by Paul V. Walsh
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After a brief dry spell, a large number of works have recently come to my attention, from both old and new dealers. it would seem appropriate to begin with a work covering the earliest period of Latin American history "War and Society in Ancient Mesoamerica", Ross Hassig, the author of "Aztec Warfare", examines both the conduct of war in Pre-Colombian America and its impact on society, from 1500 B.C. up to and including the Spanish conquest, $40.00 - call 1-800-822-66571, or write to: University of California Press, Berkeley, California. Unfortunately, the old stanby discount dealers of Barnes and Noble (1-201-767-7079 - 126 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10011) and Edward R.Hamilton [Falls Village, Ct. 06031-50001, have not been offering as generous an amount of Latin American related titles as they have in -the past [though most of the past remain available]. The exceptions include Richard Harding's "Amphibious Warfare in the 18th century: The British Expedition to the West Indies 1740-42", [catalogue No.1830983], which is being offered by Barnes and Noble for only $10.95, and Milton Jamail and Margo Gutierrez's softback "It's No Secret: Israel's Military involvement-in Central America [No.305413], available from Edward R.Hamilton for $3.95, discounted from the original $10.00. In contrast with the two prior dealers, the latest catalogue, No.63, from Articles of War [1-708-67/4-7445, 8806 Bronx Ave., Skokie, IL. 600771-1823] is full of Latin American related titles. "They are coming: The Conquest of Mexico", is an English translation of Ex-Mexican President Jose Lopez Portillo y Pacheco's study of the Spanish conquest from the Indian perspective $34.50 - No.70]. An even more unique study is Jan Pachonski and Reuel Wilson's "Poland's Caribbean Tragedy: A Study of the Polish Legions in the Haitian War of Independence 1802-03", [$47.50 - No.12]. Latin American relations and the U.S. Southwest continues to receive a great deal of attention in print, to begin with there is Albert Nofi's "The Alamo and the Texas War for Independence", [$18.95 - No.7711. For the U.S. Mexican War there are works covering both sides: Randy Hackenburg's "Pennsylvania in the War with Mexico: The Volunteer Regiment", [$44.95 - No.114] and Dennis Wynn's "The San Patricio's Soldiers: Mexico's Foreign Legion", [$10.00 - No.120]. Booklette No.74 in Texas Western Press' Southwestern Studies series [this includes an appendices on the Mexican Spy Company Joseph Allen Stout's "The Liberators: Filibustering Expeditions into Mexico 1348-1862", [$9.95 No.105] covers intervention attempts by a variety of individials, including William Walker, who's own account of his more famous adventures in Central America is also available in "The War in Nicaragua", $11.95 - No.130. It is often forgotten that, following the U.S. acquisition of Mexican territory, the former Mexican population became U.S. citizens who participated in public life, including Military service. Jerry Thompson examines this topic in his softback "Mexican Texans in the Union Army", [$10.00 - No.111] U.S. - Mexican tensions during the Revolution are covered by four of the catalogues offerings. Frank Samponaro and Paul Vandewood's "War Scare on the Rio Grande; Robert Runyon's Photos of the Border Conflict 1913-16", this contains over 125 pictures of Mexican Revolutionaries, Federals and U.S. troops and would seem to be ideal for uniform research [$29.95 - No.131]. The softback "Revolution on the Rio Grande: Mexican Raids and Army Pursuits 1916-1919", by Glenn justice $10.00 - No.117 is a general overview, while Stacy Hinkle's "Wings and Saddles: The Air and Cavalry Punitive expedition of 1919", $10.00 - No.135, booklette No.19 in the aforementioned Southwestern Studies series, focuses on a less well known intervention. Lastly, in his autobiography "A Marine Tell it to You", [$8.95 - No.108], Col. F.Wise describes his experiences at Vera Cruz, as well as at the occupation of Cuba, Haiti and Santo Domingo. Recently, I recieved a flier from Texas A & M University Press which oftered a considerable number of Latin American related titles, from a variety of publishers, at discount. prices [address; John H. Lindsey Bldg., Drawer C, College Station, Texas 77843-4354]. The first two works, on the early colonial period, are by Robert Weddle: "Spanish Sea; The Gulf of Mexico in North American Discovery 1100-1685", [$39.15] and "The French Thorn: Rival Explorers in the Spanish sea 1682-1762", [$49.50]. The close of the colonial period in a far off Mexican province is examined in the softback edition of Felix Almaraz's "Tragic Cavalier: Gov. Manuel Salcedo of Texas 1308-1313", [$14.50]. "In Mexican Prisons: The Journal of Edward Harkort 1832-1834", translated and edited by Louis Brister, is the account of a German engineer who served in Santa Anna's Rebel Army and was subsequently imprisoned during his dictatorship [$1.05]. Another first person account, from one of Santa Anna's officers during the Texan War of Independence, is the softback "With Santa Anna in Texas: A Personal Narrative of the Revolution by Jose Enrique de la Pena", translated and edited by Carman Perry $12.95. Other titles from this flier are; "Essavs on the Mexican War", edited by D. Richmond [$12.25], "To Conquer Peace: The War between the U.S. and Mexico", by J.E. Weems [$17.70 cloth, $10 paper], "The Mexican War Journal and Letters of Ralph W. Kirkham", edited by R.R. Miller [softback $12.95]. The Mexican Revolution; "Revoltosos: Mexico's Rebels in the U.S. 1903-1923", by W.D. Raat [$12.25], "Alvaro Obregon: Power and Revolution in Mexico 1911-1920", by Linda Hall [$14.25], "Black Jack: The Life and Times of John J. Pershing", by F. Vandiveer [$33.25]. Last on our list of mail order firms is a new dealer of second hand history books with whom I've just begun doing business, J.H.Faber [Box 24, Millwood, N.Y. 10546]. Mr Faber is happy to receive want lists from potential customers. Along with his most recent catalogue, No.37, Mr. Faber was kind enough to send along his two previous catalogues from which some selections are still available. As such, the first number for each of the books below indicates the catalogue from which the item is taken [Nos. 37, 36 or 35], while the second is the book's number within the given catalogue. "The Ancient Maya" by S.G.Morley $10.00 - 35 - 122. "History of the Conquest of Mexico" BY W.H.Prescott, 3 Vols. unabridged edition $25.00 - 36 - 255. Same as above but an abridged version $10.00 - 36 - 256. "The Presidio: Bastion of the Spanish Borderlands" by Max Moorhead $30.00 - 35 - 81. "Borderland in Retreat: From Spanish Louisiana to the far Southwest" by A. Niasat'r $30.00 - 35 - 189. "Spanish War Vessels on the Mississippi 1792-96" by Abraham Nasatir, includes 4 diaries $20.00 - 35 - 190. "The Campaign for the Sugar islands 1759: A Study in Amphibious Warfare" by M. Smelser [an interesting companion for Harding's aforementioned book on the British Expedition to the West Indies in 1740-42] $50.00 - 37 - 303 "French Diplomacy in the Caribbean and the American Revolution" by R.J. Singh $15.00 - 37 - 289. "Chronicles of the Gringos: The U.S. Army in the Mexican War 1846-48: Accounts of Eyewitnesses and Combatants" by G.Winston and C. Judah $140.00 - 37 - 317. The Mexican Revolution 1914-15: The Convention of Aquascalientes bv R. Quirck $20.00 36 - 309. "Zapata: A Biography" by R.Parlxinson $18.00 - 36 - 64. "The U.S. Occupation of Haiti 1915-34" by Hans Schmidt $25.00 - 37 - 156. U.S Army Politics in Cuba 1898-1958" by L. Perez $14.00 - 36 - 113. "Intervention in the Caribbean: The Dominican Crisis of 1956" by B. Palmer $25.00 - 36 - 23. "Grenada: Revolution and Invasion" by A. Payne $10.00 - 36 - 93. All in all, the firm of J.H.Faber seems to be an excellent addition to our list of dealers in the U.S.A. Back to Table of Contents -- El Dorado Vol V No. 3 Back to El Dorado List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1993 by The South and Central American Military Historians Society This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history and related articles are available at |