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Last week I recieved a book list from Barreira Militaria, Madrid that included a number of titles that could be of interest to me and maybe you, a couple of days later a letter from Sr. J. Javier Garcia, also of Madrid, in which he revues an number of the books available. Dear Terry: The aim of this letter is to comment on the apparition on the Spanish book market of some titles that can be of interest for "El Dorado" members and readers. I Firstly, the long expected 3rd Volume of "El Ejercito de los Borbones" series has appeared at last. The authors are, as in the previous volumes, M.Gomez Ruiz and V.Alonso Juanola, the colour plates specially drawn for the books are made by the habitual collaborator A. Manzano. The editors are the Servicio Historical Militar and the Museo del Ejercito, NIPO 097-92-043-5, ISBN 84- 87096-07-7. As the quantity of material compiled by the authors was so large, they decided to publish two books, [Volume 3. No.l. and Volume 3. No.2.], The first has 511 pages with 31 colour photographs, including fortifications and 42 plates on uniforms [some originals from the historical archives and others painted by Manzanol, also in colour. This first book deals with units, formations, organization, evolution, uniforms and equipment of; Viceroyalty of Nueva Espana, Captaincy General of Guatemala, Captaincy General of Filipinas, Viceroyalty of Peru, the Armada of the Mar del Sur and the Captaincy General of Chile, during all of the 18th century. The second book has 550 pages with 42 coloured maps and plans of fortifications and 30 colour plates of uniforms and 2 on flags and standards. This volume follows the same structure as in the first book with chapters about the Captaincy General of Cuba, the Governization and Commandancy of Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo, Florida y la Luisiana, the Viceroyalty of Nueva Granada, the Captaincy General of Venezuela, the Viceroyalty of the Provincias de la Rio de la Plata and some additional chapters on the Sanitary Corps, Engineering Corps, recruitment, military academies and the shipyards in America. The price is 12,000 pts. [270.00 aprox.] the two books. "Los Uniformes del Estado Militar de Espana del Ano 1815", has been published by Aldaba Ediciones S.A., ISBN 84-86629-66-7. The authors are Antonio Manzano Lahoz and Luis Gravalos Gonzalez, this book is an analysis of the Spanish uniforms, flags, standards and equipment in 1815. it has 157 pages with 57 colour plates covering uniforms, flags, condecorations and medals, well drawn by Manzano, the collaborator of "El Ejercito de los Borbones " series. From the point of view for El Dorado readers this book offers very interesting information, firstly on the uniforms of some peninsular units that were sent to America for the Wars of Independence of those South American countries. Besides a chapter covering the organization of the troops in Amer 4 ca and the Filipinas during 1815, with Spanish details on their uniforms, where available. Finally, the following plates from the book show uniforms worn in the Americas;
Fusilier of the Auxilarv Battalion of Santo Domingo 2nd Corporal of the Fijo Company, of the 1st Regiment of Catalonia Volunteers Private of the 1st Company of Pardos y Morenos de Veracruz Trumpeter of the Regiment of Provincial Militia, Dragoons of Queretaro. 2nd Sergeant of the Comercio Regiment of Mexico 1st Corporal of the Invalid Corps Private of the Fijo Battalion of Infantry of Guatemala 2nd Corporal of the Infantry Regiment of Cuba 2nd Captain of the Infantry Regiment of Luisiana Private of Infantry Regiment of Puerto Rico 1st Sergeant of the Fijo Regiment of Infantry of Cartagena de Indias Lieutenant Colonel of Infantrv Battalion of Caracas 2nd Captain of Dragoons of Buenos Aires Private of the Infantry Regiment Real de Lima 2nd Corporal of Dragoons of Cuzco Flag of the Regiment Fijo de la Corona de Nueva Espana Standard of the Dragoons of Buenos Aires The price of this work is 2,500 pts [£ 15.00 aprox] "Yo Solo: Bernardo de Galvez y la toma de Panzacola en 1781", by Carmen de Reparaz, published by Ediciones del Serbal S.A. [C/Guitard, No.45, 08014 Barcelona, Spain] in collaboration with the Instituto de Cooperacion Iberoamericana [Avda, de los Reyes Catolicos, No.4, 28040, Madrid, Spain]. It's 276 pages are a very exhaustive study about this campaign during the American War of Independence, it is fully illustrated and contains some colour photographs about the uniforms and flags of the Spanish units involved in the siege. The price is 3.400 pts. [£ 20.00 aprox.], the ISBN IS 84-7628-012-2 Serbal, ISBN 84-72322-391-9 ICI, NIPO 028-86-018-6. "Banderas Olvidas: el E-jercito Realista en America", has been written by a well known collaborator and Honorary Member of Ell Dorado, Don Julio Albi de la Cuesta, the editor is Ediciones de Cultura Hispanica, Agencia Espanola de Cooperacion internacional [Avda. de los Reyes Catolicos, No.4. 28040 Madrid]. It has 415 pages with some black and white photographs of Royalist uniforms and flags, the wars of liberation of the South American states are covered deeply from the viewpoint of the Royalist Army with information about the units formation, evolution and battles, offering some very interesting details on the or 4 gin of the members of Royalist units, more American volunteers than Peninsulars among the ranks. The price is 3400 pts [£ 20 aprox]. All of these books can be obtained through BARREIRA MILITARIA, C/ MAYOR, No.4., 28013 MADRID, SPAIN, although the postage is worked out as; Europe and America by surface mail add 15% books ordered and America by Air Mail add 30% of the price of books ordered, they accept credit cards too i.e. Visa, Access, Mastercard and Eurocard. ;If in doubt about methods of payment drop them a letter with your questions enclosing an Int. Reply coupon. Hoping that this letter will be of interest to El Dorado readers. J. Javier Garcia Thanks Jose, I was going to write something about this booklist but your copy was better, TDH. Also note that there are some other titles available on Latin America including Alberto Marquez's book "Cuatro Siglos de Uniformes en Chile" price 4.500 pts. Speial Issue Received a card from M. Michel Clemenceau of the "Club Francais de la Figurine Historique", in which he gives me prior notice of the society's new special issue, this ought to interest a few of you, it's title is "L'Histoire de L'Amerique Latine et du Sud de la Conquete a L'Independence, 1492 - 182411, as always there will be a good few black and white illustrations plus 2 coloured plates by Louis de Beaufort, the price is 120 ff. 1 have not seen a copy of it yet, but I did send 4 n an article on the British Volunteers that sailed to help in the Wars of Independence, I would guess that it will appear in the last volume. If you wish to oder a copy write to M. Michel Clemenceau, 5 Allee des Saules, 94240 L'HAY - LES - ROSES, FRANCE. Back to Table of Contents -- El Dorado Vol V No. 4 Back to El Dorado List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1993 by The South and Central American Military Historians Society This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |