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HMGS Sponsored Events Sponsoring Regions: MS=MidSouth; E=East; MW=Midwest; S=South; GL=Great Lakes; HoA=Heart of America; TA= Tornado Alley; GS=Gulf South; PNW=Pacific Northwest; PSW=Pacific Southwest. 4-6 Apr 03 LITTLE WARS. MW, Marriott Lincolnshire Resort 10 Marriott Dr. Lincolnshire, IL 60069. 847-634-0100. $79.00 per night up to quad. POC: Michael S Cosentino 5641 S Rutherford Chicago, IL 60638. 773-586-3332. nfmsc@aol.com. 11-12 April 03 TWISTERCON, TA, Ramada Inn & Conference Center, N. Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK. For reservations call (405) 528-2741. POC: Jeff Lawrence 2806 Speedway Avenue Wichita Falls, Texas 76308. ( 940) 767-3699(message only). E-mail: jlaw2424@sbcglobal.net . 11-13 April 03 M-S 8th Annual BATTLE OF COWPENS. Historical. Hendrix Student Center, Clemson University, Clemson, SC ( same location) POC: Chris Pagano 211 Shaftsbury Rd, Clemson, SC, 29631 cpagano@clemson.edu Ph: 864 656-4984. 12-13 April 03: SPRING CAMPAIGN-PSW. BSA Facility in Glendale, CA. POC Steve Verdoliva, c/o Adventurer’s Guild of Riverside, 3488 Madison St. Riverside, CA, 92504. (909) 509-6610. E-mail: advguildriv@hotomail.com. 25-27 Apr 03 S RECON 2003 Comfort Inn (was TravelLodge) Hotel & Conference Center Busch Blvd, Tampa FL. HM. POC: http://www.hmgssouth.org/ 2-4 May 03 HoA CALL TO ARMS: Overland Park International Trade Center, Overland Park, KS. POC Brian Beal, P.O.BOX 15192 Kansas City MO 64106. (816) 936-3201. E-mail: bbeal@cybersource.com. Web site: http://www.hahmgs.org. Theme: The Pacific. Tournaments DBM, WAB, WARRIOR. 16-18 May 03 GL DRUMS ALONG THE MAUMEE 4:Holiday Inn Toledo West, Toledo, OH 43614 (Sunday events at Ft. Meigs). Tim Weber e-mail: Drums@hmgsgl.com. GM Coordinator Jim Thomasson, 1217 Birch Ave., Maumee, OH 43537. (419) 893-3025. E-mail: JThoma@aol.com. Web site: www.hmgsgl.com. 23-25 May 03 PNW ENFILADE 2003: The SeaTac Marriot Hotel, 3201 S. 176th St., SeaTac WA 98188. Kevin Smyth, 15008 111th Ave. CT E, Puyallup, WA 98374. (253) 841-3374. E-mail: kgsmyth@attbi.com . 23-25 May 03 M-S NASHCON 03. Cool Springs Marriott, Franklin, TN. HM POC: Chris Edmondson POB 44, Rockvale, TN 37153, 615-867-0229, echris66@comcast.net. 13-15 Jun 03 GS BAYOU WARS XI. Quality Hotel 2261 N Causeway - Metairie, LA, 70001. POC: Kevin Chenevert. Web site: http://www.bayouwars.com. Discussion group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bayouwars. 12 July 03 GLWARPARTY 03: Masonic Lodge #419, 11665 Lebanon Rd., Symmes Township, OH. Rich Smethurst, 203 Albright Dr., Loveland, OH 45140. (513) 677-1683. E-mail: smetfam@aol.com or warparty@hmgsgl.com. . Web site: http://www.hmgsgl.com. 24 - 27 Jul 03 E HISTORICON (Year Long Theme, Crusade! Clashes of Culture & Ideology: Warfare from 700-1700AD), Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster, PA. HM and called "the Mother of all wargaming conventions" by the Wall Street Journal. Convention Director Pat Shields, 7 Michener Ct, St Thomas, ON (Canada) N5R 5S5, phone 519-633-5757. Email sweethoneymelon@hotmail.com. Web site at http://www.historicon.org . Future dates are July 22-25, 2004, July 21-24, 2005. 12-14 Sept 03 GL ADVANCE THE COLORS 03: Holiday Inn, Springfield, OH David K. van Hoose, 10518 Brookview Dr., Carmel, IN 46032. (317) 581-8840. E-mail: davidkvh@aol.com or atc@hmgsgl.com. Web site: http://www.hmgsgl.com. Dealer coordinator Joe Cairo, e-mail: jccairo@prodigy.net. 26-28 Sept 03 S HURRICON 2003 – Comfort Inn (was TravelLodge) Hotel & Conf. Cntr. Busch Blvd, Tampa FL. HM. POC: http://www.hmgssouth.org/ 10-12 October 03 HoA BORDERWARS: Best Western Inn &Conference Center, Kansas City KS. POC Brian Beal, PO BOX 15192, Kansas City KS 64106. (816) 936-3201. E-mail: bbeal@cybersource.com. 14-16 November 03: E FALL IN! State Fair Grounds at Timoneum Md. Fred Hubig, Georgetown Center for Living History, 1301 35th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20007 and Email at frdhubig@concentric.net . Web site: http://www.fallin.org. 12-14 Mar 04 E COLD WARS, details TBD 23-25 Apr 04 RECON 2004. S. Comfort Inn (was TravelLodge) Hotel & Conf. Cntr. Busch Blvd, Tampa FL. HM. POC: http://www.hmgssouth.org/ 28-30 May 04 M-S NASHCON 04 Cool Springs Marriott, Franklin, TN. HM. POC: Chris Edmondson POB 44, Rockvale, TN 37153, 615-8670229, echris66@comcast.net It's true - Enfilade has a new home for 2003. With the closure of the Fife Best Western Executive Inn (BWEI), 28-30 May 04 ENFILADE 2004. PNW. Marriott at Sea-Tac. The address is 3201 S. 17th in Seattle. It is off Highway 99 across the street from the airport. POC: Tim McNulty 12418 67 Ave. Puyallup WA 98373 253-770-0957 email: timmcnulty@msn.com. 22-25 July 04 E HISTORICON, Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster, PA. POC: Jay Hadley, Email: Hadley-Jay@CooperHealth.edu. Web: www.hmgs.org. 24-26 Sept 04 S HURRICON 2004 Comfort Inn (was TravelLodge) Hotel & Conf. Cntr. Busch Blvd, Tampa FL. HM. POC: http://www.hmgssouth.org/ Other North American Events 25 Jan 03 WINTERCON, Italian Community Cultural Center, Warren, MI. Dave Durocher, 7815Moonwood, Westland, MI 48185. (734) 261-7928. E-mail: DurochD@BASF.com. 14-16 Feb 03 GhengisCon 2003. Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center. Web site: E-mail for information: dgagames@aol.com. Web site: http://www.denvergamers.com. 14-17 Feb 03 DunDraCon, San Ramon Marriott, 2600 Bishop Dr. San Ramon CA 94583. For reservations call (925) 867-9200. For gamer registration contact Dorothy Heydt, registration@dudracon.com. 21-22 Feb 03 SPRING MANEUVERS, Fort Leavenworth Hunt Lodge, Ft Leavenworth, KS. HM. POC: Stephen Allie: allies@leavenworth.army.mil 14-16 Mar 03 Barracks Battles: Big Muddy HGA, Jefferson Barracks Historical Park, St. Louis, MO. For details contact Pat Connaughton, (314) 752-3211. E-mail: bigmuddyhga@juno.com. Web page: http://www.bmhga.org/ 14-16 Mar 03 TRUMPETER SALUTE 2003, Tabletop Miniatures Gaming Convention. Bonsor Community Centre (next to Metrotown), Burnaby, BC, Canada. POC: Steve Allen e-mail: big_dog@telus.net . (604) 889-4970. 21-22 Mar 03 20th Annual SYW Assn. Con Holiday Inn Downtown 213 W. Washington St., South Bend, IN 46601 POC: Paul Petri 1723 Ashford Ln., Crystal Lake, IL 60014. (815) 479-1099. 28-30 Mar 03 HOTLEAD: The Victorian Inn, 10 Romeao St. North, Stratford, Ontario, Canada. For reservations (519)-271-4650 or (800) 741-2135. For convention information, contact James Manto, E-mail: mantofam@quadro.net . 11, 12 and 13, Apr, 2003: HAVOC 2003 Battle Group Boston. Holiday Inn, Boxboro, MA, 978-263-8701 (exit 28, rte. 495). Pete English, 44 Maynard St., Northboro, MA 01532. Web site: http://havoc.battlegroupboston.org/ May 2-4 CAPCON: Student Union, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH Guy Flora, 3818 Sunbury Rd., Columbus, OH 43219. (614) 471-9812, or e-mail: flora.1@osu.edu. 16-18 May 03 CANGAMES: Rideau Curling Club, 715 Cooper St., Ottowa, Ontario, Canada. Shelagh Clancy E-mail: cangames77@yahoo.ca. Web site: http://www.iosphere.net/~cangames . 23-26 May 03 KUBLACON: Burlingame Regency 1333 Bayshore Hwy. Burlingame, CA 94010. E-mail: info@kublacon.com. Web site: http://www.kublacon.com/. 13-15 Jun 03 WARFAIR 2003: Atlanta Capitol Plaza Holiday Inn Select, 450 Capitol Ave. SW, Atlanta, GA 30312. Hotel (404) 591-2000. To register contact Warfair, 105 Asbury Way, Fayetteville, GA 30215. E-mail: drackman@bellsouth.net . 26-29 Jun 03 ORIGINS 2003. Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio. See HOT Pages at the ORIGINS Web: http://www.Originsgames.com . , or Jodie Panzeri, 8230 Golf Green Circle, Houston, TX 77036-4067. E-mail: jodie@jodiecon.org. 25-28 Jul 03 GENCON: Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, IN 29 Aug-1 Sep 03 ConQuest Rickey’s, 4219 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA. General Information 467 Saratoga Ave. PMB 1422 San Jose, CA 95129. (831) 688-4726. E-mail: info@con-quest.com. Web page: http://www.con-quest.com/ 29 Aug-1 Sep 03 (Tentative) TactiCon: Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center. Web site: E-mail for information: dgagames@aol.com. 12-14 Sep 03 HUBCON XI: Hattiesburg Convention Center Hwy 49 N & I 55. Mxd. POC: pnzr12@yahoo.com. 20-21 Sep 03 (Tentative) Southern Front: Triangle Simulation Society. Holiday Inn Crabtree, Raleigh, NC. POC: Ed Mohrmann (919) 543-9380, E-mail: eamohrmann@mindspring.com. Web site: http://www.trianglesimsociety.org/ 14-16 Nov 03 (tentative) Command Con V: Big Muddy HGA, Jefferson Barracks Historical Park, St. Louis, MO. For details contact Pat Connaughton (314) 752-3211. or bigmuddyhga@juno.com. Web page: http://www.bmhga.org/ 24-27 Jun 04 ORIGINS 2004. Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio. See HOT Pages at the ORIGINS Web: www.Originsgames.com 5-8 Aug 04 GENCON. Indiana Convention Center Indianapolis, IN Back to Dispatch April 2003 Table of Contents Back to Dispatch List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2003 by HMGS Mid-South This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at http://www.magweb.com |