By Paul V. Walsh
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Although the number of catalogues reviewed in this installment of "Book Watch" is shorter than usual, the number of items is quite large. To begin with, there are two new titles, independent of any catalogues, that should be of interest to the readers of "El Dorado". Hugh Thomas, the author of the standard English work on the Spanish Civil War, as well as a history of the Cuban Revolution, has produced an account of the Conquistadors victory over the Aztec Empire, which is a History Book Club selection, "Conquest: Montezuma, Cortes, and the Fall of Old Mexico", New York, Simon and Schuster, 1994 - $30.00. Although Thomas incorporates the fruits of scholarship since Prescott and Flemming, he offers a traditional explanation of the Spanish victory, attributing it to the audacity of Cortes, which he contrasts with Montezuma's indecision. The other new work, also dealing with Mexico, is "Maximilian's Lieutenant: A Personal History of the Mexican Campaign, 1864-67", by Ernst Pitner, translated and edited by Gordon Etherington-Smith, pub. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, N.M. 1993 - $39.00. This is the first time the diary and letters of this officer in the Austrian Volunteer Corps has been published (having only recently been discovered). While the number of items being offered by the old standby of Edward R. Hamilton, Falls Village, CT., 06031-5000, is small, they are not the usual selection of works on Pre-Colombian civilizations and Revolutions in Central America. To start off with, there are two works on daily life in different Latin American countries which may contain some useful military information. Maria Saenz Quesada's "Estancias: The Great Houses and Ranches of Argentina", covers the history, from the 16th century to the present, of thirty of Argentina's greatest estancias, No. 604763, 200pp., colour illus. throughout, $65.00 now $38.95. "Life in Mexico", by Frances Calderon de la Barca, is the author's account of daily life in the capital, 1840-41, as the Scottish wife of a Spanish Diplomat, No.601322, 548 pp., $45.00 now $5.95. In "The Southern Dream of a Caribbean Empire 1854-1861", Robert E. May examines the all but forgotten plans of the southern states of the U.S. to extend their slave holding territories into the Caribbean and Central America, which served as the motivating force behind Filibusteros such as William Walker, No.607169, 304 pp. P.B. $15.00 now $4.95. William F. Sater's "Heroic Image in Chile: Arturo Prat, Secular Saint" is a work by this author of a previous study of the impact of the War of the Pacific upon Chile, which analyzing the exploits of the naval officer, Arturo Prat, during the capture of the "Huascar" and the subsequent process of myth making, No.601047, 243 pp., E15.75 now $4.95. On the Mexican Revolution, there is Jay Monaghan's account of his adventures with the rebel armies in "Schoolboy, Cowboy, Mexican Spy", No.602027, 16 pgs. of Photos, 218 pp., $35.00 now $5.95. Finally , there is a general survey of the contemporary history of 1,atin America, Peter Winn's "Americas: The Changing Face of Latin America and the Caribbean", No.607509, 639 pp., illus., $40.00 now $9.00. A considerable number of items, both new and used, are being offered in the latest catalogue (No.65), as well as the various specialty lists, from the firm of Articles of War Ltd., 8806 Bronx Ave., Skokie, IL., 60077-1896, Tel. (708) 674-7445, Fax (708) 674-7449. Although I have brought most of these titles to the attention of readers before, they bear repeating. Starting off with the Pre-Colombian period, there is Ron Hassig's latest study "War and Society in Ancient Meso America", Cat. 65, No.139, 337pp., illus., $45.00. Addressing the fall of the Aztec Empire from the native American viewpoint is "They are Coming: The Conquest of Mexico", by the former President of Mexico, Jose Lopez Portilloy Pacheco, List 200, No.59, 375pp., illus., $34.50. A study of one of the neglected theatres of conquest is offered by R.B. Cunningham Graham in "The Conquest of New Granada: Being the Life of Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada", List 200, No.13, 272pp., $20.00. A useful collection of the many accounts of those who participated in the conquest of the Aztec Empire is provided by "The Conquistadores: First Person Accounts of the Conquest of Mexico", by Patricia de Fuentes (editor and translator), List 204, No.15, 264pp. PB. $17.95. "The Northern Frontier of New Spain [1540-1840]", by Peter Gerhard, is a revised edition (1992) of this standard reference on the development of this region, List 204, No.46, 455pp., maps, $37.50. Surprisingly, there are two works being offered which focus specifically on the uprising of the Pueblo Indians in New Spain and its subsequent suppression: "The Pueblo Indian Revolt of 1696 and the Franciscan Missions in New Mexico", by J. Manuel Espinosa (editor and translator), List 204, No.51. 313pp., illus., PB. $15.95, and "By Force of Arms: The Journals of Don de Vargas, Vol. II 1691-1693", by John Kessell and Rick Hendricks (Editors), List 204, No.11, 668pp., illus., $32.50. Finally, with regard to works dealing with military operations in New Spain, there is the Joseph Sanchez' study of the service of a specialized unit of frontier riflemen, "The Spanish Bluecoats: The Catalonian Volunteers of Northwestern New Spain 1767-1810", List 204, No.57, 196pp., 13 maps, PB. $16.95; HB $30.00. Of course, there are studies touching upon the military activity within the other colonies in Latin America. "Raid on America: The Dutch Naval Campaign of 1672-1674", by Donald G. Shomette and Robert D. Haslach, examines the two year mission of a Dutch squadron which, among other things, raided English and French possessions in the Caribbean, List 200, No.46, 386pp., $34.95. Paul D. Nelson's biography, "General James Grant: Scottish Soldier and Royal Governor of East Florida", on the other hand, covers the career of the English C-in-C of the West Indies, 1778-79, Cat.65, No.10b, 207pp., illus., $29.95. in "The Final Campaign of the American Revolution: Rise and Fall of the Spanish Bahamas", James A. Lewis recounts the Spanish reconquest of the Bahamas in 1782, which was aided by the South Carolina State Navy, and their subsequent loss to a loyalist force, also from South Carolina, in 1783, List 204, No.22, 149pp., illus., $24.95. No list would be complete without at least one book on William Walker: "The Filibuster: The Career of William Walker", by Laurence Greene, List 101, No.14, 350pp., illus., $50.00. There are two books being offered on the Texas War for Independence: "The Alamo and the Texas War for Independence, Sept.30, 1835 to April 21, 1836", by Albert A. Nofi, List 198, No. 1. 222pp., $18.95, and "The Magnificent Barbarians: Little Told Tales of the Texas Revolution", by Bill and Marjorie Walraven, List 204, No.44, 225pp., drawings, $18.95. Similarly, there are three items on the U.S.-Mexican War; Robert Selph Fenry provides a general history of the war in "The Story of the Mexican War", List '0', No.17. 424pp., $40.00. K. Jack Dauer's excellent study is more narrowly focused, covering the specific topic of the U.S. Navy's varied operations (including, as the title would suggest, the use of Marines on land), "Surfboats and Horse Marines: U.S. Naval Operations in the Mexican War 1846-1848, List '0', No.2. 291pp., illus., $40.00. In "The Mexican Spy Company: United Sates Covert Operations in Mexico, 1845-48", A. Brooke Caruso examines the employment of a unit of Mexican scouts by the U.S. Army, Cat. 65, No.114, 175pp., maps, $28.50. The most recent study of the 'Mexican Adventure', Jasper Ridley's "Maximilian and Juarez", is also being offered, List 103, No.12, 353pp., illus., $24.95. An account of the war between Chile and Peru-Bolivia is provided in "The Pacific War 1879-84", by Terry Hooker, though one never really knows what to expect with these new authors (!!!), Cat.65, No.61, illus., PB. $12.00. There are no less than four items being offered which deal with the various Punitive Expeditions across the U.S.-Mexican border during the Revolution. Donald Smythe's biography, "Guerrilla Warrior: The Early Life of John Pershing", includes an account of Pershing's command of the Punitive Expedition of 1916, List '0', No.59. 300pp., illus., $17.50. An excellent photo history of the border troubles is provided by Frank Samponaro and Paul Vanderwood's "War Scare an the Rio Grande: Robert Runyon's Photographs of the Border Conflict, 1913-16", List 198, No.67. 135pp., 125 photos, $29.95. "Revolution on the Rio Grande: Mexican Raids and Army Pursuits 1916-1919", by Glenn Justice, offers a general study of the cross-border activities of both sides, List 198, No.58. 100pp., illus., PB. $100. Finally, Stacy C. Hinkle provides an account of a later, lesser known Punitive Expeditions which was unique for its combined use of Air and horse Cavalry elements, in "Wings and Saddles: The Air and Cavalry Punitive Expedition of 1919", List 198, N0.70. 47pp., illus., SB $10.00. There are two works dealing with the Pre-Second World War operations of the U.S. Marine Corps in the Caribbean and Central America. Ann Cipriano Venzon's (editor) "General Smedley Darlington Butler: The Letters of a Leatherneck, 1998-1931", is likely to be a gold mine of information on these interventions, seeing that Smedley Butler played a role in almost every one of them, List 204, No.32. 357pp., $55.00. In an effort to establish non-partisan, professional armed forces for the various countries they occupied, the U.S. Marine Corps was responsible for raising and training a number of the modern armies of Caribbean and Central American nations. The most notorious is covered in James H. McCrocklin's "Garde d'Haiti: Twenty Years of Organization and Training by the U.S. Marine Corp", List '0', No.22. 262pp., $30.00. Dan Hagedorn's excellent study of the employment of P-47's in Latin America (which includes accounts of their Second World War employment by the F.E.B. in Italy and the Mexican Squadron in the Philippines), "Republic P-47 Thunderbolt: The Final Chapter Latin American Air Forces Service", is still available, Cat. 65, No.339. 64pp., thoroughly illustrated, PB. $14.95. It is a pleasant surprise to see two works on the later intervention of the U.S. in the Dominican Republic. Lawrence A. Yates' account from the excellent Leavenworth series, "Power Pack: U.S. Intervention in the Dominican Republic, 1965-1966", (Leavenworth Paper No.15.), is the standard study, List 196, No.57. 227pp., illus., P.B. $9.00. "Intervention in the Caribbean: The Dominican Crisis of 1965", on the other hand, is an entirely new work, by the C-in-C, Gen. Bruce Palmer, who includes in his study a comparison of "Power Pack" and the U.S. invasion of Grenada, 1983, List 196, No.38. 226pp., illus., $23.00. Not surprising, however, is the fact that there are seven works on the Falklands/Malvinas War being offered. To begin with, there is the finest English language study of the war from the Argentine standpoint, Martin Middlebrook's "The Fight for the Malvinas: The Argentine Forces in the Falklands War", List 196, No.23. 321pp., illus., $24.95. D. Rice and A. Gavshon focus on one of the most decisive events in the course of the war in "The Sinking of the Belgrano", List 196, No.65. 218pp. illus., $15.00. An overall study of the British war effort is provided in "The Falklands Military Machine", by Derek Oakley, List 196, No.22. 192pp., thoroughly illus., $39.95. The campaign for the 'other' island is examined by Roger Perkins in "Operation Paraquat: The Battle for South Georgia 1982", List 196, No.52. 262pp., 246 photos, $39.95. Lastly, there are three memoirs; "Reasons in Writing: A Commando's View of the Falklands War", by Ewen Southby-Tailyour, Cat. 65, No.239. 383pp., illus., $30.50. "A Soldier's Song: True Stories from the Falklands", by Ken Lukowiak, Cat. 65, No.242. 180pp., $23.50, and "With 3 Para to the Falklands", by Graham Colbeck, Cat. 65, No.250. 66pp., illus., P.B. $12.95. While finally, there is the standard history of the U.S. invasion of Panama, "Operation Just Cause: The Storming of Panama", by Thomas Donnelly, Margaret Roth and Caleb Barker, List 196, No.51. 453pp., illus., $24.95. As usual, the latest catalogue (1/1994) of the firm THE BRASS HAT, RR.2, Box 197-A, Pike, NH., 03780, Tel. (603) 989-5697, with its emphasis on the History of the U.S. Marine Corps, offers a number of items on Latin American military affairs. To begin with, there are two works on the Wars of Independence being offered; John Lynch's general study, "The Spanish American Revolutions, 1808-1826", 433pp., $24.00 and Ricardo Rojas' biography, "San Martin: Knight of the Andes". 370pp., $15.00. "The Texas Navy in Forgotten Battles and Shirtsleeve Diplomacy", by Jim Dan Hill is a very rare work covering an unusual topic, 224pp., $45.00. W. Henry's "Campaign Sketches of the War with Mexico", (2nd Vol. only) is a contemporary [18471 account by the author who was a participant in the Battles of Monterey and Buena Vista, 162pp., $23.00. Similarly "My Confession [ U.S. - Mexican War I", by S. Chamberlain, is the account of a seventeen year old recruit, 302pp., well illus., $15.00. Although William Jefferson Dennis' book, "Tacna and Arica: The Chile - Peru Boundary Disputes", concentrates on the boundary issues, four of its thirteen chapters cover the course of the War of the Pacific, 332pp., $17.00. While the title of William Kamman's study of the U.S. intervention in Nicaragua, "Search for Stability: U.S. Diplomacy toward Nicaragua 1925 - 1933", is also misleading, insofar as it contains an excellent account of Marine Corps counter insurgency operations against Augusto Sandino, 263pp., $22.00. With regard to modern insignias, there is Bert Campbell's "Marine Badges and Insignia of the World", which includes coverage of numerous Latin American Marine forces, 191pp., thoroughly illus., $30.00. Among the works on more recent conflicts, there is one each on the Falklands/malvinas War and the invasion of Grenada: "Take that Hill! : Royal Marines in the Falklands War", by Nick Vaux, 260pp., illus., $14.00. and "U.S. Marines in Grenada, 1983", by R. Spector, 35pp., PD. $12.00. There are two works of Latin American interest being offered in the latest catalogue (No.11-A) of the firm ON MILITARY MATTERS, 55 Taylor Terrace, Hopewell, NJ. 08525. Both concern the Caribbean in the 18th century, Richard iiarding's "Amphibious Warfare in the 18th Century", Cat. No.51. 250pp., $18.00, is a study of the British expedition to the West Indies, 1740-42. Ron Martin's new book, "Night of Fire: The Battle of Haiti", Cat. No.63. 272pp., illus., PD. $15.00, offers an account of the successful slave rebellion of Toussaint L'Ouverture and subsequent French attempts to supress this revolt. Given the history of the State of Texas, it should come as no suprise that the catalogue from the UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS, Marketing Dept., University of Texas Press, P.O. Box 7819, Austin, TX. 78713-7819, Tel. 1-800-252-3206, Fax (512) 320-0668, contains a fair number of works related to Latin American, especially Mexican, military history. Donald E. Chipman provides an award winning overview of the development of Texas as part of New Spain in "Spanish Texas, 1519-1821", ISBN 0-292-77659-4, 352pp., some illus., PD. $14.95. There are two books on the Texas War of Independence being offered, one of the first serious, objective military histories of the War is presented in Stephen L. Hardin's new study, "Texian Iliad: A Military History of the Texas Revolution", a work which attempts to seperate myth from fact, ISBN 0-292-73086-1, 272pp., illus., $24.95. Alwyn Barr applies a more narrow focus in "Texans in Revolt: The Battle for San Antonio, 1835", ISBN 0-292-77042-1, 112pp., some illus., $18.95. The neglected but important topic of the Navy of the Texas Republic is covered in "Coitunodore Moore and the Texas Navy", by Tom Henderson Wells, ISBN 0-292-71118-2, 240pp., some illus., PB. $9.95. On the more informal side of Texan military endevours, there is Sam W. Haynes' "Soldiers of Misfortune: The Somervell and Mier Expeditions", ISBN 0-292-75118-4, 287pp., some illus., $24.95. Lastly, there is an account of one of the U.S. Army's first airfields near the border with Mexico during the course of the border troubles, Kenneth Baxter Ragsdale's "Wings over the Border: Pioneer Military Aviation in the Big Bend", ISBN 0-29279025-2, 294pp., illus., $24.50. In conclusion, there are a few Latin American related titles in the latest catalogue (1993/1994) of THE GREENWOOD PUBLISHING GROUP, 88 Post Rd., West, P.O. Box 5007, Westport, CT. 06881 5007, Tel. (203) 226-3571, Fax (203) 222-1502. For the history of the military and para-military aspects of PerU'S political arena , there is Daniel M. Masterson's "Militarism and Politics in Latin America: Peru from Sanchez Cerro to Sendero Luminoso" [Contributions in Military Studies No.111 1, ISBN 0-313-272131, $59.95. Among the essays contained in B.J.C. McKercher and A. Hamish Ian (editors) "The Unorthodox in Policy and Strategy", is the expert on colonial Mexican military matters, Christon Archers' "New Wars and Old: Felix Calleja and the Independence War of Mexico, 1810-1816", ISBN 0-275-94554-5, 248pp., $55.00. Claude C. Sturgil's "The military History of the Third World Since 1945: A Reference Guide", contains separate chapters, dealing with the Caribbean, Central and South America, ISBN 0-313-28152-1, $60.00. Lastly, there is another work of reference, this one focusing on one particular conflict; "The Falklands/Malvinas Campaign: A Bibliography", by Eugene Rasor, ISBN 0-313-28151-3, $49.95. Paul. I received a letter from Dave Whybrow who informs me. that he has for sale two books which may be of interest to members, they are; "Duel of Eagles", by Jeff Long, (Alamo), pub. N.Y. 1990, illustrated and soft cover, price E13.00. "War in Nicaragua", by William Walker, forward by Robert Houston, (invasion attempt of 1856), not illustrated, pub. University of Arizona Press, 1985, price E8.00. If interested in either, please write to Dave at 33 Fernbank Place, Ascot, Berks., SL5 8HJ. England. Tel. 0344-890227. 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