By D.A. Darmanin
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The second largest variety of buttons found are definately those of Uruguay. A similarity exists between these and those of Argentina, especially in having the sun as part of the National Coat of Arms. This is more evident in the police buttons Gallic Cock, the Navy - the sun, and those of transport. The Bomberos wear the same button as their Argentine counter-parts. The Uruguayan Police Force, the Policia Nacional, was previously divided into that of Montevideo and eighteen "Departimentos" or counties. Each had its own administration, badge and button. In 1980, the Republic united all units into one corps, with administration, badge and button being the same for all branches. The Army's buttons varied especially during the 19th century. Many of the regiments and battalions had their own particular design, that which differed wordings. Towards the turn of the century, a standard button was issued, which bore the Coat of Arms of Uruguay in an array of trophies of war. This design varied in the following years but remains the motif of the Army buttons to these days. Also as with Argentina, the sun's rays vary according to the period of use and makers [see figs. 19 in part one] which are applicable for Uruguay. Naval buttons have only one major variation, which is that earlier makes were half-spherical and had a ribbed background, apart from the sun being different in many recent makes. The Air Force had been part of the Army until 1956, when it became an independent service. THE BUTTONS: 1. Florida Infantry Battalion, "ESTADO ORILENTAT" and coat of arms, 19th century, Brass, slightly raised and rimmed. Diameter: large 22mm. 2. Side view of fig 1. 3. Army, Officers, 1916, coat of arms surrounded by array of Trophies of War, Gilt, half spherical, rimmed. Diameter: Large - 22mm, Medium - 15mm, Small 10mm and that for epaulettes with -larger sewing eye 14mm. [for ribbed background see Part One, No. 131. 3a.Not shown. Other ranks, 1916, Coat of Arms and Trophies of War, brass and aluminium composition, half-spherical, non-rimmed. Diameter T arge - 20mm, Medium - 15mm and Small - 12mm. 3b.Not shown, Officers, for "Special Dress", 1916, Coat of Arms and Trophies of War, flat and ribbed background. 4. Army, Other ranks, 10,20, half-spherical, non-rimmed, brass with the Coat of Arms has changes in Trophies of War with addition of two rifles with fixed bavonets on each side of sun, while the wreath became composed of only two broughs and three cannon shots appear at below the Coat of Arms. Diameter: Large 19mm. 5. Side view of Nos. 2, 3, 3a and 4. 6.Army, Officers, circa post WW2, gilt, domed and ribbed background. Coat of Arms is now without Trophies, while the wreath is changed to oak and laurel broughs. Diameter: Large - 22mm, Medium - 19mm and Small - 11mm. 7.Army, Other ranks, circa Post WW2, brass, domed, plain background. No Tropies and wreath changed to oak and laurel broughs. Diameter: Large - 22mm, and Small - 14mm. 8.Army, Officers, circa 1970s onwards, gilt, domed, ribbed background, Coat of Arms. Another change to Coat of Arms having both broughs of laurel. Diameter: Large - 20 and 19mm, Medium - 14mm and for cap - 13mm. 9.Side view of Nos.6, 7 and 8. 10.Aviacion Militar - Army Aviation. Officers, gilt, domed, ribbed background, rimmed. Diameter: Large 22mm. and Small 14mm. 11. Fuerza Aera Uruguaya - Uruguayan Air Force, Officers, 1956 onwards, gilt, ribbed background, rimmed. Further alteration to wreath having the laurel leaves roughly set. Diameter: Large - 22mm and Small - 12mm. 12.Army, Escuela Aviacion Militar - Military Aviation School. An Academy --for Cadet Officers of this service which in 1956 was changed to that for Air Force Cadets and wearing buttonas No.10. Gilt, flat, rimmed with a roped inner edge to the design. Diameter: Coat - 28mm, Large - 22mm and Small - 15mm. 13. Side view of No.11 14. Navy, Officers, late 1800's to mid 1900's, gilt, half spherical, roped edge, ribbed background, Fouled Anchor and sun'design. Diameter: Large - 22-mm and 22-mm, Small - 16mm. 15. Side view of No. 13. 15a. Not shown. Navy Officers, mid 1900's to present, similar to No.13, with a lesser dome and a plain background. Diameter: Large - 22mm and Small - 14mm. 16.Side view of No.14. 17. Policia de Montevideo, brass, rimmed, Gallic Cock. Variations in the pattern exists in the design of the cock as well as in the anulus containing title. In this button there are three dots on each side of "POLICIA". Diameter: Large - 22mm and Small 15mm. 18.Policia de Montevideo, brass, rimmed, Gallic Cock. A star on each side of anulus. Diameter: Large - 22mm and Small - 15mm. 18a.Not shown, Policia de Montevideo, brass, rimmed, ribbed background behind cock, design as No.16. Diameter: Large 22mm and small - 13mm. 19.Policia, county unknown, brass, rimmed, Gallic Cock, with 7 stars at bottom of anulus. Diameter: Large - 22mm and Small - 15mm. 20.Policia R.O.U., having juristriction throughout the country, brass, rimmed, cock; a star on each side of anulus. Diameter: Large - 22mm and Small - 15mm. 21.Policia R.O.U., brass, rimmed, cock; a variant design at sides of anulus. Diameter: Large - 22mm and Small - 15mm. 22.Policia R.O.U. brass, rimmed, cock; a dot at sides of anulus. Diameter: Large - 22mm and Small - 14mm. 23.Policia R.O.U. white metal, rimmed, cock; an asterix at sides of anulus. Diameter: Large - 21mm, and Small - Amm. 23a.As No.21, white metal. Diameter: Large - 22mm and Small 15mm. 24.Policia R.O.U. brass, rimmed, Coat of Arms; three stars at sides of anulus. Diameter: Large - 22mm and Small - 15mm. 24a.Not shown but as No.23, white metal. Diameter: Large 22mm and Small - 14mm. 25. Side view of Police buttons Nos. 16 to 24a. 26.Policia Nacional, all county forces were united into one body in 1980. officers, gilt, rimmed, slightly domed. Diameter: Large - 23mm and Small - 17mm. 26a.Not shown but as No.25. Policia National, enlisted men, white metal. Diameter: Large - 23mm and Small - 17mm. 27.Guardia de Coracieros (Police Cavalry Regiment), circa 1980, enlisted men, white metal, rimmed, domed. Diameter: Large - 22mm. and Small - 16mm. 27a.Not shown but as No.27. Guardia de Curaceros, officers, gilt. Diameter: Large - 22mm and Small - 16mm. 28. Side view of Nos. 26 and 27. 29.Bomberos [Fire Brigade], brass, domed, [see Part One, figs.33 and 34 same details]. 30.Bomberos, officers, circa 1980, gilt, rimmed, domed. Diameter: Large - 22mm and Small - 15mm. 30a. Not shown but as No.30. Bomberos, enlisted men, circa 1980, white metal. Diameter: Large - 22mm. and Small - 15mm. 31.Old Uruguayan railways service, company unknown, gilt, domed, rimmed. Diameter: Large - 23mm and Small - 16mm. 32. La Transatlantica, Jacket button of employees' uniform, a German Company which operated the Montevideo Tramway Service until after the war. Brass and rimmed. Diameter: Large - 20mm. 33. Side view of Nos. 32, 34 and 35. 34.Sociedad Comercial de Montevideo, Jacket button from uniform of another foreign owned company, British this time, it operated the Montevideo tramways along with No.32. Brass, rimmed, centre design as No. 32. Diameter: Large - 21mm. 35.A.M.D.E.T. [Administracion Municipal de Transportes] jacket button of state-owned local transport company, now defunct. Chromed brass, rimmed, centre design as No.32. Diameter: Large - 22mm. 36.Ferrocaril Central del Uruguay [Central Uruguayan Railways] A British company which operated a railway, it was nationalised over 40 years ago. Anodised aluminium, flat. Diameter: Large - 20mm. 37. Side view of No.36. 38.Unknown, possible Uruguayan, ribbed background, gilt, half spherical, rimmed. Diameter: Large - 22mm. Illustrations
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