by Rick Gayler
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This issue brings us closer to putting the Europa magazine back on schedule. A reader recently wrote that it would be preferable to put a good magazine out on time than a great one out a month late. My challenge as editor is to turn out a great magazine on time. Hopefull this will be achieved during the year of 1990. Another of our EPA members was concerned that changing the name of the magazine to Europa will give rise to confusion, as in "What do you think of Europa?" Answer: "Do you mean the game system or the magazine?" Well, an acronym would be more handy, so let's go with TEM for "the Europa magazine." Panzer Errors The reference made in "Inside Europa" in TEM #11 to von Manteuffel as author of Panzer Battles was a slip of the tongue. That book was written by von Mellenthin. We're still trying to figure out how this glitch got by US. Also, let me restate two points from my "First Impressions" article last issue to clear up any confusion. The Second Front playtest revision to the 5:1 column of the CRT reverses the "NE" and "EX" results at the bottom of the table so that now a "0" result is an "EX" and a w-l" result is an "NE." This makes a 6:1 attack preferable to a 5:1, even where large negative modifiers are involved. Indeed, it forces the attacker to raise the odds to 7:1 if he wishes to initiate a high negative modifier attack with reasonable hope for success. And here's how partial AEC works: In winter or snow weather if one's attacking force has 1/2 or more AECA, it receives a +1 modifier to the die roll; if one's defending stack has half or more AECD, it receives a -1 modifier to the die roll. ATEC is unaffected. Don't forget that use of partial AEC triggers required losses! A Slick Trick While looking through some back issues of Europa: Nuts & Bolts researching another topic I discovered an additional "Tricks & Treats" segment hidden in Issue #13/14 without mention in the table of contents. It is, in my opinion, the best one of them all, so I will dust it off and use it for this issue's slick trick (it was on my list and would have been done eventually anyway had I not discovered the N&B piece). Trick #7: FitE Axis "if an aggressive attack is not being made in the Arctic, consider shipping the SS motorized division 'Nord' to Russia to allow better use of its motorized capacity." "Nord" is my favorite unit; it probably deserves an entire feature- length article on the devious ways it can be used to frustrate the Soviets. Regardless of the situation in the Arctic the Axis team should relocate "Nord" to the main front via the quickest means possible, including (for the more , gamey" guys out there) its deliberate and immediate elimination. Once "Nord" arrives at the main front it takes on its true identity: SUPERANT! A formidable German player is one who dreams up creative and profitable ways to get this unit killed every turn. First, consider that there is no better unit to have in the dead pile. For the frugal price of one armor and two infantry RPs "Nord" can be raised at any supplied city in the USSR owned by the Axis team. Here is a unit which has exploit movement, a ZOC, full winterization, and can even be combined with other ants to form a mini-panzer division. Best of all it can pop up where the Soviets least expect it and/or where it can do the Axis the most good. Is it winter? Need to get an edge in a critical counterattack or throw up a tough rear guard? Enter "Nord" with its three REs of winterization. Next, there is the absolutely devastating impact "Nord" can have on enemy rear areas. As it sweeps through a break in the line it cuts a three-hex wide swath of Axis control. Upon arrival at a critical rail junction it can be dislodged only by rather sizable forces being committed against it. Like to gum up the Soviet works for a turn? There is a hex in the midst of the Soviet forces which would be perfect for a unit with a ZOC to occupy in order to foul up enemy movement (force them to leave a ZOC, deny admin. to adjacent units and perhaps restrict rail movement). But loss of a division would be too costly to justify this, wouldn't it? Who ya' gonna call? You guessed it. Those are only a few suggestions. I'd like to hear other innovative uses for "Nord" from the rest of you tricksters out there. Mail them in and I will publish the best ones in a future issue. A New Feature The most neglected of all Europa players are the novices. In the rush to trot out the latest rules variant or make a historical point, these folks are often forgotten and left to learn the basics of the game on their own. Well, no longer. TEM is initiating a new regular feature which will address the basics of play for beginners. The first installment appears in the next article. 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