Designer and Developer Notes
by Martin Duke
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I have found that the hardest part about playing a wargame is not necessarily related to the complexity of the rules or the size of the counter mix. Both things add length, but do not actually make it harder to play. Rather, the difficult thing about playing correctly is remembering the minutiae, the special conditions that plague games striving for realism. As examples, look at the modifier applied to assault engineers when attacking certain terrain types and the endless garrison checks in Balkan Front. I am not saying that these should be removed, on the contrary, they enrich the game and I would hate for them to disappear. Nevertheless, when I first purchased Balkan Front, my first Europa game), I was overwhelmed by the number of references throughout the rules to various things that must be done during the initial phase, or a special consideration for a type of battle. I was further alarmed that nowhere were these various steps outlined and summarized; they were all over the rule book. To compensate I went through the rulebook. finding all of the references to separate actions taken in a turn. In addition, I included notes detailing hard-to-remember special conditions (like the assault engineer rule mentioned above) and finally arrived at the expanded sequence of play presented here. This sequence of play does two things. It demonstrates to the beginning player clearly what happens in a turn, and they make all players more secure that they aren't forgetting anything. I wouldn't play Europa without them. Start of Game TurnWeather Check Axis player rolls for weather (27). See effects:
supply considerations (12); construction abilities (14A); airborne operations (25A); amphibious landings (26132); all bombing strengths are halved in poor weather (27). Note on turn that zone D weather changes from poor to clear, rivers are in flood (32A5). Axis Surprise Attack Turn[First clear weather turn in Zone D in 1941 if Axis player calls
for German intervention]
The Axis player deploys his intervention forces (29A).
Movement Phase The same as the Axis [Movement/Air/Combat] Phase (see below), except that only German Intervention forces may move. No rail or naval transport may be performed (6). Air Phase The same as the Axis [Movement/Air/Combat] Phase (see below), except that only German Intervention forces may fly missions (16-22, 24-25). Combat Phase The same as the Axis [Movement/Air/Combat] Phase (s, below), except that only German Intervention forces rn~ attack (9). Axis Player TurnInitial Phase
Zara Garrison Check [Until Yugoslavia joins the Allies] Deduct VPs if Zara Garrison is not in place (28Alb). Rhodes Garrison Check [Until Greek govt. is captured or evacuated] Deduct VPs if Rhodes Garrison is not in place (28AIc). Occupation Garrison Check [If Axis owns non-point cities in Greece and Yugoslavia] Check reference, dot, and major cities for garrisons and deduct VPs if necessary (28D). German Assistance Step [Dec I 40 to Apr II 41, inclusive, until German intervention] Axis player may receive 5-10 REs of German assistance at deduct VPs accordingly (28A2a). German Withdrawal Step [Withdrawal must be ordered either May I or May II 41 Germany intervened] The Axis player withdraws German forces; deduct VPs if force are withdrawn on May II 41 (28A2c). (28A2c). Bulgarian Pressure Step [Once per game, after Nov 140 but before German intervention Axis may call for Active Bulgarian participation (28C I). Yugoslav Pressure Step [Once per game, after Nov 140 but before German intervention Axis may call for Yugoslavia to join the Axis (28C2). Reinforcement Step Axis player receives, replaces, and withdraws forces (29). Maintenance Step Axis player attempts to repair inoperative Axis air units (23). Special Operations Planning Step Plan Axis airborne and amphibious assaults for units not enemy ZOC to be executed next turn. Cancel previous planned missions (25C, 26132). Airborne Unit Disruption Recovery Step Return disrupted Axis airborne units return to normal (25A). Supply Step Both players determine supply status of their units (12). Construction Step Axis Construction engineers may start and finish construction up to 4 forts and permanent airfields (14A1). Air Return Step Axis defensive air support and naval transport bombing mission forces return to base (20F2c,h). Movement Phase Axis player moves his units (6A), performing administrative, rail, road, and naval transport (6B, 7, and 26B), conducting overruns and obeying stacking limits (8). Resolve naval interdiction if necessary (26C). Construct temporary airfields (14A I and 32A4). Demolish or repair ports and bridges (14AI and 32C). Break and repair rail lines (7A4 and 14AI). Damage and repair airbases (16D) and (14AI). Execute overrun attacks during movement (13). Allied player rolls for air unit escape from captured airbases (1713). Naval Transport Bombing:
2. Resolve Bombing Attack 3. Return Planes to an Airbase Air Phase Phasing Player Air Movement Step Move Axis air units to their mission hexes (18). Transfer missions may occur (20D). Perform patrol attacks (19) except for night missions (24E). Allied Interceptor Movement Step Allied player flies his interceptors to Axis mission hexes (18), and scrambles fighters (20B). Air Combat Resolution Step
2. Combat occurs in the escort screen. Unengaged escorts attack the bypassing interceptors (21B1e-f, 21B2-3). 3. Surviving bypassing interceptors choose and attack mission force aircraft (21B1e-f, 21B2-3). Mission Resolution Step [For all missions but defensive air support and naval transport bombing]
2. Resolve bombing mission [except ground support] (20). 3. Roll for airborne unit disruption (25A). Interceptor Return Step Allied interceptors return to airbases. Air Unit Return Step [All but ground and defensive air support and naval transport bombing] Escorts and mission forces return to airbases. Combat Phase For each attack the following steps occur: AA Fire Step AA fires at defensive air support (22133). Combat Resolution Step (9A-F)
2. Sum defense strength as modified by terrain (9H), supply (12D), and support (11). Add tactical bombing strength (20F2c).
Bombing strength in excess of ground strength is ignored (20172b-c). Assault engineer units have their attack strength and effective RE size doubled when attacking major cities. They receive the former bonus attacking across a fortified hexside (14A3). 3. Calculate odds. 4. Calculate die roll modifiers effects due to: AEC/ATEC (10); weather (27); terrain (9H).
If neutral AEC/ATEC REs are twice as large as full and half REs, the excess counts as no AEC/ATEC (10F). Half AEC/ATEC capable units may be treated as neutral at the owning player's option (10E). 5. Roll the die, apply the modifier, and implement the result. Implement required losses (91).
If the combat engineer bonus was used, they must sustain half of the losses (14A2). Air Return Step Ground support air units return to airbase (20F2b). Exploitation Phase Same as movement phase above, but only for c/m units. No rail, administrative, or naval transport may be performed. Allied Player TurnInitial Phase Government Evacuation Step Allied player may evacuate Greek (28131a) or Yugoslav (28C2a) government. Metaxas Line Garrison Check [Until Bulgaria joins Axis or Germany intervenes] Deduct VPs and enact restrictions if Metaxas Line Garrison is not in place (28131b). Crete Garrison Check [Until Axis units are on Crete] Deduct VPs if Crete Garrison is not in place (28131c). Eastern Greece Garrison Check [Until Bulgariajoins Axis or Germany intervenes] Deduct VPs if Eastern Greece Garrison is not in place (28131d). Naval Interdiction Zone Declaration Step Allied player may declare a loose or tight naval interdiction zone (26C). Reinforcement Step (29) Axis player receives, replaces, and withdraws forces (29). Maintenance Step (23)Allied player attempts to repair inoperative Allied air units (23). Special Operations Planning Step Plan Allied amphibious assaults for units not in enemy ZOC to be executed next turn. Cancel previously planned missions (25C, 26B2). Supply Step (12) Both players determine supply status of their units (12). Construction Step (14A1) Allied Construction Engineers may start and finish construction of up to 4 forts and permanent airfields (14A1). Air Return Step Defensive air support and naval transport bombing missions return to airbases (20F2c,h) Movement Phase Axis player moves his units (6A), performing administrative, rail, road, and naval transport (613, 7, and 26B), conducting overruns (10) and obeying stacking limits (8)). Resolve naval interdiction if necessary (26C). Construct temporary airfields (14A1 and 32A4). Demolish orrepair ports and bridges (14AI and 32C). Break and repair rail lines (7A4 and 14A1). Damage and repair airbases (16D) and (14A1). Execute overrun attacks during movement (13). Axis player rolls for air unit escape from captured airbases (1713). Naval Transport Bombing:
2. Resolve Bombing Attack 3. Return Planes to an Airbase Air Phase Allied Air Movement Step Moves Allied air units to their mission hexes (18). Transfer missions may occur (20D). Perform patrol attacks (19) except for night missions (24E). Axis Interceptor Movement Step The Axis player flies his interceptors to Axis mission hexes (18), and scrambles fighters (20B). Air Combat Resolution Step
2. Combat occurs in the escort screen. Unengaged escorts attack the bypassing interceptors (21B1e-f, 21B2-3). 3. Surviving bypassing interceptors choose and attack mission force aircraft (21B1e-f, 21B2-3). Mission Resolution Step [For all missions but defensive air support and naval transport bombing]
2. Resolve bombing mission [except ground support] (20). 3. Roll for airborne unit disruption (25A). Interceptor Return Step Axis interceptors return to airbases. Air Unit Return Step Allied mission forces and escorts return to airbases. [All ground and defensive air support and naval transport bombing] Combat Phase For each attack the following steps occur: AA Fire Step AA fires at defensive air support (22133). Combat Resolution Step (9A-F)
2. Total defense strength as modified by terrain (9H), supply (12D), and support (11). Add tactical bombing strength (20F2c).
Bombing strength in excess of ground strength is ignore (20F2b-c). Assault engineer units have their attack strength an effective RE size doubled when attacking major citie,, They receive the former bonus attacking across a fortifie, hexside (14A3). 3. Calculate odds. 4. Calculate die roll modifiers effects due to: AEC/ATEC (10), weather (27), terrain (9H).
If neutral AEC/ATEC REs are twice as large as full and half REs, the excess counts as no AEC/ATEC (10F). Half AEC/ATEC capable units may be treated as neutral a the owning player's option (10E). 5. Roll the die, apply the modifier, and implement the result Implement required losses (9I):
If the combat engineer bonus was used, they must sustain half of the losses (14A2). Air Return Step Ground support air units return to airbase (20F2b). Exploitation Phase Same as movement phase above, but only for c/m units. No rail administrative, or naval transport may be performed. End of Game TurnAlbanian Revolt Check Roll for Albanian revolt (28A1d). Ceasing Operations [ After all Allied capitals have been captured or evacuated] Axis player may cease operations Q 1 A). Back to Europa Number 57 Table of Contents Back to Europa List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1997 by GR/D This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |