by Rick Gayler
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Scorched EarthMay a Soviet river flotilla ever conduct an amphibious landing in an enemy-occupied hex? (Rule 28C2) A river flotilla may not enter an enemy-occupied hex per Rule 28E, 4th Paragraph. [Note: It may be possible for a Soviet river flotilla to overrun an enemyoccupied hex, which is sort of an exception. But then once the units in a hex are overrun, the hex is no longer enemy-occupied ... Referencing the above question, is there a difference if the amphibious landing is conducted on a river versus a coast or lake hex? (Rule 28C2) The above treatment is the same, regardless of whether the river flotilla moves along a river, on a lake, or at sea. As above, in conjunction with regular naval units? (Rule 28C2) The presence of other naval units and/or cargo does not change the above restriction. May naval interdiction missions be flown against lake or river hexes? The obvious targets are river flotillas. (Rule 38E) An oft-asked question and worthy of answering one more time. No, an air unit may only fly an air-naval interaction mission against an enemy naval unit that "is/moves at sea in its search zone" per Rule 38E. Moving on rivers and lakes is not the same as moving at sea. May naval interdiction affect river flotillas at all? (Rule 38E) If a river flotilla is/moves at sea, then it is subject to enemy air-naval interaction as any other naval unit. And note that a hit "at sea" counts as two hits of damage against a river flotilla. May river flotillas allow supply to be traced across a lake hexside in the same manner as allowing movement and combat across it? (Rule 28E) No, this ability only applies in the movement and combat phases for movement and combat purposes, as stated in Rule 28E. Must a river flotilla cease movement when dropping off cargo at a friendly port? A friendly beach? An enemy owned hex? (Rule 28E) Per Rule 28C, a naval unit must end its movement in the hex in which its cargo disembarks. Therefore, the answer for all three cases is "yes". May ships and/or river flotillas be used to conduct overruns? (Rule 13) Ships may not be used to conduct overruns, as overruns occur during the movement and exploitation phases, while the gunnery strength of a ship may only be used in the combat phase. River flotillas may be used in overruns (this is clearly allowed by Rule 28E, 4th Paragraph, last sentence). Note however, that a river flotilla's cargo may not participate in an overrun in which that river flotilla is involved. May Hungarians retreat through stacks containing Rumanian units, and vice versa? (Rule 32A) Yes, this is handled as per the instructions in Rule 8B, 1st paragraph. Are there any restrictions on flying defensive air support missions for partisan units? (Rule 40) Flying DAS for partisans is allowed, and works the same as for any other unit. Suppose a Soviet port (Leningrad, Sevastopol, etc.) is out of supply and its defending ground units are reduced in strength per the supply rules. Are ships affected by this lack of supply, or do they retain their full combat values, AA factors, etc.? (Rule 12D) Ships are not effected by the regular supply rules used for ground units. Rather they must abide by the replenishing rule 28B3. So long as they remain in a friendly port as defined by that rule, they remain replenished, and thus in supply. Suppose a 1-RE unsupported rifle unit and a 1 RE artillery unit are out of supply and U-4. Suppose one RE of special supply is available. If the special supply is given to the unsupported rifle unit, does the U-4 artillery unit provide support for it? If the special supply is given to the artillery unit, does the U-4 unsupported rifle unit count for permitting the artillery unit to attack at full strength? (Rules 11 and 14B) Units do not need to be in supply to provide support. So for both examples, the answer is "yes". Balkan FrontPlease clarify the surrender of Yugoslavia. Is it handled in the same manner as Greece? Is the operative action the loss of the capital or the loss/evacuation of the government? (Rule 28B1a) The capture of Yugoslavia is indeed handled the same as with Greece. In fact the Rule 28B1 a should be treated as generic to the two countries. As the wording implies, it covers either the government of Greece or of Yugoslavia. Note that a capital may be voluntarily evacuated, or it may be forced to evacuate if it is lucky enough to roll a 1 or 2 and elude capture. If voluntarily evacuated, the forces of that nation surrender during the current Allied initial phase. If evacuation is forced through loss of ownership of the hex, or if the government is captured, the forces surrender immediately after the escape roll for the government.. Okay, but please clarify the distinction between Allied capitals and governments. For example, do the Axis gain victory points for capturing Beograd (a city, the capital) or for capturing the government (a counter, which can escape)? (Rule 28B1a) The capital marker denotes the hex where the government is located. If the government is captured or evacuated, the capital marker is removed. The Axis player gains the victory point award for capturing the "capital" = government (i.e., not the city of Beograd). Opening Set-up: In Merita-Merkur the Yugoslav border defense units were forced to set up one unit per hex. Apparently this restriction is not in effect for Balkan Front, correct? The deployment restriction prohibiting more than one border regiment per hex was intentionally dropped in BF. Clarify airbase damage. The rules say that once an airbase has been reduced to zero capacity, further hits have no effect. I imagine that what you have in mind is that airbases, unlike ports, cannot take damage beyond their capacity. However, suppose an airbase accommodates air units beyond its capacity. As I read the rule, excess air units are immune from damage! For example, suppose multiple Allied air units are based at a reference city, with an airfield under construction in the same hex. In the Axis turn, bombers attack this hex: assume the Axis get a hit on their first roll, reducing the reference city's capacity to 0 and damaging one Allied air unit. All future hits have no effect! In the Allied initial phase, the airfield is completed, and Allied air is back in business. Am I missing something, or does this rule need rewriting? (Rule 20F2a) You are interpreting the rule too strictly. 20F2a states "Each hit affects the airbase and one air unit on the ground there." The two paragraphs that follow explain the effects a hit has on (a) an airbase, and (b) the air units located there. Once the capacity of an airbase has reached 0, further hits against the AIRBASE are ignored (i.e., the capacity of an airbase can not be reduced below zero). However, further hits would continue to affect any air units at the airbase per the last paragraph of the rule. A slight rewording of the rule for the sake of clarity was adopted for A Winter War. Leningrad 1941 2nd EditionIf the Germans don't wipe out all the Baltic MD VVS and attackable Baltic Fleet Aviation, how are the surviving Soviet units placed in the regular turn? The Fleet Aviation units are marked so that if they are not drawn, they return to their start hexes. All other surviving Soviet air units are placed in any airbases in the Baltic Military District. Leningrad: 1941 2nd Edition Errata:Soviet Reinforcements, Aug II 41: The Peipus RF should appear at 1B:1705, not 2A: 1705. Note that if replaced, the German Kriegsmarine commando unit Sturm consumes the one Brandenburger replacement allowed in the scenario. Remove the rules section on page 33 which reads, "Special: Although hex 2A:2125 is actually within the playing area, it (and not 2A:2224) is considered to be the entry hex. That is, Soviet reinforcements specified to do so may not enter hex 2A:2224 (or any other hex) if hex 2A:2125 is Axis owned." The need for the above special rule was eliminated by revising the Soviet OB to make hex 2A:2224 the entry hex. Soviet Order of Battle. Note the following about the 3 Soviet Inf RPs designated to appear at "any Reference or Major-city hex in the Leningrad MD" on Jun 1141: All three of these RPs must be assigned to a single city in the Leningrad MD, and any unit replaced using these RPs must appear at that city. These RPs may not be added to the regular Leningrad MD replacement pool. Magerrata for TEM #30The 419th Hv AA III of the 19th Corps in Southern Tunisia (see page 7) should be rated 2-6, and not 4-6. Fall of France: Counter Errata TEM # 30There were a number of problems with the counter set produced to accompany John Gee's article "1939-40 Fall of France French Ground Units" published in TEM # 30 (see the inside back cover of that issue). The counters appearing below should correct all of these problems.
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