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As of 1 October 1998. Prepared in conjunction with S. Richard Black of the MWAN staff and Tony Barr from Great Britain, contact: tonybarr@1thewoodlands.prestel.co.uk HMGS Sponsored events: Sponsoring Regions: M-S=Mid-South; E=East; MW=Midwest; S=South; GL=Great Lakes; HA=Heart of America; TA= Tornado Alley; GS=Gulf South; PNW=Pacific Northwest; PSW=Pacific Southwest; W=West. 24-25 Oct 98 W Western Front, Beverly Garland Hotel, Hwy 80 at Cal Expo, Sacramento, California HM, POC: Mike O'Brien 5411 Sugar Pine Ct. Sacramento, CA 95841 (916) 331-5762. e-mail: salander@cadence.com 30 Oct-1 Nov 98 M-S WARGAMER'SREUNION VIII, Ramada Inn Governor's, I-65 & Harding Place, Nashville, TN. 615-834-5000 HM. POC: Steven McPeak 1011 Waters Edge Cle, Mt Juliet, TN 37122 615-754-6376 smcpeak@nashville .org Oct 31-Nov 98 PNW Breakthrough '98, Best Western Tulalip Inn, 6128 33rd Ave NE, Marysville, WA 98271 (360) 659-4488. HM, FM, SiFiM. POC: Ed Teixeira (425) 339-6092 6-8 Nov 98 E FALL IN Eisenhower Inn & Con Cntr, Gettysburg, PA. HM.POC: Bob Giglio, 5732 Goldfinch Ct., Ellicott City, MD 21043, Ph: (evenings before 9 p.m.) 410-465-7688, E-mail: ECWCaptain@aol.com 8-10 Jan 99 M-S SIEGE OF AUGUSTA VI. Sheraton Hotel, Augusta, GA. 706-855-8100 HM. POC: Dr Jim Birdseye, 3411 Kerry Pl, Augusta, GA 30909. 706-737-5735. 5-6 Mar 99 M-S FUZILIER MUSTER. Hattiesburg Convention Cntr, Hattiesburg, MS HM. POC: Vince Clyant, 41 Beverly Hills Loop, Petal, MS39465, 601-584-8533 9-11 Apr 99 HoA CALL TO ARMS. War College Officer's Club, Ft Leavenworth, KS. HM. POC: HAHMGS, John T. Davis, 1116 S. 2nd St. #101, Nebraska City, NE 68410 email: jd51055@navix.net, phone 402.873.4706. 9-11 Apr 99 W CELEBRATE HISTORY. San Francisco, CA Lotsa historical stuff. Web: http://www.celebratehistory.com or email: info@celebratehistory.com 16-18 Apr 99 E COLD WARS '99 Lancaster Host Resort, Lancaster, PA. HM POC: David Luff, POB 5094, Herndon, VA 20172-1966, email: dluff@erols.com http://members.wbs.net/homepages/c/o/l/coldwars.html 28-30 May 99 NASHCON 99 Ho Jo Plaza Hotel, I-40 & Briley Pkwy, Nashville, TN, 615-361-5900. HM. POC: Baxter Key, 2929 Kraft Dr., Nashville, TN 37204, email: gaiser@worldnet.att.net Web site: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Alley/5051/hmgs.html 21-25 July 99 E HISTORICON Lancaster Host Resort, Lancaster PA. HM. POC: James (JT) Thomas Jr., 8314 Sprague Place, New Carrollton, MD 20784. 301-552-4879. EMail: KingJT@AOL.COM 8-10 Oct 99 HoA BORDER WARS XI, Carpenter's Hall between I-44 & I40/64, St Louis, MO. HM POC: HAHMGS, John T. Davis, 1116 S. 2nd St. #101, Nebraska City, NE 68410 email: jd51055@navix.net, phone 402.873.4706. 22-24 Oct 99 WARGAMER'S REUNION IX Cobb Conference Center, 755 Cobb Place Blvd., Kennesaw, Georgia 30144. HM. POC: Susan Barnes Perry 770-528-9125. Comfort Inn 770-419-1530. Mention HMGS Mid-South for special rates. The Center is at southwest corner of of I-75 and Ernest Barrett Parkway. 5-7 Nov 99 E FALL IN Eisenhower Inn & Con Cntr, Gettysburg, PA. HM.POC: Bob Giglio, 5732 Goldfinch Ct., Ellicott City, MD 21043, Ph: (evenings before 9 p.m.) 410-465-7688, E-mail: ECWCaptain@aol.com 3-5 Nov 00 E FALL IN Eisenhower Inn & Con Cntr, Gettysburg, PA. HM.POC: Bob Giglio, 5732 Goldfinch Ct., Ellicott City, MD 21043, Ph: (evenings before 9 p.m.) 410-465-7688, E-mail: ECWCaptain@aol.com 9-11 Nov 01 E FALL IN Eisenhower Inn & Con Cntr, Gettysburg, PA. HM.POC: Bob Giglio, 5732 Goldfinch Ct., Ellicott City, MD 21043, Ph: (evenings before 9 p.m.) 410-465-7688, E-mail: ECWCaptain@aol.com 8-10 Nov 02 E FALL IN Eisenhower Inn & Con Cntr, Gettysburg, PA. HM.POC: Bob Giglio, 5732 Goldfinch Ct., Ellicott City, MD 21043, Ph: (evenings before 9 p.m.) 410-465-7688, E-mail: ECWCaptain@aol.com OTHER EVENTS: 2-4 Oct 98 ANDCON 98, Toledo, OH RP,CARDS,BG,HM POC: Andon, POB 13500, Columbus, OH 43213, 614-856-37976, Andon@aol.com 2-4 Oct 98 ARCHON 22 Collinsville Holiday Inn and Gateway Convention Cntr., St Louis MO. RPG, FM, SciFi, BG, HM. POC: Archon, POB 8387, St Louis, MO 63132, or http://www.stlf.org/archon/indes.html or email: ipw4@acpi.net 3 Oct 98 PUNIC WARS IV: College of the Ozarks, Branson, MO. HM. POC: David Pritchard, POB 583, Carthage, MO 64836 10 OCT 98 Successor Con II: Radisson Hotel 1726 East Algonquin Rd, Schaumburg Il 847-397-1500. POC: Successor Con, P.O.Box 1171, Wheeling IL 600900. Email: successorcon@hotmail.com 9-11 Oct 98 TENNCON Knoxville TN Convention Cntr. BG, Cards, SciFi, FM, RPG, HM. POC: Gameboard Dist., Frank Uchmanowic, 800-914-2597. WWW.Gameboard.com\tenncon 10-11 Oct 98 Gisclair 350 pt DBM tourny in Baton Rouge, LA. LSU Student Union Cotillion Ballroom. POC:Hilton McManus, 6612 Colbert St., New Orleans, LA 70124 (504) 486-5340 HCMcManus@aol.com 24-25 Oct 98 TRICON '98 Monument Hall, Monument Square, Concord, Mass. POC: Byron Champlin, 154 Rumford St., Concord, NH 03301 Email: LVHH62A@prodigy .com 18th Century military history and miniature wargames convention 24 Oct 98 The Col. Hiriam Bledsoe Miniature Warriors Game Day, Memorial Hall, Pleasant Hill, MO (SE of K.C.). HM. POC: Mike Sanderson 1935 S.W. Second St., Lee's Summit, MO 64081 816- 525-1849 31 Oct-1Nov 98 ROCKCON XXVI Forest Hills Lodge, Rockford, IL. POC: 14225 Hansberry Rd., Rockton, IL 61072 13-14 Nov 98 FT WORTH WARS, Green Oaks Park Hotel, 6901 West Freeway (off I-30W), Fort Worth, Texas 76116. 1-817-738-7311, Tex.1-800-772-2341, 1-800-433-2174 or Greenoak@onramp.net POC: Jeff Lawrence is the2806 Speedway Ave. Wichita Falls, Texas. 76308; 1-940-767-3699 20-22 Nov 98 EXOTICON Airport Radisson Hotel, Kenner (New Orleans) LA. SciFi, RPG, Cards, Live Action. POC: Robert Fontenot, Jr., 1009 Barnes St., Bridge City, LA 70094-3450, web: http://www.dervishdatasystems.con/whip 19-21 Feb 99 DOGCON 1 Ramada Inn at Arlington Expwy. in Jacksonville, FL. HM, FM, SiFi, POC: (904)399-1975. 6 Mar 99 SPRING OFFENSIVE '99 Leesport Farmers Market, Leesport, PA. HM,FM,BG. POC: Keith Eshelman: 610-589-5528 email: rawargamer@aol.com 26-27 Mar 99 99 SEVEN YEARS WAR Con, Holiday Inn Downtown, 213 Washington St., South Bend, IN, 4660 (219)232-3941. HM. POC: Paul Petri, 1723 Ashford Lane, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 (815)479-1099 Email: Ziethen@aol.com 17-19 Apr 99 BATTLE OF COWPENS '98 HoJo off I 85 @ exit 48B, Greenville, SC HM. POC: Tim Walker, 210 Riesling Way, Mauldin, SC 29662. 864-281-0488, WavemanWT@aol.com OVERSEAS EVENTS: primarily Great Britain Events marked (SOANC) can count towards the Society of Ancients National Championship. 17-18 Oct 98: KoMiCon'98. Koblenz Miniature Con youth hostel Ehrenbreitstein above Koblenz. Phone on Germany/ (0)2627/970 111, eMail to:pholger@uni-kobelnz.de, homepage on:http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~pholger 18 Oct 98: Salvo '98, Colchester. Leisure World, Cowdray Avenue, Colchester, Essex. Contacts: Phil 01206-853556 or Greg 01206-826415 (clubs) or Rob 01206-563567 (traders). Website: www.btinternet.com/~salvo 22-25 Oct 98: Spiel '98. Essen, Germany. v25 Oct 98: SELWG '98, London. Hosted by the South East London Wargames Group. POC: the Secretary, Paul Greenwood, 16 West Hallowes, Eltham, London, SE9 4EX, Tel. 0181-8576107. 