"Soft Underbelly" is a Europa campaign scenario for Second
Front covering the Allied landings on Sicily, Sardinia, and
Mainland Italy and the corresponding offensive operations
against the Axis powers. The scenario begins with the Allied
player turn of the Jul I 43 game turn and ends with the
completion of the Allied player Jun I 44 game turn.
By July 1943, Pantelleria (the "Gibraltar of the Central
Med") and North Africa have been secured by the Allies. The
Allied Command has established limited objectives for the
Mediterranean Theater Forces. Capturing Sicily, Naples, and the
Foggia airfields will be a satisfactory outcome before poor
weather conditions set in throughout Central and Southern Italy.
After all, with Allied Intelligence reporting Italian surrender as
eminent, Italy is anticipated to collapse with the Allied invasion
of the Italian mainland.
However, Allied Command expects that any major
offensive operations to gain the Po River line will require more
troops than will be available for the Mediterranean Theater of
Operations. Without debate, Generals Marshall and Eisenhower
require that Operation OVERLORD remain the primary Allied
thrust against the Third Reich and for it to be launched as
planned in the spring of 1944.
For the Allied Mediterranean Commanders in the summer
of 1943, the question is how best to utilize their resources and
manpower in the Mediterranean Theater, without adversely
affecting the OVERLORD timetable, all the while still
maintaining offensive operations, avoiding any major defeats,
and forcing the Germans to deploy as many German units as
possible to the MTO.
All components needed to play this scenario can be found in
Second Front.
Prepare For Play
Set Up. Set up Maps 26 and 27. Play is limited to all full or
partial hexes of Map 27 to all full and partial hexes of Map 26 with
the exception of the following areas, which are out of play:
- all hexes in Albania, Greece and/or Yugoslavia;
- all hexes of Istria, (the small portion of Italy that appears on
map 26 to the east of the Adriatic, including Trieste);
- all Adriatic islands.
Off-map holding boxes used in this scenario are the same
as for Second Front where applicable.
Units Allied and
Axis players use:
- all ground and naval units as shown for the Second Front
Initial Forces, JUL 143, South and MTO Theaters;
- reinforcements and replacements as shown for the South and
MTO theaters;
- Axis air units as listed for the SF South TAC air order of
- Allied air units as listed for the MTO TAC Air OB and MTO
Antiship Air OB.
Units may begin the game broken down.
Deployment Deploy as shown under Initial
Conditions in the Second Front Initial Forces JUL 1 43 OB. The
Axis sets up first and must place 15 Italian Regimental
Equivalents aside which represent forces deployed off-map.
The Allies deploy second and must plan amphibious operations for the
initial and following game turn. Players may build airfields and
forts within the limits of their resource points and the SF rules.
Units may deploy embarked. Once the Allies have deployed and
planned their amphibious operations, the Axis may redeploy up
to 10 ground units and 10 air units. Finally, there is not a special
"pre-game" Allied movement phase as stipulated in SF Rule 4 1
A, Initial Deployment.
At the start of play, the Allies own all hexes in Africa, as
well as the islands of Pantelleria, Lampedusa, Gozo, and Malta.
The Axis owns all other hexes.
Rules Of Play
Unless stipulated by specific rules of this scenario, all
Second Front Rules (as amended with most recent official SF
errata), including Advanced Rules, apply to this scenario.
Special Rules
Strategic Air Forces. The Germans may use
Strategic Air assets just as if they control the West Theater.
However, the Gen-nans may only "call up" their Strategic Air
assets for one game turn in 1944 instead of five game turns as in
1943. The Allies may use the MTO Strategic Air assets per SF.
Supply Sources. In addition to normal SF
sources of supply, the Axis may use rail lines to trace to full
supply sources located off the north edge of the map. All port
hexes in North Africa function as Allied full supply sources.
Reinforcements and Replacements. Both sides
receive reinforcements and replacements per the Second Front
Order of Battle. The Axis reinforcements which arrive from other
theaters arrive on a rail line using operational or strategic rail
movement as follows:
- Greater Germany - arrive hex 26:0122 or 26:0123 and
have moved 12 rail hexes
- West - arrive hex 26:0129 and have moved 12 hexes
- Southeast - arrive hex 26:0123 and have moved 12 hexes
- East - arrive hex 26:0122 and have moved 30 hexes
- North - Arrive hex 26:0123 and have moved 90 hexes
Off map Naval Movement. Naval units moving
from the ETO to Algers have moved 119 hexes.
Special Operational Boundary. In addition to
those hexes exempted from play in the scenario set up, Trieste
and hexes 0113 - 0115, 0213 - 0215, 0313 - 0316, 0414 - 0415, and
0515 are also out of play for purposes of this scenario.
Optional Rules
At their option, players may elect to use any or all of the
following rules. (I used them all in development and my own
playtesting -SR.)
Static/Coastal Divisions. Static/Coastal
divisions have no ZOC.
231st Inf X. The British 3-8* Inf X (231) may
make an amphibious landing as if it did not have heavy
equipment. In the next combat phase treat the unit as
unsupported. It automatically becomes supported in the ensuing
exploitation phase.
82nd Airborne Divisional Transport. Any (or all) regiment(s) of the US 82nd Airborne XX may use a movement allowance of 8 when spending the entire phase stacked with the 82nd Abn HQ unit. The HQ unit must be on its 8 MP side.
Exploitation Phase Airdrop. Units may execute an
air drop in the friendly exploitation phase, but only into a friendly
owned hex. Transport air units may fly an air drop mission in the
exploitation phase. An exploitation phase airdrop must be
planned normally in the initial phase of the turn it takes place.
Unopposed Movement. During the movement
phase (only), a unit may use unopposed movement. A unit using
unopposed movement may expend movement points equal to 1.5
times its printed movement allowance. A unit may only use
unopposed movement if it meets the following conditions:
- the unit must be in general supply as judged during
the initial phase;
- the unit does not enter a hex adjacent to an enemy occupied
hex unless the intervening hexside is impassable to all enemy
units in the enemy occupied hex. (Note that the unit may
begin its unopposed movement adjacent to any
enemy occupied hex.)
- the unit does not expend movement points for any other
purposes except land movement (such as engaging in
overrun, naval transport, rail movement, or
Unopposed movement may not be combined with
administrative movement.
Non-cm Exploitation. All units may move in the
exploitation phase. All phasing combat motorized units may
spend movement points equal to their movement rating. All
phasing non-combat motorized units may move up to one-half
their movement rating in the exploitation phase. Unlike in the
movement phase, units without sufficient movement points to
enter one hex in the exploitation phase may not do so. Engineer
units may not utilize any construction abilities during the
exploitation phase.
Optional Overrun. Use the following overrun rule
in conjunction with Rule 13, SF. Phasing units may overrun
enemy units in the movement and exploitation phases. The
phasing player performs an overrun by moving units into a single
hex adjacent to the enemy units to be overrun; the overrunning
units may not exceed the stacking limit of the hex being overrun.
German c/m units must have a total attack strength sufficient to
achieve at least 5:1 odds against the enemy units; all other units
must have a total attack strength sufficient to achieve at least 6:1
odds. Overrun odds are computed in the same way as combat
odds, taking all terrain, supply, stacking, and support
modifications into account. Naval units may not provide NGS, air
units may not fly GS missions in support of overrun attempts or
DAS missions in support of units being overrun.
Overrunning units may use the road movement rate when
executing an overrun if all other considerations for road
movement are met. Overrun movement point costs are summarized
Overruns at 10: 1 odds or higher succeed automatically and
the defending units are totally eliminated (even if the units have
cadres). Resolve overruns at 9:1 or lower odds as if they were
attacks and shift two columns to the left on the CRT. Roll on the
CRT, applying all modifiers due to terrain, fortifications, and
armor effects, and implement the result. (Note: Divisions reduced
to cadre by this procedure may retreat) If the hex being overrun is
cleared of enemy units, all overrunning units must advance into
the hex. If the result obtained is any except 'DE' the overrunning
units must immediately end their movement for that phase and
take losses as if they had suffered an 'HX' result. If the result is
'DE,' the overrunning units may continue moving and perform
additional overruns if they have sufficient MPs remaining.
A unit with a defense strength of 0 may be overrun at
no MP cost by any unit with an attack strength greater than 0.
A unit that may retreat before combat may use this
ability when enemy units overrun the hex it occupies. When
the overrun is announced, these units may immediately retreat,
using the retreat before combat rule, at the owning player's
option. The overrun odds are then recalculated (if necessary),
and the overrun resolved. If all units in a hex being overrun
retreat before combat, then the overrunning units do not pay
the overrun MP cost for the overrun attempt, but must
advance into the hex and pay all other NIP costs.
Overrun Summary |
Overrun Odds | German C/m mps | AH others MPs | OverrunResult |
12:1 or more | 1 | 2 | Total Elim |
10:1, 11:1 | 2 | 3 | Total Elim |
9:1 - 5:1 | 3 | 4 | Use GCRT |
Less than 5:1 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
NOTE: Odds less than 10: 1, attacker shifts two columns to left. (Ex. 5:1 odds down 2 columns = 3:1) |
Victory Conditions
Game Length. The game begins with the Allied player turn of JUL 143 and ends with the conclusion of the Allied
player turn of JUN 144. Victory is determined by comparing the Allied accumulated victory point total to the corresponding total on
the Level Of Victory Table for this scenario.
Victory Conditions. Only the Allied side scores victory points as described per Rule 42 SF and the SF Victory Chart
and as described in the Victory Point Awards Table for this scenario, below.
Victory Point Awards Table (used in addition to normal SF VP awards)
Event : VP Award
For every 3 pts of Foggia Airfield capacity captured by the Allies + 2 VP
Axis own Naples Dec 1143 Allied initial phase - 10VP
Axis own Naples Oct 1143 Allied initial phase -3VP
Axis own Rome Jun 144 Allied initial phase - 10VP
Allies occupy Naples by end of Allied Sept 1143+ 10vp
Allies occupy Foggia by end of Allied Sept 1143+ 10vp
Allies occupy Taranto by end of Allied Sept 143+ 10Vp
Allies occupy Salerno by end of Allied Sept 143 +5VP
Allies control Straits of Messina* by end of Allied Aug 1143 + 10 VP
Allies control Straits of Messina* by end of Allied Sep 143 +5VP
Italy has not surrendered by end of the Dec 1143 game turn - 10Vp
*Control of the Straits of Messina requires ownership of Messina (26:3823), Reggio di Calabria (26:3923), and Villa son Giovanni (26:3822).
Level Of Victory Chart
Level Of Victory : Victory Point Requirement
Allied Decisive Victory greater than 110
Allied Substantial Victory 91-110
Allied Marginal Victory 80-90
Draw 70-79
Axis Marginal Victory 60-69
Axis Substantial Victory 50-59
Axis Decisive Victory less than 50
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