Years Ago


JULY 1804: First award of the Legion of Honor.

Fouche becomes minister of police. He spies upon and arrests all suspected opposition to the Emperor.


JULY 10, 1794: As a consequence of their victory at Fleurus on June 26, the French enter Brussels in the Austrian Empire's province of Belgium.

JULY 27: (9 Thermidor) The infamous Robespierre is guillotined thereby ending the "Reign of Terror."

French enter Antwerp without opposition. As a result, the British army sails home.

JULY 28: General Hoche, who commanded the Army of the Moselle until his arrest for "treason," is released from prison. He then crushes Royalist opposition in the Vendee in 1795 (EE&L #3).

AUGUST 8 Josephine de Beauharnais, future wife of Bonaparte, is released from the Carmes prison.

AUGUST 10: The British capture Corsica by a joint naval-infantry action.

In AUGUST 1794, Bonaparte is accused of complicity with Robespierre. He is arrested and dismissed from the army, then, proven innocent, is reinstated.

During July-August 1794, Austria forever loses control of Belgium. Following his success at Fleurus, Jourdan follows Coburg across the Roer River and clears Allied forces from the left bank of the Rhine.

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