25 Oct 98: Francesco Gonzaga, Mantua: The Mantua Wargames Group presents a D.B.R. 150 points (condensed scale) competition. Via Giulio Romano, c/o Sala Isabella D'Este Mantova. Info Massimo Zanca, via Fani 6 Mantova, Italy. Tel. 0376-398146 31 Oct 98: Crisis '98, Antwerp. Venue: Cultural Centre Antwerp, North Columbiastreet, 2030 Antwerp Luchtbal. Belgium. Contacts: Willie +32 3 647 18 18 or Tony +32 3 542 52 53. Email: willie@glo.be 31 Oct-1Nov 98: Wellingborough Dual-Society Gaming Weekend: A games weekend and regional event hosted by the Society of Ancients and with the planned participation of the Pike & Shot Society. A weekend of gaming for the members by the members. Contact Phil Steele for further information. 2 Nov 98: Fiasco II. Royal Armouries, Leeds. Contact: John Smith 0113-279-3974 7-8 Nov 98: The Other Shieldwall. 25mm DBM, 300AP at Berkeley, Glos. POC: R. McGlynn, 7 Old Brook End, Berkeley, GL13 9SQ. (SOANC) November 7: Skelp '98: Kirriemuir. Venue: Town Halls, Kirriemuir, Angus, Scotland. Contact Dale Smith 01575-574128. 7 Nov 98: Campaign '98. Queens Hall, Newtownards. Contact Chris on 01232-814681. 14-15 Nov 98: Warfare '98: Reading. Rivermead Leisure Centre, Richfield Ave, Caversham, Reading. Contact: Ian Colby, 7 Field End, Blakes Road, Wargrave, Reading, RG10 8LF. Tel. 01189-402274. Email: war@dial.pipex.com Website: http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/town/drive/gdo75/index.htm 21 Nov 98: Parade Ground '98: Stockton. Stockton Sports Centre, Off Norton Rd, Stockton-on-Tees. Contact: David, 3 Hemel Close, Thornaby, Stockton-on-Tees, Cleveland, TS17 9AP. 21-22 Nov 98: Doubles Masters 5, Reigate. Entries with SAE to J.D. McNeil, The White Cottage, 8 Westhill Avenue, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 8LE, Tel. 01372-812132, Email 100523.547@compuserve.com Any army. (SOANC) 22 Nov 98: The Society of Ancients DBM Doubles Competition (or Singles if you really want!). Sunday 22nd November 1998, Sandwell Skirmish Show, West Bromwich, West Midlands. Details from Roger Gregory: RogGregory@aol.com 28-29 Nov 98: Pevensey Bay, Sussex, UK. 15mm Doubles Competition-DBM 2.0 Ancients-500 Army Points. Convened by the EASTBOURNE WARGAMES CLUB; a mini-championship, 24 teams. "THE ANDERIDA WEEKEND". Entries/enquiries (with SAE) to Michael Grant, 22 Westham Drive, Pevensey Bay, East Sussex BN24 6RE 5-6 Dec 98: Recon '98. Northern DBM Doubles League, Pudsey Civic Hall, Leeds. Contact Colin Betts, 24 Taylor Street, Hollingsworth, Hyde, Cheshire, SK14 8PA. Tel. 01457 764471. Email 106464.430@compuserve.com 30-31 Jan 99: Doubles League 1, Usk. DBM doubles, 15mm, 500AP. Contact R. Bodley Scott, 28 Priory Gardens, Usk, NP5 1AJ. Email: richard@byzant.demon.co.uk (SOANC). 6 Feb 98: SODDIT '99, Tubingen, Germany. The Swabian DBM Open. Youth hostel accommodation. POC: Neil Fox, Albstrasse 31, 72810 Gomaringen, Tel. 49-(0)-70-728566. Email neil.fox@rt.bosche.de 9-11 Apr 99: The Student National Wargaming and Roleplaying Championships. Open to all clubs affiliated with a university/polytechnic/college. For further information contact Paula Gurteen, 11 Ffordd Tegid, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 1AW. 4 Jul 99: "A fort full of models." Newhaven Fort, East Sussex. Contact David Allen, Tel. 01293-523856. HM=Historical Miniatures, BG=Boardganes, RP=Roleplay, SF=SciFi, POC= Point of Contact. In general game types listed in order of main theme or prevalence if known. Back to Dispatch Oct 98 Table of Contents Back to Dispatch List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1998 by HMGS Mid-South This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |