by Terry Hooker
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Managed to buy a few books during this quarter in my local bookshops and in York, they are; Osprey Men at Arms, No.159. GRANADA 1983, by Lee.E.Russell and M.Albert Mendez, plates by Paul Hannon, not as good as I expected, very little data on the Grenadian troops/militia insignia/rank or organization, plenty on the U.S. forces, as I expected. Osprey Elite Series, No.37. "PANAMA 1989-90", by Gordon Rottman, plates by Ron Volstad, much better than the previous title and a good companion to the illustrations and data published in "E.D." on the Panamanian troops by Mark Conrad, with data on the various Panamanian units organization etc. plus good data on the U.S. units. Osprey Men at Arms, No.239, AZTEC, MIXTEC AND ZAPOTEC ARMIES", by John M.D. Pohl, plates by Angus McBride. The illustrations really made this title, although there were some interesting points in the text which was easy to understand and read, it always surprises me that the Osprey books do not give a bibliography of books etc. used by the author and illustrator, lack of space is what I get told. Another book on Genada this time by Hugh O'Shaughnessy titled "Grenada; Revolution, Invasion and Aftermath", published by Hamish Hamilton, 1984, additional information which goes well with Mark Adkin's "Urgent Fury", mainly a political side of affairs book, but it covers the U.S. operation there. Two books published by The Century Travellers, Century Hutchinson, the first is "Life in Mexico" by Madame Calderon de la Barca, first published in 1843, this edition 1987f, married to the Spanish Minister there during 1838-9, these are her letters of the times and people of Mexico, a good insight into that period of Mexico's history. The second is a book that I have been looking for, this reprint will have to do, "A Vanished Arcadia" by R.B. Cunninghame Graham, first published in 1901, this edition 1988, this is the classic on the Jesuit missions in Paraguay during the period 1607-1767, this has always been a subject that has interested me, and at £ 2.95 I couldn't say no! The last is the "Life of Earl Dundonald" by Joseph Allen, published by Routledge, Warne & Routledge, London 1861, more data on Cochrane and his services in South America. Has anyone seen "Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru and Brazil" by Thomas, Earl of Dundonald 1859, 2 Vols. ? If you see a copy, cheap!, let me know please [T.D.H]. Now for some books that have been sent to me, "CENTAUR OF THE NORTH; Francisco Villa, The Mexican Revolution and Northern Mexico", by Manuel A. Machado Jr., pub. Eakin Press, Austin, Texas 1988, very good for the Northern part of the Mexican Revolution, some good notes on the Division del Norte, but not as many or complete as I would like to see, overall a handy book to have and easy to follow. "SOUTH AMERICAN DICTATORS; During the First Century of Independence", edited by A. Curtis Wilgus, Vol.V of Studies in Hispanic American Affairs, 1st nub. 1937 by The George Washington University Press, this edition pub. by Russell & Russell, New York 1963, 473 pages of thought provoking text, including; Artigas, Rivadavia, Francisco Solano Lopez, Diego Portales, Rosas, San Martin and Bolivar to name just a few covered, concise chapters by scholars from 5 U.S. Universities including J. Fred Rippy and Lewis W. Bealer, interesting book, well worth a look. A new book from Chile "LA ARTILLERIA CHILENA, 1810 - 1992", by Instituto Geografico Militar de Chile, Direccion General Comite de Artilleria, Decernber 1992. This title gives a brief history of the various Chilean Artillery units, 7 Artillery Regiments, 4 Groups of Artillery and 2 Batteries of Artillery, colour photographs of modern day equipment and historic flags from the museums plus 5 coloured plates on uniforms by A. Marquez Allison (one figure per plate) the 1940 Kettledrumer being the least known to me, also each units badge in full colour, list of commanding officers per unit and actions/campaigns that each unit took part in, a really useful book, I'll have to try and publish these unit insignias in E.D. at some later date. I don't know how you could obtain a copy, maybe via the Embassy? Mine was sent by a Chilean Brigadier General who's a member, many thanks! Next "Bosquejo de la Historia Militar de Venezuela", by Jose de Austria, pub. by Academia Nacional de la Historia, Caracas 1960, this was first published in 1857 and covers the period from 1810-1816 in 2 volumes, these will need some time to look through to find the gems of data that are bound to be in them, hope I get the time. "LA BATALLEA DE BOYACA, 1 de Agosto de 1819; a traves de los Archivos Espanoles", by Juan Friede, pub. Banco de la Republica, Talleres Graficos, Bogota 1969. Three maps but none of the Battle, one chart detailing the Spanish forces, have to type it out, and 325 pages of text on the movements of both Armies before the Battle, the Battle and the aftermath, good extra information from the Spanish/Loyalist side, always handy to have. Now for something different: a British book published in Bogota in 1974 by the Biblioteca Banco Popular, volume 506, translated by Luis de Teran, it is Richard Vawell's "MEMORIAS DE UN OFICIAL DE LA LEGION BRITANICA" first published in 1850 and quite hard to obtain a copy from the library, so if you can read Spanish this book is a good substitute. Two other titles which might be of interest "ROBERTO COFRESI, 1819-1825", by W.A.Cardona Bonet, pub. Marine Archaeological Publications, San Juan, Puerto Rico 1991, a West Indian Pirate hunted by the Spanish and U.S. Navies, text is in Spanish. Last book is "EVOLVING U.S. STRATEGY FOR LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN", edited by L.E. Kjonnerod, National Defence University Press Publications, Washington D.C. 1992, nice to keep for the future to see if the ideas were right? 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