By Terry Hooker
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Recieved "Juan Manuel de Rosas" by Jaime Delgado Martin, Published by "Ibercamericana" Anava S.A.,Madrid 1983, [Josefa Valcarcel, 27, Madrid 28027]. From the same series as the book on O'Higgins that I recieved last year, it is in the A5 size, hardbacked, and profusely illustrated in colour, 19 of these are of good military subjects, 10 of which I hadn't seen before, text is in Spanish, 125 pages, price £ 6.15. A handy book, although the text is of a general history nature. Some quick reviews of things that I've bought of late: RAIDS, September 1992, this issue is on "Marines of the World" and it has some information on Latin America, 1 1/2 columns of text with 3 illustrations of shoulder patches [Mexico, Cuba and Ecuador], it, all helps. MILITARY MODELING, September 1992, an article on page 76, by somebody called Hooker on the "1st Battle of Tuyuti" 1866 in the War of the Triple Alliance. It also contains 22 coloured illustrations by Ron Poulter and 3 photographs two thirds of the text deals with uniform details, so you might just find something in there which is new to you? Thanks Ron. ARGENTINE FORCES IN THE FALKLANDS, this is one of the latest Osprey Men at Arms books (No.250] by Nicholas Van Der Bijl with illustrations by Paul Hannon, it is mainly, I'm pleased to say, on each individual unit, it's make up and positions. Making it a good companion to M.Middlebrook's "The Fight For The Malvinas; the Argentine forces in the Falklands War", only thing that I missed was a rank chart with the different insignia and more details on unit badges, I believe the text rations didn't do it justice was worth the money but the illustor is that me? While I'm on this subject during my vacation in Norfolk a few months ago I managed to buy a few books, one was "The Royal Navy and the Falklands War" by David Brown, first published by Leo Cooper although my one is a book club edition, 376 pages of good detailed data, photographs and 6 maps, also an Appendix on British and Argentine ships used with relevant technical data, a good buy for £ 6.50, it goes quite well with "Falklands the Air War" published by Arms and Armour, authors; RA. Burden, Draper, D.A. Rough and C.R. Smith. The other 3 books that were bought in various parts of Norfolk are "The Discovery of America" Vol. II, by John Fiske, published by The Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass. U.S.A. 1895, quite an interesting book being so old, covers up to La Casas. "The Conquest of New Granada", by Juan Rodriguez Freile 1638, reprinted by the Folio Ltd 1961, easy reading with lots of details about Society's little known events and people, I've been looking for this book for about 6 years after seeing a copy in a York bookshop. "The Spanish Tradition in America" edited by C.Gibson, pub. by Harper Torchbooks, New York 1960, this has 41 English translations of Laws and decrees from 1479 [Treaty of Alcacovas to Bolivar's address at Angostura in 1819, some really good translations here and a boon to anyone interested in the Spanish Colonial Period.]. Three other books that I bought are "Under an English Heaven" by D.E.Westlake, pub. by Hodder and Stoughton, London 1973, deals with the British invasion in 1969 of Anguilla [I thought it dealt with the Buccaneers, 1669 not 1969, still I might read it one day]. "The Culture of Terrorism", by N.Chomsky, Pluto Press, London 1988, deals with the U.S.A. and Central America [Irangate] period, not as good as I thought it would be. "El Salvador: The Face of Revolution", by R.Armstrong and J.Shenk, South End Press, Boston 1982, best book out of the three, good text deals with the events of 1932 through to 1982, athough mainly the modern period, 275 pages with footnotes, Appendix and Bibliography. on pageReceived from Old Fort Niagara Association their latest publication entitled "Uniforms and Equipment of the United States Forces in the War of 1812" by our Honorary Member Rene Chartrand, it has 17122 pages, printed in an 9.5" by 11" format with full colour card covers, 211 photographs and line drawings, sections include; Uniforms of the Regular Army 1808-lB15, Uniforms of the State and Territorial Militias, Weapons of the United States Forces, Accoutrements, Colours and Standards, The United States Marine Corps, Uniforms of the Naval Forces with Appendix I on Major United States Army Uniform Regulations, 1812, 181-3, & 181-4, plus Appendix IV is on Cap Plates and Buttons, not a well kncwn subject. The photographs are mainly of or 4 ginal jackets, weapons and flags, these are very helpful, while the text by Rene is, as always, detailed in the extreme, placing this book into the "definate buy" category for anyone interested in this War, Uniforms and Flags. The price is $14.95 per book plus "1.50 postage to the States while postage to Europe is $5.00 via surface mail, the address to write to is; DUNNIGAN, C/O OLD FORT NIAGARA, P.O.BOX 169, YOUNGSTOWN, NEW YORK, 14174-0169, U.S.A. Still with Rene Chartrand, in the October issue of "MILITARY ILLUSTRATED" [No.531, is an article by him "Leather Jacket Soldiers: Cuera Cavalry of the American South West", Part 1, illustrated by David Rickman. Two fine colcured plates are reproduced showing men of this unit during 1567, 17/20, 1772 and 1767, four pages of interesting text with reference to some drawing bv a Father Tirsch, circa 1767, showing this unit in Lower California and is now in the State T ibrar,,, in Prague [I've never heard of these drawing beforel. A worthy addition and I cannot wait to see the next part! Well done Rene on both accounts. T.D.H. Received No.300 of "Todo Es Historia", Junio-julio 1992, this is an Argentine magazine rather like "History Today" but mainly on Argentine history, with this issue, due to it's 25 years of being published, was an index of all the previous 100 issues from May 1967, some interesting articles here, so see if your library can obtain a copy of this index, there must be something for everybody among these articles. The Musee de l'Armee, Hotel National des Invalides, Paris have two exhibitions the first one starts 10th October and concerns models of cannon, these are no ordinary models but exact copies of the originals, the collection was started in 1648 by Marechal Duc de la Meillera with other models added by Marechal Duc d'Humieres and Lt.General Gribeauval, while after Napoleonic Wars, pieces were added to keep the collection up to date. Some fine workmanship in the 200 models on show, the exhibition closes in March 1993. The other exhibition relates to "Stars in Uniform" and covers film stars that have appeared in war movies, from silent screen to "Top "Gun" the list of stars is endless, male and -female plus some very nice photo stills are used to remind us of some of the films. Starts on 24th October until the 6th December 1992. The "Briquet" issue No.3, 19192 has an article on "Christopher Columbus and his companions" with three plates on the heraldic arms given to some of his followers by Rene Aquilina, also a special number is going to be published entitled "De Christophe Colomb aux Conquistadores et autres Descubridores de 1492 a 1600", 130 pages of text and 4.1 plates in black and white with 1 coloured plate showing Conquistadores, Aztecs, Incas Coats of Arms etc. If interested write to the secretary "BRIQUET", 3 Rue Saint-Come, 45000 OLEANS, FRANCE. Price is 120 F. Francs, I'm sure that something new will- turn up in it, if only the Coats of Arms. Received a catalogue of figures from "REVIRESCO", 52931 Leprechaun Lane, Kearns, UTAH 84118, U.S.A. they produce 54mm and 25mm figures both of the U.S. - Mexican War and 54mm in the Texas War of -Independence. I don't know how good the figures are but the list of 54mm figs. shows 80 Mexican figures in various positions, so could be interesting to see what they are like, maybe O.K. for dioramas? A 3 page article appeared in the May 1992 issue of "Gazette des Uniformes", a French magazine, on "La Releve de la Garde: a Santa Fe de Bogota" by Juan Angel Torti, it uses 7 coloured photographs showing men from the 37th Tnfantry Battalion, [in Prussian style uniforms] the Battalions band, Drum Major and a ceremonial uniform based on a War of Independence uniform. Good photographs, with little text. The Royal Belgian Society for the study of Uniforms, publishers of "La Figurine", are organizing the 1st European Congress for Collectors of Historical Figurines to be held in Bruxelles from the 28th May to the 1st June 1993. A number of excursions and evening banquet are planned, so it should be an interesting weekend, anyone interested in taking part please write to "La Figurine", Att. Organizing Committee, Rue du Jardinier, 12, BRAINE-LIALTEUD 1410, BELGIQUE. Back to Table of Contents -- El Dorado Vol V No. 2 Back to El Dorado List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1992 by The South and Central American Military Historians Society This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |