By D. Smith
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Argentinian Uniforms 1807: Part 1 [ED v2n3] 1er Escuadron de Husares "de Pueyrredon" (Buenos Aires, 203 men) Black shako, red cockade and plume at top left hand side. Dark blue dolman and breeches, red collar and round cuffs, the buttons and lace seem to be white. Black belt and sabre slings, black and gilt sabre sheath. Plain black boots. Dark blue shabrack with white edging and tassels. Black harness. 2er Escuadron de Husares "de Vivas" (Buenos Aires, 186 men) As for Pueyrredon except: white plume, collar, cuffs and breeches. Yellow sash and shabrack. 3e Escuadron de Husares "de Nunez" (Buenos Aires, 181 men) As for Pueyrredon except: white plume; buff collar, cuffs and shabrack. Migueletes (Buenos Aires, 193 men) Top hat of infantry pattern with yellow plume having a red tip. Red coat, yellow collar (edged black?) yellow cuffs and sash. No skirts or turnbacks visible. Buff breeches, gold edged boots. Dark blue shabrack with white (silver?) edging. Black harness. Carabineros de Carlos Quarto: 190 men A rear view. Black fur cap, red plume to left hand side. Red jacket with yellow fac ings and white turnbacks (71st Foot?). Dark blue breeches, plain black boots, yellow shabrack, black harness. Hair powdered, clubbed and queued. Carabineros de Errera (origin and strength unknown) Uniform as for Carabineros de Carlos Quarto except: no plume, yellow headband to black 'fur' cap. Red jacket, collar and cuffs. Esquadron de Labradores (Buenos Aires, 332 men) An officer; top hat of infantry pattern with dark green or grey plume, collar and coffs. Dark blue coat and trousers; white waist sash, gold tops to boots; black and gold sabre sheaths. This figure is shown dismounted. There was also a 71 man strong 'Escolta del General' but this unit is not shown among the figures on the colour plate. By 1810 the militia regiments of 1807-07 had been reorganised as shown below. Infantry uniform was a black top hat with left brim curled up and held by a white button and loop covering a large red cockade above which was a white feather about 22 cm long. Dark blue, short-skirted jacket with three rows of ten white buttons on the chest and two buttons to each side of the standing collar. No shoulder straps, facings shown on collar, Swedish cuffs, turnbacks and tail piping. White breeches, black boots. All ranks wore a 3.7 m long red waist sash tied on the left hip. Above the left cuff was a round red disc bearing the gold central inscription "BUENOS AYRES" within a laurel wreath for the 1st and 2nd Battalions. Facings and buttons were: 1st and 2nd Battalions "Patricios" (Infantry Regiment "Patricios")- red, white; 3rd "Arribenos" (Infantry Corps "Arriber''os") - yellow, yellow; 4th "Montaneses" (Tercio de Cantabros y Montaneses) - 5th "Andaluces" (Tercio de Andaluces) - Grenadier Battalion "Fernando VII" (Grenadier Company) - Rank Badges - Officers wore silk sashes, silver epaulettes, black waist belts with gold buckles worn over the sash, silver aiguilette on the left shoulder, The coat became much more the then-current French army tunic in dark blue with curved lapels turned back and hooked together, facings on collar, lapels, Swedish cuffs and turnbacks; white waistcoat and belts, dark blue trousers worn over short black gaiters. Horse Artillery Infantry uniform with red facings, yellow buttons and yellow grenade badges to the collar; dark blue lapels, white waistcoats, dark blue breeches, short boots. Hussars del Rey (Husares de Puyrredon, Husares Infernales de Vivas, Husares de Nunes). Black top hat with two wide white stripes crossing the crown diagonally from front right; red cockade and feather on left. Dark blue, short tunic with three rows of yellow buttons linked in diamond-shaped formation by white cords, red collar and Swedish cuffs, dark blue breeches with white lace thigh decoration, white belts, short boots. On each side of the collar a 3 cm diameter bronze disc bearing the "Perdriel" inscription (seebelow). On the upper left arm was a larger 'Perdriel' shield - oblong (65 cm x 55 cm) in grey cloth bearing an oval with above it a scroll bearing "U° TSRC? GSTdsde BSAS" (to the conquerors of Buenos Aires) and beneath it "PERDRIEL 10 de agosto 1806". In the centre of the oval two men of war over an anchor and below an eagle (commemorating the capture of a British Belem (12) ship by the Husares de Puyrredon). Horse Grenadiers 'General de San Martin' (raised 1812) Black, French-style shako. sabre in steel sheath with gold knot, white gloves. NCOs wore horizontal gold bars on the upper sleeves, a senior sergeantwearing a narrow one over a wide one. The drum major wore senior sergeant's rank badges, blue and white aiguilette on the left shoulder and carried a black mace with silver knob, tip and cords. Drummers had red drums with blue hoops, white cords, black sticks. Colour bearers had light blue bandoliers with silver centre stripes and the colour was the national flag. French. style rank badges were introduced later in the period. Late in 1810 the French style shako replaced the top hat; it had a round brass plate, brass chin scales, red pompon and cords. Elandengues de Colonia: 118 men
Milicias (militia)
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