by Rick Gayler
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Double, Double, Toil and Trouble We have spoken for some time about producing a double issue. The primary topic was to have been the Grand Europa July 1943 Linking Scenario; we felt certain the extra page count would be needed to accommodate such an undertaking. Well, this is indeed a double issue, but it contains no scenario at all! So what is going on? The original plan was to publish the linking scenario in TEM #38/39. This required all major work on the project to be completed by October 15th. By mid-September we realized that date would not be met. In response, we moved Jason Long's "Arctic Thunderbolt" scenario, originally slated for issue #40, up on the schedule to fit into #38. The double issue would then become #39/40. By early October it became apparent that the linking scenario would not be ready for publication in 1994, despite the fact that much progress had been made. Playtesting is underway, spearheaded by a Canadian coterie headed by David Hughes, but it will be 1995 before a finished product is available. Faced with this reality, we once again had to reassess. Work on "Arctic Thunderbolt" was taking longer than anticipated, as a heavy work schedule in October at my regular job delayed getting playtest materials out for testing. Based on our normal experience with such projects, if we continued to plod along on #38 until completion, it would likely be the last issue produced in 1994. This would leave us two issues behind schedule going into 1995, and that was just not acceptable. At the same time that these dark clouds were gathering on the scenario front, the situation regarding articles was improving daily. Jason Long and Frank Watson had been busy polishing up submissions so that an article backlog actually existed (a phenomenon as rare as the Afrika Korps having excess supply counters). In addition, a flood of EXchange and Rules Court material had been pouring in, generated by Second Front . Given this state of affairs, Jason Long popped up with a bright idea. Why not (he suggested) create a double issue #38/39 as originally planned, but with the material we had at hand. Although there would be no scenario in the issue, we would have expanded EXchange and Rules Court sections, and these are two of our most popular features. We could use Mark Pitcavage's magazine index as the issue's "special attraction" and voila! An appealing aspect of this plan was that such a double issue could be completed in a relatively short time span, since most of the articles were ready to go. Meanwhile, "Arctic Thunderbolt" could proceed apace and then appear in issue #40 as previously scheduled. With a little luck and hard work, this would allow us to get back on schedule by the end of 1994. Needless to say, the plan was approved. Whether we get completely caught up by year's end remains to be seen, but at least we are now one issue closer to this accomplishment. Welcome Frank Watson I think most of you will agree TEM has improved greatly over the past few years. Few individuals have contributed more to that improvement than the prolific and award-winning author, Frank Watson. How fitting then that we should extend to Frank an official and expanded role in the publication of the magazine. As mentioned earlier, Frank has already had a positive impact by editing several of the articles in the past two issues. And lest you be concerned that this new role will interfere overmuch with his output on the scenario front, rest assured that more great Frank E. Watson scenarios are even now undergoing playtesting. Frank's input will also improve the layout of the magazine. He has already made several suggestions for adding sidebars and graphics to lend TEM a more professional and appealing appearance. If you see something you think is especially slick, chances are Frank had a hand in it. GR/D is indeed honored and fortunate to have Frank on board. Back to Europa Number 38/39 Table of Contents Back to Europa List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1994 by GR/D This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |