by Rich C. Velay and Rick Gayler
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Although many of these questions are new, some have previously appeared in the Rules Court sections of TEM #20, #30, and #31. 144. BF: Islands Concerning restrictions on amphibious landings are the following considered as part of mainland Greece or as islands: Leukas (Hex 0220), Euboea (Hex 0511), andfinally the large mass containing hex 0918? Ruling them as mainland Greece would prohibit amphibious landings. Note that this last is separated by water between hexes 0813 and 0814. A: Leukas and Euboea are both islands. The Peloponnesus is separated from the mainland by a water hexside, but not by an all sea hexside, just a canal. This is part of mainland Greece. An island is an island, regardless of man-made features like a railway, or special conditions, like a narrow straits. Even a full causeway wouldn't change an island into mainland. 145. BF: Fort Construction Rule 14A1 states that a construction unit can build a fort in any clear or rough hex. Does this preclude building a fort in a Partial Hex or Full Hex City? A: Yes, forts may only be built in clear or rough hexes. Full and partial city hexes are specific terrain types, like swamp and mountain (for example) and are thus prohibited from having forts built in them per Balkan Front's rules. 146. BF: Surrendered Units Referring to Rule 28B1a (The Allies / Greece / Government) Are units that surrender counted as eliminatedfor VP purposes? A: Yes. 147. BF: Surrendered Units Again referring Rule 28B1a, are Yugoslav units on Greek islands, and Greek units on Yugoslav islands, immune from surrender? A: No. The rule is trying to pull double duty here, dealing with both Greek and Yugoslavian surrender. A unit does not surrender (per 28A1 a or 28C2a) if it is on an island of its home nation. 148. BF: Victory Conditions Referring to Rule 31B, are VPs awarded for eliminated units which have been subsequently rebuilt using replacement points? A: No. VP awards for eliminated units are based upon what is in the replacement pool, or at cadre strength on map, at the end of the game. 149. BF: Surrender of Yugoslavia Please clarify the surrender of Yugoslavia. Is it handled in the same manner as Greece? Is the operative action the loss of the capital or the loss/evacuation of the government? A: The capture of Yugoslavia is indeed handled the same as with Greece. In fact, the Rule 28B1a should be treated as generic to the two countries. As the wording implies, it covers either the government of Greece or of Yugoslavia. Note that a capital may be voluntarily evacuated, or it may be forced to evacuate if it is lucky enough to roll a I or 2 and elude capture. If voluntarily evacuated, the forces of that nation surrender during the current Allied initial phase. If evacuation is forced through loss of ownership of the hex, or if the government is captured, the forces surrender immediately after the escape roll for the government. 150. BF: Capitals and Governments Please clarify the distinction between Allied capitals and governments. For example, do the Axis gain victory points for capturing Beograd (a city, the capital) or for capturing the government (a counter, which can escape)? A: The capital marker denotes the hex where the government is located. If the government is captured or evacuated, the capital marker is removed. The Axis player gains the victory point for capturing the "capital" meaning the government, not the city of Beograd. 151. BF: Opening Set-up In Marita-Merkur the Yugoslav border defense units were forced to set up one unit per hex. Apparently this restriction is not in effectfor Balkan Front, correct? A: The deployment restriction prohibiting more than one border regiment per hex was intentionally dropped in BF. 152. BF: Air Base Damage The rules say that once an airbase has been reduced to zero capacity, further hits have no effect. I imagine that what you have in mind is that airbases, unlike ports, cannot take damage beyond their capacity. However, suppose an airbase accommodates air units beyond its capacity. As I read the rule, excess air units are immune from damage! For example, suppose multiple Allied air units are based at a reference city, with an airfield under construction in the same hex. In the Axis turn, bombers attack this hex: assume the Axis get a hit on their first roll, reducing the reference city's capacity to 0 and damaging one Allied air unit. All future hits have no effect! In the Allied initial phase, the airfield is completed, and Allied air is back in business. Am I missing something? A: You are interpreting the rule too strictly. 20F2A states "Each hit affects the airbase and one air unit on the ground there." The two paragraphs that follow explain the effects a hit has on (a) an airbase, and (b) the air units located there. Once the capacity of an airbase has reached 0, further hits against the airbase are ignored (that is, the capacity of an airbase cannot be reduced below zero). However, further hits would continue to affect any air units at the airbase per the last paragraph of the rule. A slight rewording of the rule was adopted in A Winter War for the sake of clarity. 153. BF: Rail Supply Lines Do you trace two rail supply lines-high-volume and low- volume (Rule 12B3)? A: No. You trace just one rail supply line. It can go over any number of high-volume rail hexes but only a maximum of seven low-volume rail hexes. By the way, the seven low volume hexes need not be traced all together. For example, you could trace along four low-volume hexes, then a high-volume line, then three more low-volume hexes. 154. BF: Rail Supply Lines Tracing a maximum of seven low-volume rail hexes means the Germans can't use the Greek-Bulgarian low-volume line once they're deep in Greece-it's just barely too long! A: Right. This is why the Germans pressured Yugoslavia to join the Axis in 1941. They needed the high-volume Yugoslav line running into Greece in order to supply their troops. [See the scenario in this issue "Neutral Yugoslavia" to explore the effects. - FM 155. BF: Fort Construction I have an engineer that starts to build a fort in a hex. It must stay in the hex while it is building the fort, but can it use its MPs to do other things in the hex, such as building a temporary airfield? (Rule 14A) A: No. An engineer cannot spend any MPs when building a fort or permanent airfield. It must abandon construction of the fort or perinanent airfield first to do so. 156. BF: Airfield Constuction Can you build a permanent airfield in a hex containing a temporary airfield? A: Yes. Rule 14A1 prohibits building a permanent airfield in a hex already containing a permanent airfield, but it does not prohibit this for a hex containing a temporary airfield. Remove the temporary airfield when the permanent airfield in the hex is completed. 157. BF: Airfield Construction Can you build a temporary airfield in a hex containing a permanent airfield? A: No. Rule 14A1 prohibits building a temporary airfield in a hex containing "any airfield." 158. BF: Harassment In harassment bombing (Rule 20F2d), a unit moving by rail from a harassment hex spends an extra MP. This is a "real" MP, not just one hex ofrail movement, right? A: Right. 159. BF: Naval Transport Bombing Are naval transport points that are eliminated by bombing (Rule 20F2h) lost permanently or temporarily? A: Permanently - eliminated is eliminated. If they were lost only temporarily, then the rules would have said so and told you how long they would be lost and when they would come back. 160. BF/SE: Conditional Reinforcements When the conditions are met for conditional reinforcements, do they arrive immediately, regardless of player turn and phase? A: The second sentence of the first paragraph of Rule 29A governs: "A player places his reinforcements on the map during his initial phase, as specified by his order of battle." [Actually, this question may be more appropriate for Scorched Earth than Balkan Front, since the Balkan Front orders of battle are very specific about when conditional reinforcements appear. As a Scorched Earth example of the above ruling, if a German unit first moves within seven hexes of Leningrad during the Axis movement phase, the three conditional Soviet NKVD rifle divisions would be placed as reinforcements in the next Soviet initial phase.] 161. BF: High-capacity Airfields There are airfield counters provided in the game with capacities greater than three. Are these to be used in Balkan Front? A: No, these are for eventual use in other games and in Grand Europa. 162. BF: Supply Lines - Narrow Straits When tracing an overland supply line, shouldn't narrow straits hexsides count as one hex against the length of the supply line, as with major rivers? A: This was not included in Balkan Front for simplicity, but if you would like to add this as an additional penalty under Rule 32A3, you may do so. 163. BF: Point City Status Whenever the rules and charts refer to "cities," does this include the new point cities? Specifically, are point cities considered when calculating the die modifier for Albanian revolt? (Rule 2BA1d) A: Yes, unless specifically stated otherwise, references to "cities" apply to all cities on the maps, including point cities. 164. BF: AEC Examples The examples given in Rule 10C4 are for clear weather situations, right? A: Yes, and this should have been so noted in the rules. If the weather were poor, the die roll would not be modified due to AEC in either example. 165. BF: Cadres / Stacking Are cadres 1 RE for stacking? A: Cadres count as non-divisional units for stacking. 166. BF: Cadres / Support Do cadres provide support to other units like full divisions do? A: No. 167. BF: Airbase Construction If an airbase is built on a reference city (for example), can you base three air units at the airbase and one at the city? A: Yes, the capacity of a temporary or permanent airfield is in addition to the intrinsic airbase capacity of any fortress, refer- ence, or dot city in the hex. 168. BF: Administrative Movement Does administrative movement also halve the cost of naval and rail movement? (Rule 68) A: No, rail and naval movement is calculated normally when used in combination with administrative movement. Note that the wording of rule 613's first bullet clearly segregates administrative movement from naval and rail movement, but does allow it to be used in combination with them. 169. BF: Administrative Movement / Narrow Straits You cannot use administrative movement over an unhridged major river hexside. Does this also apply to a narrow straits hexside? (Rule 6B)9 A: The rules as written permit the use of administrative movement when crossing a narrow straits hexside. Narrow straits is clearly a different type of hexside than major river (see the Terrain Effect Chart) and is not listed in the restrictions under the fifth bullet of rule 6B. 170. BF: Narrow Straits When you cross the narrow straits from 15B: 0517 to 0417, can you use the road rate to enter 0417? A: You cannot use the road movement rate to move from 15B:0517 to 0417, as these hexes are not connected by a transportation line. Rule 7A states 'A unit may use the transportation line movement rate only when moving in hexes directly connected to one another by the line.' For example: the movement cost for an infantry division to enter hex 15B:0417 from 15B:0517 would be 4 MPs: 2 MPs for entering the rough hex and +2 MPs for crossing the narrow straits hexside. 171. BF: Map irregularities Is hex 14A:4110 a mountain or rough hex? A: Hex 14A4110 is a rough hex with a mountain hexside along 4110/4209. Attacks into the hex that cross the mountain hexside would suffer the effects of both terrain types: that is, the defender would get a -1 for the rough terrain, and the attacking units (except that mountain units attacking across the mountain hexside would be halved). I suspect what is causing the confusion is the fact that the mountain hexside coloring is a little off the hexside, but this was done so as not to obscure the fortified hexside symbol This is also clarified in the Balkan Front errata. 172. BF: Ownership If ownership is acquired during the movement phase, does it allow any of thefollowing: The use of a railroadfor rail movement in that same move- ment phase? A: Yes. The use of a port for naval transport in that same movement phase? A: No, see rule 26A3, second paragraph. The use of a beach hex without having to declare an amphibious invasion? A: Yes. 173. BF: Capturing Airbases How about the use of an airbase acquired by an airborne unit during the same air phase? Can other non-airborne units be landed there using air transport? A: Yes. Here's how it works. Rule 17C states that a captured airbase immediately becomes a friendly airbase and may be used from the instant of its capture.' Furthermore, Rule 25B states that if the hex is not occupied by enemy units, then undisrupted airborne units gain immediate ownership of any airbase in the Therefore, it follows that other non-airbome units being transported by air could and at any airbase just acquired by an undisrupted airborne unit either during the same mission resolution step, or during the immediately following air return step if the transport desired to remain at the newly acquired base. Note that if there is an enemy unit in the hex containing the airbase, unless that unit is only a position AA unit, then the airborne unit will have to fight it during the combat phase and so will not gain ownership independent on the outcome of the combat in time for any other friendly non airborne units to land there during that player turn. 174. BF: Unit Conversions In the Greek order o battle on Jan I 1941 there are several conversions listed, one of which is a conversion of the 12th Mountain Division to the 12th Infantry Division. Rule 29D states that a player may defer a conversion. Why would the Greek player ever actually convert the 12th Mountain to a less capable unit? A: You are misreading the OB: this is a three-for-three conversion, not three one-for-one conversions. Any three units to be converted must be stacked in the same hex, In supply, and out of enemy ZOC. Then, if desired, they may be converted in the owning player's initial phase en masse to the three new units shown. Note that this is a good deal, as the Greeks receive an extra 4 attack and defense strength points, and an additional unit with a cadre side, and lose only marginal mountain capability. You say one of these units has been eliminated? Remember the preamble to Rule 29: 'On the order of battle, unit identifications are given for historical interest and may be ignored. So just substitute any other unit of the same type and strength end make the conversion. By the way this conversion represents a significant reorganization within the Greek army which occurred on Jan II 41. 175. BF: Conversions There is a Greek conversion of two border brigades into an infantry division on the Feb II 41 turn yet the rules make no mention of whether the border brigades must be stacked together for the conversion. Do they? A: Yes. When two or more units of different type or strength convert into one or more new units, the units to be converted must be stacked in the same hex. When the conversion occurs, all converting units are removed and the new unit(s) are placed in their hex. This treatment is necessary to avoid 'teleportation' of units around the board, such as removing one border brigade in Crete and the other in Albania and having the new division show up in Crete. This treatment applies for other games as well. For example, the Slovakian conversion listed for the Aug 11 41 turn of Scorched Earth. Note that this treatment would not apply to the Soviet Guards conversions listed for the Sep II 41 turn of SE, for example. Neither would it apply to similar cases where a number of identical units convert into an equal amount of identical new unit In such cases, the conversions con be conducted one at a time in different hexes or even in different turns, if desired. Also note that there is a typo in the OB for this conversion: the Greek XI Border Brigade should be a 1-2-6, not a 1-6. 176. BF: Rail Capacity If a nation is isolated from its allies (such as Yugoslavia from Greece) can its share of the alliance's railcap still be used in other country? Even if it is conquered? (Rule 7A2) A: it is best to answer this question 'yes' for simplicity's sake. For example, when Yugoslavia joins the Allied side. The Allied rail capacity increases to 20 REs per turn. This rail capacity may be used in subsequent turns by any Allied units. 177. BF: Captured Rail Capacity? Is it possible in Balkan Front to capture rail capacity? (Rule 7A2) No, nor destroy it. 178. BF: Axis Naval Transport If the Axis player uses naval transport to move an RE from the Adriatic to the Aegean sea zone, or vice versa, does it cost him an NTP from his allowance in each region? (Rule 26B) A: Axis naval transport directly between the Adriatic and Aegean sea zones is not allowed. This is intentional, due to British naval domination of the Ionian Sea. 179. BF: Intervention Air Phase Rule 28A2b states that only German intervention forces may fly missions during the surprise turn. Does this mean that Allied air units may notfly patrol attacks or interception missions? A: No--the reference '...only German intervention forces...' refers to Axis forces, not Allied. Allied air units may fly patrol attacks and interception missions normally during the surprise turn. 180. BF: Bulgaria - ZOCs At what point do Allied units project ZOCs into Bulgaria? A: At the instant it joins the Axis. 181. BF: AEC Examples Is there a VP penalty if the Metaxas Line or Eastern Greece garrisons fall below their prescribed limits? (Rules 28B1b and Rule 28B1d) A: I can certainly see how you might think that. But here is how it actually works: The '-2 VPs per RE' mentioned in the VP chart only applies to those rules that specifically call for that penalty. These are Rules 28A1a, 28A1h 28B1c, 28B1d, and 2B0. Note that Rule 2813ld is missing a paragraph of text 'Check the garrison at the start of each Allied initial phase. If garrison requirements are not met, the Allied player loses 2 VPs hr each missing RE.' For the Metaxas Line, in lieu of VPs, the Greek player suffers the penalties listed in Rule 28B1b instead and these would apply on Greek Turn One. However, note that a Bulgarian intervention roll is not allowed on Nov I 40. By the Nov II 40 turn the Greeks should have the garrison units in place. 182. BF: Initial Setup (Rule 33B2) The setup instructions for the Axis state: "No more than one division may be placed per hex adjacent to the Yugoslav border. " Does this mean, one division per hex, and nothing else? A: No, it means one division plus any non-divisional units up to the normal stacking limits of the hex, or any amount of non-divisional units (only up to the normal stacking limits of the hex. Questions from Other Games183. WitD: Isolation / LOC Optional Rule It seems that the decision of whether or not to use optional rule 44B1 (isolation) can have a dramatic effect on the early part of the game. This rule limits a line of communications to 14 hexes traced to a hex that can then trace a supply line to a supply terminal. The only Axis supply terminal in the beginning of the game is back in Tripoli. Without this optional rule, no Italian units are isolated in the beginning of the game. With it, I suppose that most Italian units are. Since in December I, 1940, isolated Italian units have their combat strengths and movement allowances halved and do not go in the replacement pool when eliminated, whether or not they are isolated is very important. A: The length of the LOC (unlimited without, 14 hexes with the optional rule) shouldn't make much difference, since both trace back to a hex which can trace to a supply terminal. Since the coast road is an unlimited length supply line, Italian units need only trace an LOC to any hex of the coast road from which a supply line can be traced back to Tripoli. This means that no Italian units are isolated at the start of play. You may have mistakenly thought that the LOC itself had to reach the supply terminal. This is not the case or no one could advance more than 14 hexes from a supply terminal, bad news for both the Axis and Allies! 184. System: Quick construction Can engineers capable of quick construction accomplish more than one construction task per firiendly initial phase? For example. could an Axis 0-2-5 Construction X (which counts as two construction units) build a fort in a clearlrough hex (thus expending 2.5 MPs and then ALSO build an airfield (expending its remaining 2.5 AIIIs)? A: No. Any construction capable unit is limited to starting one and only one construction task per friendly initial phase Back to Europa Number 57 Table of Contents Back to Europa List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1997 by GR/D This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |