by Rick Gayler
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Marita-Merkur The most recent errata sheet available for M-M is dated 18 January 1985. Note that this sheet should have been front and back printed. The sheets included J . n some games were only front printed. Should you desire this errata sheet, send an SASE to the above address. The game was drastically altered by this errata, so you should be sure to obtain a complete copy if you own M-M. If an attack is made into a mountain hex by an Allied force consisting of both Greek and nonGreek units, is the combat resolution die-roll modified by +2 per rule 31A? No. Can a field artillery unit move along a road in a mountain hex when there is snow in the mountains? (Terrain Effects Chart) Actually, in M-M "roads" are secondary transportation lines. If not cut, the field artillery unit may move along the secondary transportation line as if it were passing through clear terrain even when moving through mountain hexes in snow. However, beware! M-M allows secondary lines to be cut. A line break in either the mountain hex your artillery unit occupies or the adjacent mountain hex to which you wish to move could leave your howitzers high and not so dry. This same situation would apply to c/m units as well. if a c/m or artillery unit is in a non-road mountain hex when the weather turns to snow, may it leave the mountain hex and move to an adjacent non-mountain hex normally? (Rule 28) Yes. In the above case: if the c/m or artillery unit remained in the mountain hex, and during the enemy turn it was attacked and required to retreat, would it be able? This would depend on the tactical situation. If the units could retreat to a non-mountain hex, retreat would be allowed to such a hex per the regular retreat rules. However, if the only hex to which they could retreat were another mountain hex, they would be eliminated instead. Suppose the Italians attack the Greek unit on Corfu across hexside 4521/4522 and achieve a DR. Can the Greek unit retreat to hex 4621? (Rules 4, 8F, and 31C) Yes, as Italian ZOCs are not exerted across full sea hexside 4521/4621. Must every hex of the Metaxas line be occupied by Greek units? Must these units total 13 REs? (Rule 30D) The requirements of Rule 30D must be met before units east of the Axios river may move west of that river. However, once such troops have exited, the garrison need not stay in the Metaxas hexes. Note that the rule forces the Greeks to keep at least 13 REs east of the river. If attacked, Greek units east of the river still can not voluntarily move west of the river except per the provisions of Rule 30D, or unless forced to do so by retreat after combat. Such retreat is permissible without resulting in elimination, barring other factors (such as enemy ZOCs). The 53rd Italian Infantry Division (4-6) starts the game in northern Albania and fulfills the requirements of Rule 30E. (a) May the Italians substitute another (weaker) division for this unit so long as a division remains in northern Albania to meet the 30E requirement? (b) May they substitute a divisional cadre for it? (a) Yes. (b) No. Are 10 victory points awarded to the Axis for each Greek and Yugoslav air unit eliminated? (Axis Victory Points Chart) Yes. When deploying Yugoslav forces may reserve and border regiments be stacked in the same hex? (Jugoslav Order of Battle) No. May players build forts in clear and rough terrain only? (14A1) Yes, per M-M, fort construction is governed by the same rules (and thus limitations) as building airfields. In the Allied Victory Points Chart the word "occupied" is used in describing territorial gains, while the Axis Victory Points Chart uses the word "controlled." Is this significant? Is there in fact a different method used by each side to determine ownership o enemy hexes? (34A and associated charts) No, both sides use the same criteria as laid out in Rule 34A4. Other M-M clarifications: Example 2 in Rule 10C has a typo: the last sentence of this example should read, "The proportion is 1/2, and two is subtracted from the die roll." The first sentence of Rule 27F1 should read, "The operations and potential operations of the opposing navies..." The rules and Terrain Effects Chart conflict as to whether antitank and antiaircraft units are halved when attacking a swamp hex. Use the TEC. In Rule 34A4, provision c) should read, "it was last occupied by or in the uncontested ZOC of a friendly unit." In the errata sheet listing of Special Events, the entry under "Jugoslav Defection" should read, "During the movement phase of the special invasion turn. (See Rule 31G.)" Note that the errata sheet clarification of Rule 31D does not alter the major provision of the rule: the Allies still must have at least 30 victory points and their total must be at least twice that of the Axis. The errata merely clarifies that during the period after German intervention is triggered, but before it occurs, the Yugoslavs continue to check for a coup. War in the Desert Rule 10C should read, "Proportions. To calculate the proportion in a category, the player totals the number of nonneutral REs involved. This number is then divided into the number of REs that have a capability..." May the owning player of the U.S. OSS and German Brandenburger commando units declare an attack made by them in conjunction with other friendly units to be a special attack, thus modifying the die roll by +1? (Rule 14E) es. Do transport counters combat/ motorize (c1m) Allied units during the combat phase and enemy player turns? (Rule 6C and 15C2) They can. Here's how it works: When a non-clm or artillery unit starts the movement or exploitation phase stacked with a transport counter, and is moved as a single unit with that transport counter, the non c1m or artillery unit becomes combat/motorized and the two units become linked. Signify this linkage by placing the transported unit under the transport counter. The two remain linked and the transported unit remains combat/motorized until the transport counter combatl motorizes another unit or moves independently from the hex. Example: a transport counter starts the movement phase with a British 2-8 infantry brigade in hex 25:0610 and combatImotorizes it. The two units are linked and move to hex 25:0911 where they attack an enemy stack. For purposes of the attack, the two units are treated as a 2-10 motorized infantry brigade. During the exploitation phase the transport counter moves off independently to hex 25:1113, where it stacks with a British 3-8 infantry brigade. The 2-8 brigade in 0911 is no longer combatlmotorized, and neither is the 3-8 brigade, even though it is in the same hex as the transport counter. to be combat/motorized the 3-8 would have had to start the exploitation phase stacked with the transport counter, which it did not. If the Axis counterattack hex 25:1113, the Allied defense would consist of a 3-8 infantry brigade and a zero-strength transport counter. Had the transport counter continued to carry the 2-8 brigade to hex 25:1113 in the exploitation phase, the defending force in the hex would consist of a 3-8 infantry brigade and a 2-10 motorized infantry brigade. Europa Basic Concepts TEM #12 "Rules Court" states that to build an item a constructing unit need be in supply only when construction is started and the resource point spent. The expenditure of the resource point indicates that all necessary "supplies" are present at the start of construction; also, ruling otherwise results in complications. One should note, however, that in "War in the Desert," a game which doesn't require resource points for construction, the rules are quite clear that if an engineer is out of general supply any item it is building "is not yet built and remains in the building stage for another turn." This is a manageable rule, given the weather conditions and limited construction in the desert. It was not my intent to contradict this "WitD" treatment, but rather to address the more complex situation inherent in Scorched Earth, and should have listed the question under the "Scorched Earth" rather than the broader "Europa Basic Concepts" heading. Soviet Off-map MD Chart On the back cover of this magazine is a play-aid for FitE/ SE/ The Urals created by Deen Wood with the assistance of Dennis J. Dubberley. No rules are needed to use it other than those provided in The Urals. However, here are some brief "Designer's Notes" for reference: The chart on the back cover of Europa #13 can be used by players in lieu of The Urals maps and the Soviet Off-map Military District Chart provided in the game TU until such time as the TU maps are needed. When the TU maps are incorporated into the game, substitute the Soviet Off-map Military District chart provided in TU. Note that 4 points of position AA must be placed in the Urals MD box on the chart to meet the garrison requirements of rule 39M. All reinforcements for the Urals MD appear in the Urals MD box and are handled per TU reinforcements rules. Finally, the rail distances on the chart from the Urals MD have been calculated using a weighted averaging scheme identical to that used in constructing the original T U chart. 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