by Tom Barnes
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This game uses modified matrix arguments to allow players to try to recruit espionage agents and resistance cells and to gather information. The referee plays the Nazi intelligence organizations. I. MATRIX ARGUMENTS Players should list WHAT their action is, HOW they will accomplish the goal and the expected RESULTS. The referee will counterargue most arguments. Reasons are not required, it is assumed that all players are clever enough to come up with 3 good reasons for their actions. In play it glaring errors or unfairnesses in the rules might be revealed. The referee reserves the right to change the rules of the game at any time. The players can change the rules with the consensus of the referee. ANY CRITICAL EVENT CAN BE ROLEPLAYED, at the whim of the referee or the players. II. FLOW CHART As players build their intelligence nets they should write out their organizations on paper. Each organization is rated for its OBSERVATION SKILL, INFILTRATION RESISTANCE AND COMBAT STRENGTH and RESOURCES and possibly its ALIGNMENT. The first four are represented by numbers between 0 and 6. Alignment are given below. Through infiltration alignments of institutions can be changed. The local Gestapo would be rated 4,6,6,5 NAZI. A typical resistance cell would be rated 3,4,1,1 COMMUNIST. A Catholic church would be rated 1,2,0,2. Note that all of these numbers represent manpower, skill, morale and other intangible factors as well as equipment and money. Contacts between agents and cells are always shown by arrows. INSTITUTIONS are represented by SQUARES or rectangles, they always have one or more alignments. They may or may not be controlied by other institutions. Institutions are easy to infiltrate, but very hard to control. They can have high combat strength and high observation and usually have high resources. AGENTS are represented by a circle. They are always assumed to be either NAZI or ALLIED in alignment and to be mimicking the Alignment of the institution they have infiltrated. Agents can try recruit other agents, form a cell, gather information (of various sorts), sabotoage and infiltrate. They are high in observation skill, very weak in combat ability and can't be infiltrated. They can, however, be captured and "turned" into double agents. CELLS are small groups of agents and supporters of agents. Cells are represented by triangles. They can gather information, sabotage, engage in combat and infiltrate. Enough cells in an organization will result in CONTROL of an organization. Cells can be infiltrated, they can also be misdirected by AGENT PROVOCATEURS. They have alignments. AGENTS and CELLS can be strengthened, weakened or eliminated. P1ayers may eliminate their own agents and cells, but it weakens their entire organization. ALL AGENTS AND CELLS MUST BE GIVEN A CODE NAME FOR IDENTIFICATION. Agent and cell organizations are hidden, control of institutions or attempts to control institutions are is obvious once it is attempted. Institutions are obvious. LINKS - All agents and cells must be controlled by an agent cell. Player agents and cells are controlled by two way radio link by the SOE. All Nazi agents are controlled by the GESTAPO.
ONE WAY LINK - This allows the agent or cell to find and communicate with subordinate agents and cells, but the controlled agent or cell can/t find the superior agent/cell. These links are at -1 to detect and at +1 to break. They are at -1 to establish though. They are represented by a A---->B, where A is the superior group. RADIO - This sort of link allows communication by radio. This is an easy link to break, but is easy to discover. It also involves equipping an agent or cell with a radio, which gives them a link to the Gestapo or SOE. It is also difficult to order agents and cells through radio links due to problems with codes and poorer ability to assess the situation through radio reports. An organization can equip 1 agent or cell with a radio per 2 resource points it has. (Yes, realistically the SOE could give out dozens of radios in a turn, but this neglects the problems of code security and running all those radio links.) Radio links are at +2 to be DETECTED. And give the detecting organization a WEAK argument to discover the nature of 2 groups in the net. They are at +1 to be MISINFORMED if the controlling group is eliminated or turned. They are at +2 to break and they are at -2 to infiltrate along the link. They are represented by a "lightening bolt" arrow. CUT OUTS - These are messengers who no nothing of the information they are carrying. They give +1 to break a link and a -1 to infiltrate along that link. They are represented by a broken arrow.----/ /---> All link modifiers are cumulative. III. STANDARD ACTIONS The following argument carry these standard modifiers. These modifiers may not be changed by matrix arguments. RECRUIT AGENT: -1 to do for each step on the flow chart from the recruiting group. Ex. A--->B----->C If A tries to recruit C through B, A is at -1 to the roll. A new agent will be at 1,3;0,1 (Observation, Infiltration Resistance, Combat Strength, Resources). He keeps the alignment of the institution he was pscruited from, but adds the alignment of his controlling group. RECRUIT CELL: Same as above, but recruits a cell with the following stats 2,2,1,1. An agent must exist to recruit a cell. PURGE CELL: Roll vs. either the infiltration resistance of the purged group or the controlling group. If the roll is successful an infiltrator is purged. Roll once for each suspected infiltrator. One attempt may be made for each resource point spent that turn. Each subsequent attempt is at -1. This action makes the group -2 to be infiltrated for that turn only, but weakens observation and combat strength by 1 for each attempt made to a minimum of a in each. BREAK LINK WITH AGENT/CELL: Roll vs. the breaking groups infiltration resistance, with modifiers for the type of link. This action halves all scores for the severed organization except infiltration resistance. The severed group or agent is at +1 to turn until contact is reestablished. REESTABLISH LINK - As above, but roll vs. unspent resources to reestablish link. Each attempt to establish a link cost 1 resource, so each subsequent attempt is at -1. COMMIT SABOTAGE - Roll vs. combat strength. Each attempt at sabotage costs 1 resource. A successful attempt to sabotage will either neutralize an institution for 1 turn. Each attempt at sabotage requires a roll vs. infiltration resistance. A failed roll means that the cell or agent has been detected by the enemy. Successful sabotage without detection or retaliation by the Nazis gives Allied players a +1 to all recruitment rolls on their next turn. COMMIT ATROCITY: Roll vs. Combat strength of group. Each attempt spends 1 resource point. This gives the opposing side a -1 to recruit next turn (-1 maximum). This represents the massacre of supsected collaborators or resistance fighters. An agent or cell committing atrocities must roll for detection as if they commited sabotage. GATHER INTELLIGENCE - Intellengence points equal to the observation number of the unit are gathered and transmitted to the superior unit. Each attempt expends 1 resource point. (So an agent with observation 1 and resource 4 is just as valuable as an agent with resource 1 and observation 4). A unit which gathers intelligence is at +1 to be detected during the turn DETECT INFILTRATOR, AGENT OR CELL - Compare the observation number of the unit doing the detecting vs. the infiltration resistance of the unit to be detected. The modifier is applied to the roll of the die. Any result of 4+ detects the unit. Each attempt expends 1 resource point. Each attempt vs. the same unit in the same turn is at -1. Any attempt at detection not along an organizational link or not directed at an institution is at -2 to succeed. HIDE - Gives a unit a +3 to resistance vs. DETECTION. This rxpends all the unit/s resources for the turn. INFILTRATE AGENT - Places agent into institution or cell. Any agents or cells recruited by that agent may also be placed in that institution. An agent within an institution is at +1 to detect opposing agents or cells within that institution or cell. Roll vs. resources to get into the institution. Each attempt expends 1 resource for that turn. INFILTRATE CELL - Places cell into institution. Cells may attempt to control an institution. Cells are treated as agents for detecting other cells or agents. It costs 2 resources to infiltrate a cell into an institution. Roll vs. resources to get in. Once in a cell any links become appearant. This gives a bonus to detect the linked cell. IMPORTANT: WHEN an agent attempts to infiltrate a cell or detect an agent or cell he must infiltrate or detect along a communications link. ELIMINATE AGENT - Expends 1 resource. The difference between the agent/s infiltration resistance 01" observation and against the combat ability or infiltration resistance of the attacking unit. The result is applied to a die roll. Any result over 3 kills the agent. Each subsesquent attempt to kill any agent within the turn is at -1. An agent must be detected before can be Killed. If a cell or agent eliminates an agent it must roll for detection as if it committed sabotage. CONTROL INSTITUTION - Compare Combat strength and resources of the cell (s) or institution vs. the Infiltration resistance, combat strength and resources of the institution. Add +1 for each similar alignment and -1 for each opposing alignment. Cells have the alignment of their controlling government. TURN AGENT - NAZIS only. An detected agent may be turned if a roll of 1 die exceeds the agents infiltration resistance. On any other result he dies. This attempt runs the same possibility of detection as if the the turning group had commited sabotage. A turned agent will SECRETLY detect every group he infiltrates, contacts or organizes. Any information he gathers will secretly count AGAINST the player. Misinformation can be detected by DETECTING the along which the information is passed. The turncoat can be detected by detecting him or his cell. Each attempt costs 1 resource. CATCH MESSENGER/MONITOR RADIO - NAZIS only. Gives a +1 to detect a group for 1 turn. Costs 1 resource. INTERROGATE Only on turn that a group is detected. Gives +2 to eliminate the detected group. Costs 1 resource. LOCATE JEWS - NAZIS only. Detects hidden Jews. Costs 1 resource point. The nazis must do this at least once per turn. DEPORT JEWS: Deports identified jews. Costs 1 resource point. The nazi must eventually do this to all identified jews. Each deported jew represents 1 victory point for the nazis. LOOT: Costs 1 resource point, gains 1 v.p. PASS PRISONERS. ALLIES ONLY. Treated like sabotage. Gives 2 v.p. for each successful attempt. Costs 1 resource. ALIGNENTS ALLIED opposes NAZI
PLAYER CHARACTER STRESS For each attempt to eliminate a PC, after each unsuccessful detection attempt and for each enemy agent detected each craracter must take a stress point. When they get 5 stress points they must roll vs. IQ or pick up a disadvantage. When the total number of disadvantages reaches -70 the PC breaks down and must be evacuated to England. This uses 1 resource. HATRED- After each 4 atrocities the reaction of the people towards the NAZIs goes down by -1 to a maximum of -4. This gives a penalty to recruit agents and infiltrate organizations. Back to Experimental Games Group # 22 Table of Contents Back to Experimental Games Group List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1992 by Chris Engle This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |