Editorially Speaking

A lost opportunity at Chateau -Thierry .... If Marshal Macdonald had followed his orders and occupied the bridge over the Maine River at Chateau -Thierry, the Allied corps of Sacken and Yorck, with their retreat over the Marne cut off and the route toward Epernay problematic, could very well have been caught and destroyed by Napoleon. This could have seriously compromised the 1814 Allied invasion of France. But Macdonald, certainly not grasping the importance of seizing the bridge at Chateau-Thierry, blew thewhole plan.

Such are the fortunes of war. Napoleon then had to deal with a reinforced Blucher, but that is the story we'll deal with in our next issue as we complete our series on the "Six Days Campaign of 1814" with the Battle of Vauchamps.

We have the pleasure to introduce Stephen Ede-Borrett, as a new co-editor of our regular column "Uniform Notes." He will work in cooperation with Mike Gilbert. Ede- Borrett will, from time to time, be authoring uniform articles for that section and, on a more regular basis, the one or two-page notes that usually complement Philippoteaux's period color plates. In this issue, Stephen Ede-Borrett will present the Swiss Valais Battalion, to be followed in our next issue with the other Swiss unit, the Neuchatel Battalion. Stephen Ede-Borret is an Englishman, an expert on uniforms, and a welcome addition to our staff, further increasing the international scope of EE&L. Besides our numerous contributors from the U.K., we have representatives from several other nationalities: Robert Caughlan of Australia (see EE&L # 2; "Some Comments on French Tactics at the Battalion and Company Levels"); Mr. Gioannini of Italy (see EE&L #6; "The Army of the Kingdom of Italy in the 1812 Campaign in Russia"); Emmanouil Vovsi of Latvia, now living in New York (see EE&L #7; "The Russian Uhlan Regiments"); etc. And we are always trying to find people from other parts of our ever more closely-linked world who would like to become involved with EE&L.

And the proof of the pudding is EE&L's "Questions & Answers" and "Readers' Forum" sections in this issue. All the questions this time have come from our U.K, readership! EE&L is finally getting the readership really caught up in our discussions and that makes the magazine more interesting for all of us. Still, we can't help but wonder if the lack of questions and comments from the U.S. means our readers here understand everything, already know anything we might have left out, or just think we're terrific. Whichever of these is the case, to the rest of you we say: "Please keep those comments and questions coming in."

Jean A.Lochet

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