by Angelo Benedetto
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GREAT EXAMPLE! See below the FAQ sent out to all GM's for Owlcon (at Rice Univ, Houston, TX) Origins and Gencon do this for their GM's by email and snail-mail, same thing at OSU and many other convention in places I've lived or been to in the past 20+ years as a GM. -- Pete Panzeri For all OwlCon XXII GMs I know you might have some questions, so here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions I hear. Q: When will I get my badge? A: At the con. Come by the Registration desk in Kelly Lounge any time, beginning at 6 PM on Friday. You should have a badge ready for you at the Preregistration line. Q: What else do I get with my badge? A: You get a free t-shirt, in the size you specified on your game submission form. You'll also get a GM's packet with an explanation of the rules for player sign-up, and the GM guidelines. Please read these! You also get a pencil, and if you're running an RPG, there will be index cards for players to write their names on (character and player names). Q: What if my game has not already "made" (gotten enough players)? A: Don't despair. We expect a great deal of games to "make" at the con, both from walk-up registrants and pre-registrants adding more slots. Don't call it quits until after your game is supposed to start. And even then, just like last year, if you only need one or two players, our criers will try to round up extra players for your event. Q. What if my game still doesn't make? A: If that happens, you are free to go find a game with an open slot and join in the fun as a player. We do not revoke your GM badge, or make you pay for it if your game does not make. Q. Is there a pre-con meeting? A: No. We have over 100 GMs this year, many from out of Houston, and getting them all together before the con is just not feasible. Q: Is there a GM party? A: Sort of. There is a con party in Willy's Pub downstairs in the Student Center Saturday night, and all congoers are welcome. Q. Are there prizes? A. This year there will be prizes for nearly every event except RPGA slots. Winners will be determined at the table, objectively if the game has a "winner", or subjectively by player and GM vote if the game has not objective winner. The winner of the round will then bring a prize slip (which is sup- plied to each table during the game) back to Registration, and a prize support helper will give that winner his/her choice of priz- es, depending on the event they won. Q: What have you forgotten to tell me? A. I don't know; I've forgotten. If there are problems at the con, just find someone official-looking and ask. This is easy to do if you go to the RegistrAtion tesk, which is usually well stocked with official looking people. Back to Dispatch February 2003 Table of Contents Back to Dispatch List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2003 by HMGS Mid-South This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |