by Tom Johnson and Charlie Meyer
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I. Command Structure and Duties1. The demonstration will have three groups involved:Cadre, Blue Team, and Red Team. 2. Cadre The Cadre will administer the game, acting as judges and the supreme commanders for both teams. Cadre members will also initially assign players to a team and train new players as needed. 3. Blue Team. The Blue Team is the Axis player team. The command structure of the Blue Team is as follows: A. Supreme Commander. This is a cadre member who is charged to coordinate play of the entire team. The Supreme Commander sets strategic plans for his team. He is in control of all assets and allocates them as he sees fit. He assigns all commanders and zones of operations to Army Groups. He has the authority to promote, demote, or transfer any commander on his team. B. Army Group Commander. There are three Army Groups (North, Center, and South). These commanders control all assets in their assigned zone unless otherwise directed by the Supreme Commander. They also command players assigned to their zone as Army Commanders. They convert the strategic plan of the Supreme Commander into operational plans for their commands. They allocate assets to Armies and may transfer commanders within their command. C. Luftwaffe Commander. This person is in charge of all fighters and positional flak units. He is the team expert on the air system and provides aid to Army Group Commanders on the use of air assets. He represents the team at the game board during the Soviet air movement phase, conducting ZOC and intercepts as required. He also monitors the Soviet players for legality of actions. He is directly under the Supreme Commander. D. Reserve Army Commander. This person controls the movement of all replacement and reinforcement units, resource points, and fleet units. He also controls the anti-partisan forces, and any Axis-controlled partisan units. He coordinates the use of all rail within the Axis command. He is directly under the Supreme Commander. E. Army Commander. These persons control specified units to accomplish goals set by their Army Group Commander. They convert the operational plan of the Army Group into tactical action on the board. 4. Red Team: [In lieu of Tom's description of the Red (Soviet) Team structure, I'm inserting the following note from Charlie Meyer (Stavka) to his Red Team.) To: All Red Team Commanders Mission Statement: To defend the Motherland from the Fascist hordes. Initial priority of effort will be Moskva and the Soviet capital, the defense of Leningrad, and the defense of the Southern Sector, in that order. Available Commands & Responsibilities: A. VVS (Soviet Air Force) Commander. The VVS Commander will have the responsibility of handling the air defense network (fighters and positional flak), and long-range bombing forces. He will usually be the team member at the table during the Blue move, handling air interceptions and observing for legality of actions when the Fascist dogs are making their futile moves. He will have command of the airborne forces. He will have direct input into the overall strategy of the game concerning air operations and the location of airbases. B. TVD (Teatr Voyennykh Deystviy) Commanders. The three TVD Commanders (Northwestern, Western, and Southwestern) will have control of all forces in their zones unless specifically exempted by Stavka. They will have the task of translating the strategic plan into operational orders. They will direct the tactics of the Front Commanders. Permission for large (10+ divisions) offensives must be obtained from Stavka. TVD Commanders have the prime responsibility of establishing a front line with a reserve line; second priority will be to maintain a reserve force. TVD Commanders will have direct input to the Stavka and VVS Commander. TVD Commanders will ensure coordination with fronts adjacent to their zone. These persons will also monitor Front Commanders to ensure legal play in the game. C. Commander of Rear. The Commander of Rear will have the task of handling partisan operations (both offensive and defensive), movement of Stavka reserve units, and new units that arrive. New units will be moved to a release point, then turned over to the control of the TVD Commander of that sector. All rail and resource points will be controlled by this person, under orders of Stavka. The Commander of Rear will have direct input into the Stavka planning process. D. Front Commander. This position will control a specified sector of the Soviet front, usually consisting of the first and second line forces in that sector. He is tasked with the tactical execution of the operations planned by the TVD Commander. As a guideline, this commander should control no more than 15 divisions and the support units with them. No air units will be under Front control. He is under the command of a TVD Commander. II. Rules for Game1. All standard, optional, and advanced rules for Scorched Earth will be used.2. House rules will be held to a minimum to ensure uniformity and maximum training in the game system. The house rules that will be used are: A. Odds Rounding: A percentile roll will be made to check the odds of an attack. (E.g.: computed odds 3.58:1, a roll of 58 or less brings the attack up to 4:1.) B. Night fighters (NF) may not intercept day missions. C. Units with a cadre side MUST be rebuilt as a cadre. They may then be brought to full strength the next turn. D. New Soviet units built from either armor or artillery points must be distributed evenly to all operational factories, as units in MDs are distributed to cities. Ill. Rules for Demonstration1. Players are invited to participate, and they are wanted, but a disruptive player may be required to leave the area by a cadre member. Transfers, promotions, and demotions should be accepted as being in the spirit of the game, and not as personal attacks.2. No player will be allowed to switch teams within 3 turns of play of his last turn with his current team. This is to ensure no 'traitors" in the commands. 3. When a team is not "phasing" it must leave the area. Only the supreme commander and/or one other player may be present during the opposing force's movement phase. 4. Both teams will be present for combat resolution. During the exploitation phase, the nonphasing team will again leave the area as during movement. 5. It is "suggested" that all players attend the briefings conducted by their supreme commander. Failure to do so may have negative impact on your command status. 6. The decision of an event judge is final (if not perfect). Discussion after that point will only be disruptive. Your judges are NOT above corruption, we just have a high price (grin). 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