By John M. Astell
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During 1923 In his book, Mein Kampf, Hitler outlines his vision of the future: German expansion will be directed eastward necessitating an alliance with the leaders of the Soviet Union (referred to as untrustworthy criminals). Hitler states this alliance will mean immediate war, since Britain and France can ill afford to allow this new coalition to prosper. March 1935 16 Hitler denounces the clauses of Versailles Treaty of 28 June 1919 limiting the size of the German armed forces. March 1939 15 Germany marches into Czechoslovakia, absorbing Bohemia and Moravia as a "protectorate" while Slovakia becomes a pro-German independent state. 31 Britain and France guarantee Poland's independence. April 1939 26-27 Hitler approves the Army's plan for an attack by two army groups, from north and south, destroying Polish armies in the western part of the country and capturing Warsaw. May 1939 20 OKW planners attempt to discourage Hitler from initiating full-scale war, as they view any war involving the British, French, and other western powers as ending in disaster. They propose a war game to consider all aspects of Germany's strategic situation. Hitler refuses on grounds of security and assures his generals that will be no war with the west over Poland. 22 Germany concludes pact with Mussolini bringing Italy into Hitler's camp. This secures Germany's southern flank and in effect neutralizes a sizable chunk of French and British military assets. Mussolini is assured there will be no war for the next several years. August 1939 Throughout August German agents and military personnel in civilian clothing infiltrate Danzig. During the month Hitler receives visits of state from the Hungarian Prime Minister, Regent Paul of Yugoslavia, and the Prime Minister of Bulgaria. All visits feature military shows and a display of Germany's armed power. 23 The German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact removes Soviet opposition to Germany. The pact has a secret agreement partitioning Poland and eastern Europe between Germany and the Soviet Union. 25 Hitler orders Case White, the invasion of Poland, for the 26th, then rescinds order later the same day. Britain and Poland announce a formal alliance. 30 Poland orders general mobilization and has its destroyer flotilla steam for Britain. French pressure causes Poland to cancel general mobilization later in the day. 31 Poland orders general mobilization again. Po lish aircraft disperse to secret airfields. Hitler orders Case White to begin the next day. September 1939 1 Strong German forces invade Poland, while German Army, SS, and Danzig police units secure Danzig. France and Britain order general mobilization and demand Germany withdraw from Poland. 3 The Germans capture Czestochowa and link up with East Prussia across the Polish Corridor. Britain and France declare war on Germany, followed by Australia, New Zealand, and British-ruled India. 5 German Army Group South achieves a major breakthrough. Poland orders its forces to retreat behind the Vistula River. The US declares neutrality. 6 The Germans announce the capture of Krakow. South Africa declares war on Germany. 7 Saar "Offensive:" The French advance 5 miles into western Germany on a 20-mile front and then halt. 8 The German 4th Panzer Division reaches the outskirts of Warsaw. 9 German panzers attempt to storm Warsaw but are repulsed in street fighting. Battle of the Bzura: The Poles counterattack the Germans along the small Bzura River, in the area between Lodz and Modlin. 10 Canada declares war on Germany. 12 The French begin to call off the Saar "offensive." Battle of the Bzura: The Germans reinforce their forces facing the Polish counterattack, withdrawing some units from Warsaw. The Poles start to withdraw from the Bzura. 14 The Germans capture Gdynia and most of Brzesc- nad-Bugiem, except for old fortress there. 15 German forces surround Warsaw. 17 The Germans capture citadel at Brzesc. Soviets intervene against Poland; Soviet forces enter eastern Poland. The Polish government flees to Romania, while surviving air crews fly there. 19 The Germans win the Battle of Bzura, as 100,000 Poles surrender there. 20 German units in Poland start transferring to the west. 21 Siege of Warsaw: German artillery heavily bombards the city. Heydrich Plan: 600,000 Jews from western Poland and Danzig are to be concentrated in urban ghettos in central Poland. 23 Germans announce the capture of Lwow. 25 Siege of Warsaw: The Luftwaffe launches heavy terror bombing attacks, ignites fires throughout the city. 26 Siege of Warsaw: German artillery bombards city, followed by an infantry assault. 27 The commander of the Warsaw garrison offers to surrender. Hitler announces to the German General Staff his intention to invade France in November (subsequently postponed until Spring 1940). 28 Armistice takes effect in Warsaw. 29 A German-Soviet treaty formally partitions Poland. The Soviet Union forces Estonia to allow Soviet forces to base there. 30 The Polish government-in-exile is formed in Paris. French forces begin withdrawing from German territory. October 1939 1 The Germans disarm the Warsaw garrison and capture Hel. 4 The Soviets announce plans to "communize" eastern Poland. 5 The Germans mop up remaining Polish forces. Hitler attends a German victory parade in Warsaw. The Soviet Union forces Latvia to allow Soviet forces to base there. 6 The last major Polish forces surrender in Poland. 8 The Soviets heat up a dispute with Finland. 10 The Soviet Union forces Lithuania to allow Soviet forces to base there. 16 The Germans announce the official end of the campaign in Poland. By this date, the Germans have transferred three corps headquarters, eleven infantry divisions, two mountain divisions, and one motorized infantry division to the west. 24 Polish gold reserves arrive in Paris, being smuggled there from Warsaw via Romania and Syria. 28 The Soviets demand Finland cede territory to the Soviet Union. November 1939 1 Western regions of Poland are officially annexed into Germany. Polish "West Ukraine" is incorporated into the Ukrainian SSR. 2 Polish "West Byelorussia" is incorporated into the Byelorussian SSR. 8 Heydrich Plan: The plan is expanded to include the deportation of 400,000 Poles from western Poland to central Poland. 23 The Polish government-in-exile is based at Angers, France. 30 Winter War: The Soviet Union invades Finland. Finnish resistance will repulse the Soviet forces until February 1940. December 1939 1 Heydrich Plan: The implementation of the plan begins. Many deportees will perish, deprived of shelter in the harsh winter of 1939/40. Back to Europa Number 22 Table of Contents Back to Europa List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1991 by GR/D This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |