by Paul V. Walsh
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In the fall of 1988 a new military history periodical appeared, MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of Military History. MHQ was intended to strike a balance between a scholarly Journal and a commercial periodical. it's contents consist of articles and regular columns by noted authors in the field of military history. While these pieces are accompanied by beautiful colour illustrations in a manner similar to a commercial publication, they offer analysis as well as narrative, in a fashion similar to a scholarly journal, though without footnotes or a bibliography. Although the quality of the articles published in MHQ varies, it is normally very good. MHQ is unusual for its form as well for it is a bound hardback periodical, with each issue containing 112 pages of text and illustrations. This is reflected in the subscription price of $49.95 for one year and $99.00 for two. Those who might be interested in subscribing to MHQ may call 1-800-341-6969, or write to the following; MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of Military History, P.O.Box 2054, Marion, OHIO 43306-2054, U.S.A. In its brief existance, MHQ has already offered a number of articles related to the military history of Latin America, while only the latest piece has dealt with an event in South America proper, the War of the Triple Alliance, with the four others divided between two covering the Caribbean and two on the U.S. - Mexican War, the quality of all the Latin American related articles is very high. Naturally it is hoped that further pieces on our subject will appear in the future pages of MHQ. I enclose the following list of these articles for use via a Library etc.;
[2] Holt, Thaddeus "Checkmate at Mexico City ( Aug.8. - Sept.14. 1847 1." MHQ Vol.2, No.3. Spring 1990, pp.82-93. [3] Martin, Dolores Moyano "A Sanguinary Obsession [a general history of the war]." MHQ Vol.4. No.4. Summer 1992, pp.90-103. [4] Blow, Michael "Churchill in Cuba [ as a war correspondent in the Spanish - American Warl." MHQ Vol.3. No.!. Autumn 1990, pp.80-83. [5] Brugioni, Dino A. "TheInvasion of Cuba [a review of U.S. plans]." MHQ Vol.4. No.2. Winter 1992, pp.92-101. While I'm sat here I'll also include these following articles that deal with Latin American military history and have appeared in "Military Affairs; The Journal of Military History" 1937 - 1992, only 10 articles in 55 years!
[2] Engelhardt, Armin "The Battle of Caseros - The Dawn of Modern Argentina." Military Affairs, Vol.X!I, No.4. Winter 1948, pp.217-225. [3] Wallace, Edward S. "The Battalion of Saint Patrick in the Mexican War." Military Affairs, Vol.XIV, 1950, pp.84-91. [4] Perry, Richard D. "Warfare on the Pampas in the 1870's.'' Military Affairs, Vol.XXXVI, No.2. April 1972, pp.52-58. [5] Nunn, Frederick M. "Effects of European Military Training in Latin America; The Origins of Professional Militarism in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Peru, 1890-1940." Military Affairs, Vol.XXXIX, No.l. Feb. 1975, pp.!-7. [6] Kelley, James R. "The Education and Training of Porfirian Officers; Success or Failure?" Military Affairs, Vol.XXXIX, No.3. Oct. 1975, pp.124-126. [7] Halbrook, Francis X. "The Navy's Cross - William Walker.'' Military Affairs, Vol.XXXIX, Nc.4. Dec. 1975, pp.197-202. [8] Truitt, R. D. "Defining Latin American Security Issues.'' Military Affairs, Vol.XXXX, No.4. Dec. 1976, pp.169-175. [9] Perez, L.A. "Some Military Aspects of the Mexican Revolution, 1910-11." Military Affairs, Vol.XLIII, No.4. Dec. 1979, pp.191-194. [10] Slatta, R.W. "Recent Literature on the Latin American Military." Mil.Aff., Vol.LI. No.2. April 1997, pp.75-78. Back to Table of Contents -- El Dorado Vol V No. 4 Back to El Dorado List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1993 by The South and Central American Military Historians Society This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |