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FitE / Scorched EarthCan a ground unit in hex 1B:0905 move directly to hex 1B:0906? Yes.Can a 0-8 commando unit out of supply draw from special supply and make its air drop? Yes, but airborne units in SE are not required to be in supply to make their air drop (see SE Rule 25D, paragraph 3). In WitD they are (see WitD Rule 25F, paragraph 2). The Axis OB for Aug II 41 German calls for 1 x 4-5 Sec XX 707 but the counter is Static. A Security counter is provided in SE. The Soviet player is about to receive 60 RPs from disbanded militia from the previous turn. Can all of these go into just one MD or is there a maximum limit like for special replacements? (Rule 34F1 just isn't clear to me.) Rule 34F1, Disbanding, refers to 34B2, Soviet Replacements, specifically case c under infantry RPs. When a Soviet unit disbands, its RPs go to the MD that it is in, in the same way a cadre must be in the MD to draw RPs form that MD's pool. Conceivably, a disbanding unit can send its RPs to an isolated replacement city in the MD as long as the unit can trace a "supply line" to that city. (The unit does not have to be in supply to disband.) For example, suppose Leningrad is cut off by the Axis. A Soviet militia unit in the city can still disband (as long as it is not in an enemy ZOC), but its RPs go to the Leningrad pool not the MD's pool. This requires that you carefully document the number of disbanding RPs and the MDs they disband in, but it is a more reasonable treatment than the rule for special replacements. I suspect that the printed airfields in Norway are all the airbases there are instead of additional to cities, and this makes Norway unique for Europa maps. Is that correct? If yes, then none of the cities (of whatever kind) in Norway have any airbase capability, which helps to explain why so many very small places in north Norway show up. Correct? When playing Narvik, yes, cities have no intrinsic airbase capacity. When playing FitE/SE, the Norwegian cities do have intrinsic airbases. Eastern Troops are listed on the Unit Colors chart as German forces, not Axis Allies. Are their losses added to the German losses for that turn? [No, see Rule 34B3, Special Replacements, last sentence of paragraph 2.] May German Inf RPs be used to rebuild them [no], and when Eastern Troop replacements are received are they added to German Inf RPs for that month or are they maintained separately? Maintained separately. See Rule 34BI, Axis Replacements, next to last sentence of paragraph 1. 39lf Rule 39K, Luftwaffe Manpower, is used, do reorganized units come in at no cost or does the unit have to pay the reorganization cost from the chart to appear? No cost. Rule 14A1b, Quick Construction, lists quick construction costs as Makes. Does quick construction of forts and permanent airfields also require the expenditure of a resource point? Yes. Rule 34F does not prohibit the rebuilding of Soviet ski brigades after they have been disbanded (39D11). May they be rebuilt after disbandment? No. First sentence of Rule 34B, Replacements, states that RPs are used to replace eliminate units. Disbanded units are different than eliminated units and thus may not be replaced. Does the German player have to make a replacement pool removal if the unit is not in the replacement pool? It is delayed. See SE Errata Jan 189 (on previous page), Rule 34F8. If a truck unit is stacked with a unit that has a cadre and an EX is thrown reducing the unit to a cadre, is the truck destroyed or can it retreat with the cadre? Per Rule 14I, a truck is treated as a 0- strength c/m unit and as such it would be eliminated in the exchange. When does the phasing player decide exactly which mission each air unit is performing? When does he announce this? The phasing player announces the general mission of each air unit (and whether it is a day or night mission) at the moment it takes off (Step 1 of the Air Phase). The general missions are: escort, transfer, transport, and bombing. Note that the phasing player does not have to decide or announce the specific type of bombing mission at this time. During Step 2 of the Air Phase, the non-phasing player launches air units on interception and scramble missions. During Step 3, Air Combat Resolution, fighters flying bombing missions may switch to escort per Rule 24A. During Step 4, Mission Resolution, the phasing player decides and announces the exact target of each bombing unit prior to all AA fire in the hex. After all AA fire in the hex, the phasing player resolves his missions. Per Rule 20F, surviving air units bombing the same target may attack individually or combine their strengths. Are Soviets allowed to convert newly arrived 3-6 XXs to 4-6 XXs (Rule 34F4) ? Yes, as long as the "four per turn" limit is obeyed. Rule 34B2: The 3 REs of winterized units that the Soviets may rebuild (restriction #6), does that include 3 REs of mountain units from #5? Yes, but note that restriction #6 applies only through the first winter while #5 applies through the entire game. Are there restrictions to buying Guards units after the above restriction (#6) runs out? No. Are you limited to one commando per attack and/or one commando modifier per attack? No. Can air/naval interdiction be used on lake hexes to interdict flotillas? No. Can partisans be built in hexes solely occupied by enemy trucks? No. Trucks are "units" (141), and partisans may not be recruited in a hex occupied by an enemy unit (40C). Can partisans be built in hexes solely occupied by position AA units. No. Again, position AA units are units. Can warships which carried supply give defensive support in the next player's combat phase? No. Can a unit use rail movement on a line of hexes between two broken rail line hexes? Yes. Can construction units spend resource points to regauge railways by using rule 38C2 (upgrading roads)? There is no provision for this but it sounds perfectly acceptable. Yes. Can Axis aircraft base and fly missions from Bulgarian airbases against Russia? Yes. Rule 32A4, Bulgaria: In the sentence "if any hex in Bulgaria is Soviet owned at the start of a game turn and a supply line can be traced from the city to a Soviet regular source of supply, Bulgaria defects," should this be "If any or "...from the hex..."? From the hex. When tracing supply (Rule 12B), is the hex the unit occupies counted? No. Trace the line from the unit but exclude its hex. To use a resource point in construction (Rule 14A1), does that point have to be within 7 hexes (in clear weather) of the engineer unit? Yes, the unit must be able to trace an overland supply line (not road or rail) to the resource point See Rule 12BI and the Supply Line Summary chart. Can security units admin. move up to partisans and then attack them? Good question. No, if they admin. move they may not attack. Note that their APZOCs are unaffected and thus they may cut off the partisans' retreat routes. Does an overrunning unit have to pay the MP cost for leaving the ZOC of an enemy unit (in an adjacent hex) even if the overrunning unit does not advance into the overrun hex? Yes, if must pay all the MP costs, whether it advances or not. What constitutes being on the rail net? For example, when the Crimea is sealed off the rail line runs only from Sevastopol to the causeway. Shouldn't such a rail line have some limits placed on its capacity? How about when Murmansk has been isolated before the Arkangelsk line has been upgraded, should capacity be as much as the Russian wants to spend? Maybe the number of partial or full hex cities should determine capacity with regard to national capacity. Your concern is understandable. Perhaps Grand Europa will address this but for now SE won't. War In the Desert WitDShould the 102nd Italian Div be motorized? No. Although officially a motorized division, it was stripped of its motor transport upon arrival in Africa and did not regain it.What is the effect on AA when not in general supply? No effect in WitD. What is the effect on AEC/ATEC when not in general supply? No effect in WitD. Does the number of consecutive turns out of general supply have any effect? Not in WitD. If an AA unit is unsupported is the AA value affected? No. On overrunning a hex with defensive air can you attempt to drive off the air with available AA fire? No. Do mech units using sea movement incur any extra movement cost? It is suggested that c/m units incur 4 MPs for shipping while non-c/m units incur only 2 MPs (per SE Rule 28C1a). Do they use extra port capacity? No. If you attempt to drive off defensive air during the combat phase and are unsuccessful can the attack be called off ? No! When using rule 32C3, SMP Losses, if the Allied player regains control of Alexandria (example), does he regain the lost SMP points? No. Can an engineer unit use the extra MPs gained in admin. movement to build or repair items on the map? No. Rule 7B, Roads, states, "Movement along a road is subject to the same limitations as regular movement," and earlier in 7B it is stated that "A unit moving along a road pays the MP cost for clear terrain. . . ." Does this mean that during rain the MP costs for armor/art is 4MPs per hex and 2 MPs for other types even if the unit is moving along a road? Yes, weather affects road movement. You describe in rule 14B, Artillery, how a 2-10 motorized regiment is stacked with three artillery regiments of 2-3-6 strength each and state that the total defense of the hex is 6. Shouldn't this be 7? 6 is correct. See 14B, first paragraph, last sentence. The artillery REs in excess of the nonartillery REs defend with a total strength of 1, not 1 each. Is a HQ unit counted as an RE for supply counter expenditure purposes if it is on the map giving support to one or more unsupported units in an attack? Yes. If an airbase is built on a hex with a city, be it reference, dot, partial or full hex city, does it supplement the already existing airbase capacity there or does it supplant it? The airfield capacity is in addition to (supplements) the reference/dot city capacity. Note, however, that partial/full hex cities are their own terrain type, different from clear, thus airfields may not be built on them. In the rule book for Western Desert you describe AA Suppression as a viable bombing mission in Rule 33. However, this mission is no longer mentioned in the rule book for Torch, Since the War in the Desert rules seem to supplant Western Desert rules does this mean that AA supression is no longer a viable mission? Correct. Can a hex containing both British and American contingents be supported by either or both air forces? Yes, but the amount of support is limited to the strength of the ground contingent For example, in a stack of one US 3-8 and one British 2-8, US air units could provide up to 3 tactical points of support and British air units could provide up to 2 tactical points of support. What happened to the 155th British Brigade? In WD it appears Aug II 42, while in Torch the 152nd appears in its place. The 155th was a mistake for 152nd. The 152nd Brigade is included in Torch to replace the 155th. Their Finest HourDoes an air unit attacking naval units in port get to make three bombing attacks (31 A)? No, only one attack. Rule 31 applies to 20F2i not to 20F2h.Back to Europa Number 5 Table of Contents Back to Europa List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1988 by GR/D This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |