by Carl Arsenault
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Extract of After Action Report, 1st Platoon, Delta 1-46 concerning reconnaissance in force near Bop Dai Bhuddist Monument 11 Mar 1967 (11 and 18 October 2002). Aviation assets deposited the platoon in LZ Apple Tree without incident NW of Bop Dai and screened from its hamlets by a stretch of dense forest. The operations order called for the platoon to follow the east bank of the Bo Cai south to a phase line passing through the middle of the area to be swept, then turn east and sweep five hamlets composing the village around a large Bhuddist monument. Platoon order of march consisted of 1st squad (Chris Moody) on the left (east), 3d squad (Dan Smith) and the platoon headquarters (Alan McGahey) in the center, and 2d squad (Alan) on the right (west) adjacent to the Bo Cai river. The operations order called for the platoon to move south along the east bank of the Bo Cai to hamlet 2 then sweep east towards the monument, checking all of the hamlets east of the river. The platoon leader decided to move 2d squad and headquarters across the river to sweep the westernmost hamlet (1) of Bop Dai first and neutralize it as a potential ambush point when the platoon reached its pivot point at hamlet 2. 1st squad turned east early and headed for hamlet 3. 3d squad moved due south along the river to hamlet 2. Contact began with a mortar barrage hitting 2d squad and headquarters as it forded the river between hamlets 1 and 2. The nine rounds of 82mm fire killed only a single GI (his body was not recovered) despite 2d squad and headquarters bunching up as they crossed the ford. While mortars hit 2d and headquarters, lst squad ran into a sniper firing from hamlet 3 who quickly wounded two GIs. 1st squad requested supporting fires to blast the hamlet and silence the sniper. A subsequent check of the hamlet revealed all of the hooches connected by tunnels. One of the wounded died before the platoon medic could reach him. As 3d squad moved out of hamlet 2 and headed for hamlet 5, an LMG opened up from a bunker at the base of Hill 762. The platoon leader managed to contact the FAC who called in a pair of Skyraiders to blast the hill with napalm while the rest of headquarters and 2d squad hammered the bunker with small arms fire. The napalm strike appeared to finish off any opposition. While clearing hamlet 5, 3d squad found an SKS hidden in one of the hooches. As 3d squad left hamlet 5 and crossed the knee-deep stream separating it from hamlet 6, VC hiding in nearby tall grass ambushed them. The estimated ten VC killed three GIs and wounded a fourth before superior American firepower from three directions decimated their ranks and forced the survivors to retreat. The platoon recovered six bodies and a variety of automatic weapons and military gear. The uniforms indicate that the unit was probably Mainforce VC. While moving to 3d squad's aid, 1st squad lost a GI to a mine, but captured two suspected VC wearing the orange robes of Bhuddist monks and fleeing the vicinity of the firefight. The arrival of 2d squad, platoon headquarters, and 1st squad prevented 3d from being overwhelmed and most of the VC from escaping. Lessons Learned. 1. Watch the flanks, especially when crossing open areas. 3d squad, concentrating on the hamlet to its front, failed to check out the tall grass on its left before it started to cross the stream. 2. Don't bunch up at river crossing. Fords and other potential choke points are favorite ambush, boobytrap, and indirect fire targets. 3. Treat the wounded and evac them as soon as possible. Two GI casualties died of wounds before the platoon medic could reach them. Prompt medevac was the key reason why many GIs lived. Original Message