by Winston Hamilton
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Oh Boy, Oh Boy!!! While attending the second annual Twincon in Minneapolis over the Memorial Day weekend I was talking with Greg Scott, president and inspiration of GHQ, a miniatures company. During this discussion he mentioned to me that he wanted to hold a national championship. Well, my brothers, I know when to steal a good idea. In the coming months look to this magazine for details of the first National Europa Championship, with finals to be held at Origins '93 and a SUBSTANTIAL award for the first place winner. This is going to be great, trust me! The Retail Store and U: Several times I have heard stories about Europa told to me by you in your letters. These stories take several different forms, but the substance remains the same. There seems to be, in some circles, a belief that Europa is no longer being published, no longer is in print, no longer exists, has gone out of business, can't be found, etc., etc. Meadow muffins! The fact that you are reading this article in this magazine proves that we are very much alive. These stories keep popping up from time to time and the central figure is a retail store owner talking to a gamer that wants to buy our games. There may be several reasons why the store owner is telling a version of the above story. His distributor may not be carrying the line, the distributor may not carry back- stock, the retailer may not want to carry the games, the retailer might have other reasons for not having our system in his stores. It doesn't matter. There is no excuse for turning a customer away. After all, this is the longest running game series ever and has a track record better than any other system or series, and contains some of the best games ever produced on WWII in Europe (so there). What I am going to ask you to do for GRD and Europa is to help us track down any retailer that claims any of the above excuses for not having the games in his or her store. If a store carries wargames there is no excuse for not having some of the Europa titles available. Send us the name and address and I will personally get a catalog to that retailer. If the distributor servicing the store does not carry our games in his or her line, I will put the store in touch with distributors that do. In the coming months GRD will be sending out flyers and catalogs to over 3,000 retail stores through the GAMA Manufacturers Update, a service that will bring info directly to retailers. You can help by sending us any store's name and address so we can be sure to notify that store that we do exist and there are titles available. I have alerted Stephanie at GRD Interplanetary Headquarters to be on the lookout for such reports. It would help us get the word out. We want the retail tier to carry our products--we sell over 89% of our games through retail stores around the nation. This is a good thing. As a manufacturer we support what is called the three tier system: manufacturer, wholesaler, and retailer. It built the hobby. On Another Note: Welcome to Victor Hauser who joins our staff. Victor is well known to many of you (certainly to me) as a long time Europa player and general nuisance, but someone who is genuine in his care about what goes on in the game series. We think he will be a big help in getting the magazine out. Ever Onward! Or maybe I should say "Wagons ho!", but here is the line- up for the coming products (general order, not necessarily for certain, but looking good):
Second Front A Winter War For Whom The Bell Tolls War in the Desert Narvik Their Finest Hour Fire in the East Scorched Earth/Urals Fall of France Torch Glory What was that last one? A new series in the Pacific? Could it be? Only the Shadow (and me) knows for sure, but looks like something may be happening on that front. First To Fight Well, number two is about to burst on the scene. I swore that the next ad that GRD ran for a product would be a picture of me sitting on a large stack of games, holding one in each hand, thereby proving they do exist. Well, that isn't the case, but we are within 45 days at the most of completing the game and I want to say it will be a killer. The entire 1939 German army will be present (a Grand Europa piece of the puzzle), as well as "Boot Camp," an introduction to the Europa series for beginning players. The Boot Camp rules are generic and will be provided in each game. A supplemental set of rules will tell players how to use Boot Camp for that game. These rules should go some ways in helping introduce new blood to the system. We will be printing and sending these rules free of charge to retail stores that request them. This should generate some interest in what we are doing (as well as the tremendous press and notice we will get with the National Europa Championship-there, I said it again, so it has to be real). Two maps, 1,200+ counters, all great stuff. And speaking of Grand Europa, 1991 will see two parts of the puzzle put forth. As stated above, the 1939 German army and, Supermarina. This last part will be free to members upon request when it is finished and we will give you plenty of notice of that fact in TEM. In a future issue of the magazine, if things go according to plan, we will feature "Son of Supermarina," the second round of the playtest. Counters will be provided, and very nice counters, too. These counters will have the name, silhouette and all information on one side. This second generation of the game should clear up the problems in the first playtest and offer a more complete situation, including fuel consumption. Now remember, this system offers you a detailed version. We hope to also eventually develop a less detailed naval game for those who want a simple version to attach to the ground and air game. Meanwhile, this new playtest has to be kicked in the tires and driven around, but I think we are getting close. We will unwrap the final for you this year, but what is that other thing in the corner, so much bigger and under wraps -- Gloryosky? Time will tell. Finally: So here is the drill. In the past year we have moved into the mainstream with a real game, continued to publish a very good magazine, entered several more foreign markets with more set to come on-line later this year, set a production schedule that may see three games produced in one year (an Europa miracle), continued to build one of the best production teams around, established the largest demo team in the industry (mechanized at that), continued to build the Association with a relentless effort-we have survived, we will now prevail, so what more could you ask for... a National Championship? Okay, we will do that too. At Origins I will be holding court at the Europafest party and presenting awards. These are significant and real. These awards are but a part of what GRID owes to many. I can not express my gratitude to all of you who give so lovingly of your time and resources to keep this system going. You all deserve awards and as much as we can do for you, we will. Back to Europa Number 19 Table of Contents Back to Europa List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1991 by GR/D This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |