, is the face value or the modified value of the units used? I just took Odessa with a DR-cum-EX thanks-to-the-bloody-NKVD, and I can't remember if I use the face value, or modified due to U-2 status of the defenders. A: EX and HX losses are always calculated at face value. 189. FitE/SE: Reinforcements Q: When placing positional AA from "other forces reinforcements, does one point of AA count as one unit? Or, since AA points may be combined, could all the available points of AA be combined into one "unit" and placed at one city? A: The latter. Since positional AA are not units, they are not subject to the limitation of one unit per city. 190. FitE/SE. Engineers Q: Could an Axis 0-2-5 construction engineer (counted as two construction units) build a fort in a clear or rough hex, expending 2.5 MPs, and also build an airfield using its remaining 2.5 MPs? A: No. A construction-capable unit can begin one and only one task per friendly initial phase. 191. FitE/SE: Soviet replacements Q: When placing Soviet replacement builds, do you calculate all possible replacements for each MD and then start allocating them to cities, or does each replacement type (Inf other forces, special reps) all get allocated separately"' A: Special replacements are not handled any differently than any other replacements. You simply add the special reps you have allocated to a particular MD (up to a limit of ten per initial phase) before you do any replacement activities. Then you spend any amount, up to the current total, and place the units as normal. For example, Leningrad MD could be allocated ten special reps, plus the usual three for that MD, to rebuild units. Replacements are replacements, regardless of where they came from: the OB, special, disbands, or whatever. 192. SE/SF Commandos and Bridges Q: When a Brandenburger unit captures a bridge, does it remain captured infuture turns as long as they can hold onto the hexside? Can afurther attempt be made to attack with one unit unhampered across the bridge, or is the first turn of capture the only time this can be done? A: The special ability of Commandos (including Brandenburgers) to capture a bridge is covered in SF Rule 44A1 and in SE Rule 39A. When a Cmdo captures a bridge, it becomes friendly-owned from the phase following the phase it was captured. Any one unit can attack across the river without combat modifications, due to the river hexside, in that combat phase following capture, only. The special combat ability only applies to the combat phase immediately following the movement phase in which the bridge was captured. The bridge remains captured, which affects demolition and repair, as long as the enemy player does not regain ownership of the two hexes that the bridge hexside is adjacent to. And of course, one cannot attempt to capture a friendly-owned bridge, in order to get the one unaffected unit combat effect again. Back to Europa Number 58 Table of Contents Back to Europa List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1997 by GR/D This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |