S. Richard Black, Tony Barr, and Major Bill Harting
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Prepared in conjunction with S. Richard Black of MWAN hnrblack@mail.icongrp.com and Tony Barr from Great Britain, contact: A.S.Barr@dcs.hull.ac.uk and Maj Bill of the HMGS MidSouth newsletter, the Dispatch. Contact MajorBill@united.net if you want to be listed. HMGS Sponsored EventsSponsoring Regions: M-S=Mid-South; E=East; MW=Midwest; S=South; GL=Great Lakes; HoA=Heart of America; TA= Tornado Alley; GS=Gulf South; PNW=Pacific Northwest; PSW=Pacific Southwest; W=West. 9-11 Apr 99 W CELEBRATE HISTORY. San Francisco, CA Lotsa historical stuff. Web: http://www.celebratehistory.com or email: info@celebratehistory.com 16-18 Apr 99 E COLD WARS '99 Lancaster Host Resort, Lancaster, PA. HM POC: David Luff, POB 5094, Herndon, VA 20172-1966, email: dluff@erols.com http://members.wbs.net/homepages/c/o/l/coldwars.html 23-25 Apr 99 HoA CALL TO ARMS 99 Heart of America Bldg, 411 W Maple, Independence MO. HM. POC: Todd Carter, 11711 E 55th St, Kansas City, MO 64133. 931-663-8118 30 Apr-2 May 99 GI JODIECON-GETTYSBURG 1863 at the USMA Prep School, Fort Monmouth, NJ. Weekend ACW HM Campaign and trip to the Gettysburg Battlefield. Web Site: http://www.planet.net/pjtsavo/JodieCon99.html POC: Jodie Lindberg, PO Box 372, Oceanport, NJ 07757 jodiecon@yahoo.com 30 APR-2 MAY 99 S RECON 99, Best Western Busch Gardens, Tampa Florida. (813) 933-4011specify RECON 99. HM. POC: Bryan Stroup, 2635 35th Pl Gainesville, FL 32608, 352-366-9044, bstroup@gainesville-garrison.com or Pat Condray, 2225 S. Gulfwater Pt. Crystal River, FL 34429 352-795-1317, pcondray@xtalwind.net. 28-30 May 99 M-S NASHCON 99 CLARION INN, I-40 & Briley Pkwy, Nashville, TN, 615-361-5900. HM, WRG. POC: Baxter Key, 2929 Kraft Dr., Nashville, TN 37204, email: gaiser@worldnet.att.net Web site: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Alley/5051 /hmgs.html 28-30 May 99 W GAMECON 2 Oakland Airport Hilton, Hegenberger Rd., Oakland, CA http://www.epicast.com/gamecon 28-30 May 99 PNW ENFILADE! Best Western Executive Inn & Convention Center 5700 Pacific Hwy East (I5 exit 137), Tacoma/Fife, WA 98424 (259)922-0080 HM. POC: Tim McNulty (Convention Director) 12518 Reservior Rd. E., Puyallup, WA 98374 (253) 770-0957 11-13 Jun 99 GI JODIECON-WATERLOO 1815 at the USMA Prep School, Fort Monmouth, NJ. Weekend HM Napoleonic Campaign. Web Site: http://www.planet.net/pjtsavo/JodieCon99.html POC: Jodie Lindberg, PO Box 372, Oceanport, NJ 07757 jodiecon@yahoo.com 11-13 June 99 G-S BAYOU WARS Quality Hotel in Metairie, LA HM. POC: Hilton McManus, 6612 Colbert St., New Orleans, LA 70124 H (504) 486-5340 W (800) 796-4696 email: HCMcManus@AOL.COM 21-25 July 99 E HISTORICON Lancaster Host Resort, Lancaster PA. HM. POC: James (JT) Thomas Jr., 8314 Sprague Place, New Carrollton, MD 20784. 301-552-4879. EMail: KingJT@AOL.COM 17-19 Sept 99 GL ADVANCE THE COLORS 99, Holiday Inn Dayton South, Dayton, Ohio. HM POC: garbee@aol.com www.erinet.com/bp/advcolor.html 22-24 Oct 99 M-S WARGAMER'S REUNION IX Cobb Conf Center, 755 Cobb Place Blvd., Kennesaw, GA Comfort Inn 770-419-1530 Mention HMGS MidSouth for special rates. HM. POC:Tim Mullen, 537 South Summit , Stone Mtn, GA 30083 404-296-3184 Tim@Travispruitt.com . The Center at SW corner of I-75 and Ernest Barrett Pkwy. 5-7 Nov 99 E FALL IN Eisenhower Inn & Con Cntr, Gettysburg, PA. HM.POC: Bob Giglio, 5732 Goldfinch Ct., Ellicott City, MD 21043, Ph: (evenings before 9 p.m.) 410-465-7688, E-mail: ECWCaptain@aol.com 3-5 Nov 00 E FALL IN Eisenhower Inn & Con Cntr, Gettysburg, PA. HM.POC: Bob Giglio, 5732 Goldfinch Ct., Ellicott City, MD 21043, Ph: (evenings before 9 p.m.) 410-465-7688, E-mail: ECWCaptain@aol.com 9-11 Nov 01 E FALL IN Eisenhower Inn & Con Cntr, Gettysburg, PA. HM.POC: Bob Giglio, 5732 Goldfinch Ct., Ellicott City, MD 21043, Ph: (evenings before 9 p.m.) 410-465-7688, E-mail: ECWCaptain@aol.com 8-10 Nov 02 E FALL IN Eisenhower Inn & Con Cntr, Gettysburg, PA. HM.POC: Bob Giglio, 5732 Goldfinch Ct., Ellicott City, MD 21043, Ph: (evenings before 9 p.m.) 410-465-7688, E-mail: ECWCaptain@aol.com OTHER EVENTS2-3 Apr 99 CHAOS CON I Austin Peay State University, Music and Mass Communications Bldg, Clarskville, TN. RP, FM, SciFi, Mxd, HM. POC: TJ Jensen (931)648-2990 bytoast@aol.com WEB: http://www.clarksville.com/gamemastersguild 15-17 Apr 99 SPRING MANUVERS, Ft. Leavenworth, KS HM. POC: Tom Day, 814 W. South Ave., Independence, MO 64050 email: LIMBERRIDER@webtv.net 9-11 April 99 CAPCON XXI The Ohio Union, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio full service, all types POC - Guy Flora e-mail - flora.1@osu.edu ph - 614-688-3556 9-11 Apr 99 Spring Offensive IX, Illinois Central College, East Peoria, IL HM,RP,BG,FM POC: The Game Room 1293 Peoria St. Washington, IL 61571-2352 309-444-4640 e-mail: thegameroom@mwonline.net 1 May 1999 SUCCESSOR CON III Radisson Hotel, Schaumburg, IL HM POC: SC3, 1638 Mulligan Dr., Napierville, IL 60536 successorcon@hotmail.com 8 May 99 GAMECON 12 - WestPark Hotel, Tysons, Corner, VA. Vendors and gamers fleamarket. HM, FM, SFM. POC: John McConnell Email: firstva@patriot.net Web page: http://members.wbs.net/homepages/n/o/v/novag.html 15-16 May 99 HAVOC XV - 15th annual Hist. Min. Con:. Devens Sports Arena, Ayer MA. HM. POC: Peter Mancini , 200 Bedford Rd #17A Woburn, MA 01801 Email: pmancini@yahoo.com Late May-Early June THREE RIVERS GAME FEST Pittsburg, PA. Mxd, POC: Andon, POB 13500, Columbus, OH 43213 614-856-3219 AndonEvts@aol.com 4-6 Jun 99 IliniCon IX Hendrick House, UIUC campus, 904 W. Green St., Urbana, IL RP,BG,FM POC: Bob Jeffries 205 S. Elm St. Champaign, IL 61820 217-398-0462 e-mail: Bob.Jeffries@abbott.com 18-20 Jun 99 Tranquillity Base 1999, Albert B. Sabin Convention Center, Cincinnati, Ohio; SciFi. POC: sase to Tranquillity Base1999, 8216 Princeton-Glendale Road #303, West Chester, Ohio 45069-1675. http://www.skypacer.com/tranbase 25-27 Jun 99 Quincon XIV Quincy, IL (?) CG,FM,RP,HM,BG. POC: Jack Wolkitt 217-223-7754 1-4 July 99 ORIGINS 99 Columbus, OH. Mxd, POC: Andon, POB 13500, Columbus, OH 43213 614-856-3219 AndonEvts@aol.com 10-11 July 99 Return to SAGA (Southern Area GAming) Holiday Inn Select, 2929 Williams Blvd, Kenner LA. FM, SciFi, HM. POC, Joe Partin JPartin@Bellsouth.net web site: http://ReturntoSAGA.freeservers.com/ 5-8 Aug 99 GENCON GAME FAIR 99 Milwaukee, WI. Mxd, POC: Andon, POB 13500, Columbus, OH 43213 614-856-3219 AndonEvts@aol.com 10-12 Sept 99 Southern Front '99: at the Club Hotel by Doubletree (2815 Capital Blvd, Raleigh, NC 27604; 919-872-7666) POC: Chris Hughes (919-859-0056) or email murat@concentric.net Website: www.concentric.net/~murat/TSS/SouthernFront.html 21 Aug 99 The Valley Campaign (aka SurduKahn II) College Station, TX. HM. POC: John R (Buck) Surdu, 2208 Dewberry Lane, Bryan, TX 77807. 409-775-4781. surdu@cs.tamu.edu NOTE NEW DATE. 18-19 Sep 99 Capital Con 15 Convention Center (?), Springfield, IL, BG,CG,FM,RP POC: John Holtz 217-698-8971 e-mail: holtz.john@uis.edu 18-19 Sep 99 NOVAGCON '99 - WestPark Hotel, Tysons, Corner, VA. Vendors and gamers fleamarket. HM, FM, SFM. POC: John McConnell Email: firstva@patriot.net Web page: http://members.wbs.net/homepages/n/o/v/novag.html Late Sept/Early Oct ANDCON 99 ?, OHIO. Mxd, POC: Andon, POB 13500, Columbus, OH 43213 614-856-3219 AndonEvts@aol.com 23-24 Oct 99 HAMSTER CON Eigenman hall, Indiana University campus, Bloomington, IN POC: Chris Engle, 313 Hickory Dr., Ellettsville, IN 47429 E: Matrixgamer@juno.com Or Hamster@io.com 12-14 Nov 99 COMMAND CON Jefferson Barracks, St Louis, MO. HM. POC: Big Muddy HGA web: http://www.apci.net/~ipw4/bigmud1.htm 19-21 Nov 99 ExotiCon Two (Triple Zero) Quality Hotel, 2261 N.Causeway Blvd Metairie, LA 70001. SF, RP, Mxd. POC: Burbank@f51.n396.z1.fidonet.org OVERSEAS EVENTSPrimarily Great Britain. Events marked (SOANC) can count towards the Society of Ancients National Championship. 9-11 Apr 99: The Student National Wargaming and RP Championships. Open to all clubs affiliated with a university/polytechnic/college. POC: Stu Johnson, 9 Friars Avenue, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 1BB. Email: kesenv@btinternet.com 8-11 Apr 99: Baycon '99. Exeter Court Hotel, Kennford, Devon. Contact: Clive Palmer, 36 Ravensfield, Barnstaple East, Basildon, Essex, SS14 1UG. Tel: 01268 553338 10-11 Apr 99: Battle masters '99. Venue: Loughborough University, UK. Organised by Eurolog. Contact: Chris, Tel: 01259-213948. Email: Kaget@compuserve.com. Web site: http://www.eurolog.com. Address: 21 Auchinbaird, Sauchie, Clacks, Scotland, FK10 3HB. 9-11 Apr 99: The Student National Wargaming and Roleplaying Championships. Open to all clubs affiliated with a university/polytechnic/college. For further information contact Paula Gurteen, 11 Ffordd Tegid, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 1AW. 10 Apr 99: Warfayre. Halesowen, Cornbow Hall. 24 Apr 99: Salute '99. Kensington and Chelsea Town Hall, Hornton St, London W8. Contact: John Merritt, Tel: 0181 301 4544 or Declan Canning, Tel: 0181 772 0099. 25 Apr 99: Cromwell 400: Huntingdon, Cambs. Contact: Tel 01480388249 25 Apr 99: COGS MAYDAY. YMCA, Town Centre, Chesterfield. Contact: Dave Tel: 01246 819822 (evenings) 1-2 May 99: Fisticuffs. Weymouth College, Cranford Avenue Site, Weymouth. POC: Martin Goddard, Tel: 01305 760384. 8-9 May 99: Campaign 99. Woughton Campus, Chafron Way (H7), Milton Keynes, UK Nap, ACW and DBM competitions. POC: Neil Sutherland, ph: 01908 660392 email: stewart.ian@virgin.net. Web: http://freespace.virgin.net/stewart.ian/MKWGS/index.htm 14-15 May 99: Beer & Pretzels. Town Hall, Burton on Trent, Staffs. Contact: Spirit Games, Tel: 01283 511 293. 15 May 99: Canterbury Conquest '99: Westgate Hall, Canterbury, Kent. Contact Tel: 01227 740797 29 May '99: Riposte '99 Northern DBM Doubles League, Pudsey Civic Hall, Leeds. Contact Colin Betts, 24 Taylor Street, Hollingsworth, Hyde, Cheshire, SK14 8PA. Tel. 01457 764471. Email 106464.430@compuserve.com or Keith Nathan, email Keith@recon96.demon.co.uk 30 May '99: PARTIZAN '99. Kelham Hall, Kelham, Newark, Notts, UK. Free courtesy bus from Newark railway stations. Details at www.soton.ac.uk/~drb2/partizan or email Laurence Baldwin: laurence@innotts.co.uk 6 June 99: Broadsword. The Assembly Hall, Walthamstow Town Hall, London E17. Contact: K.I. Brazier, 3 The Mile End, Walthamstow, London, E17 5QE. 12 Jun 99: Durham Wargames Group Open Day, Gilesgate Community Association, Vane Tempest Hall, Gilesgate, Durham City. Contact: Conrad Cairns, Tel: 0191 265 4021 13 Jun 99: Valhalla 99. Ellis Hall Community Centre, Farnborough, Hampshire. Contact Barrie Tel. 01420 562328. 26-27 Jun 99: Flagship '99: Fort Brockhurst, Gosport, Hampshire. Contact: D. Willcocks, Tel: 01705 352383 4 Jul 99: "A fort full of models." Newhaven Fort, East Sussex. Contact David Allen, Tel. 01293-523856. 10-11 July 99: Attack '99. The Corn Exchange, Devizes. Contact: Scoobie Fisher, Tel: 01380 721 683. 24-25 July 99: Redoubt, Eastbourne. 1 Aug 99: Sabre 1999. Host: Harrogate Wargames Club. Venue: The Pavilions, Yorkshire Show Ground, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, UK. POC: Mr. John Elwen, Vine Cottage, Main Street, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, LS23 7DJ. Email: andy@suc5.demon.co.uk 7 Aug '99: Claymore 99. Meadowbank Sports Stadium, London Road, Edinburgh, Scotland. Contact: Scott_Duncan@email.msn.com 15 Aug 99: The Other Partizan. Kelham Hall, Kelham, Newark, Notts, UK. Free courtesy bus from Newark railway stations. Details at www.soton.ac.uk/~drb2/partizan or email Laurence Baldwin: laurence@innotts.co.uk 4-5 Sept 99: 2nd Torneo Internazionale "I Condottieri" and 14th European Championships, Milano, Italy. Contact: Marco Boniardi, via Ferrari 5 - 20095 Cusano Milanino (MI), Italy. Tel/Fax +39-02-6640-1458, mobile +39-0335-585-6474. Email: marco.boniardi@polimi.it 18-19 Sept 99: Colours. The Hexagon, Reading. Contact: Trevor Halsall, Tel: 01734 714 473. Trade enquiries: Roy Boss, Elm Farm, Hankerton, Wilts. Competition and display game enquiries to Jean Harper, 5 Oakley Road, Caversham Heights, Reading, Berkshire, RG4 7RL. Tel: 0118 947 6196. Email: 100634.626@compuserve.com or slhalsl@reading.ac.uk 25 Sept 99: Shameless and Impudent Lords - Wars of the the Roses Megagame. Contact: Megagame Makers, 69 Gleneagle Road, London SW16 6AY. Tel: 0181-677-5756. Email: history.games@bigfoot.com 25 Sept 99: Phalanx '99, St Helens. The Sutton Community & Leisure Centre, Elton Head Road, St Helens, Merseyside. Contact: Graeme Spencer, Tel: 01664 560642. Email: g.spencer@virgin.net 25-26 Sept 99: Murphy Mania, Delft, The Netherlands. 26 Sept 99: Wargamer '99, Birmingham. Contact: Carl Broadhurst, Tel: 0121707 6484. 2-3 Oct 99: Old Glory World Championships, Derby. Contact: 29 Wade Ave, Littleover, Derby, DE23 6BG. Email: j.grant@wadeav.freeserve.co.uk 9-10 Oct 99: CHALLENGER '99. Host: Bath Wargames Club. 15mm DBM Pairs Comp. Contact : David Sheppard 01225 852472 E-Mail: Bath_Wargames@hotmail.com 7 Nov 99: Fiasco II. Royal Armouries Museum, Leeds. Contact: John Smith, Tel: 0113 279 3974. 4 Dec 99: Recon '99. Northern DBM Doubles League, Pudsey Civic Hall, Leeds. Contact Colin Betts, 24 Taylor Street, Hollingsworth, Hyde, Cheshire, SK14 8PA. Tel. 01457 764471. Email 106464.430@compuserve.com or Keith Nathan, email Keith@recon96.demon.co.uk 9-10 Apr '00: Triples '00. The Octagon, Sheffield. Contact: L.A. Powell, 19 Chiltern Road, Sheffield, S6 4QX. Tel: 0114 220 6042. 26-28 May 00: Glastonbury Medieval Fayre. Run by Northland Mercenaries. Venue: Glastonbury Festival Site, UK. Contact: Laurie,Tel: 01227 792779 Back to Dispatch Apr. 99 Table of Contents Back to Dispatch List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by HMGS Mid-South This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |