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As of 1 Dec 01. Corrections/additions in Boldface. Prepared in conjunction with S. Richard Black of MWAN . Normally only the CONUS events are listed here, contact Maj Bill or see the rec. games. miniatures/historical newsgroup or our website: hftp://www.geocities.com/hmgs-ms HMGS Sponsored Events:Sponsoring Regions: M-S=Mid-South; E=East-I MW=Midwest; S=South-. GL=Great Lakes-, HA=Heart of America; TA= Tornado Alley; GS=GuIf South; PNW=Pacific Northwest; PSW=Pacific Southwest; W=West. 18 20 Jan 02 Siege of Augusta X M-S Sheraton Hotel, Augusta, GA. 706-8558100 POC: Paul Elkin 4521 Glastonbury Dr., Evans, GA 30809-8216 (H)7062281932 tortjag@aol.com Feb. 23&24 02 Fuziller Muster M-S Hattiesburg Convention Center, Hattiesburg, MS. HM. POC: Vince Clyant, 41 Beverly Hills Loop, Petal, MS39465, 601-5848533 tlwr@netdoor.com 1-3 Mar 02 Battle of Cowpens, Hendrix Student Center, Clemson University, Clemson, SC. HM. POC: Chris Pagano, 418 Brackett Hall, Clemson, SC 296341355, phone 864 656-4984 or email epagano@clemson.edu. 15-17 Mar 02 MW Little Wars 2002. Marriott's Lincolnshire Resort, Lincolnshire, IL. Ph: 847-6340100. HM. POC: Michael Cosentino 5641 S Rutherford, Chicago, IL 60638. 773-586-3332, nfmsc@aol.com. 15-17 Mar 02 TA TWISTERCON Bricktown Plaza Hotel, Oklahoma City. HM. POC: POC Jeff Lawrence 2806 Speedway Ave. Wichita Falls, TX 76308 940767-3699 or jlaw2424@msn.com 26-28 APR Q2 S RECON, TravelLodge Busch Gardens, Tampa FL, reservations call (813) 933-4011. HM POC Rhett Scott 1416 Forsyth Way, Brandon FL 33511,(813) 6610641, e-mail rhettscott@aol.com, or Pat Condray 2225 S. Gulfwater Pt. Crystal River, FIL 34429, (352) 7951317, e-mail pcondray@xtalwind. net HMGS SOUTH web: http://www.hmgssouth.org/ 19-21 Apr 02 E COLD WARS, Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster, PA. POC:John Drye, 8316 Tobin Rd, Apt. T2, Annadale, VA 22003, phones(w)703578-5626, (h) 703-698-7148 and E-mail: jdrye@spa.com 24-26 May 02 PNW ENFILADE 2002. Best Western Executive Inn & Con Cntr 5700 Pacific Hwy E. (1-5 exit 137) Tacoma /Fife WA 98374 POC:Kevin Smyth 15008 111 th Ave CT E, Puyallup, WA 98374 smyths@primenet.com 24-26 May 02 NASHCON 02 Renaissance Nashville, 611 Commerce St. HM POC: Baxter Key, 2929 Kraft Dr., Nashville, TN 37204. 615-298-4010 Baxter@gaiserco.com 25-28 July 02 E HISTORICON, Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster, PA. POC: Jay Hadley, Email: Hadley-Jay@ Cooper Health.edu. Web: www.hmgs.org 5-8 Sept 02 HMGS-GI BORODINO 2002, Chamberlin Hotel, Fort Monroe, VA. HM; POC Jodie Panzeri, PSC 303 Box 23, APO, AP 962040023, e-mail: borodino02@jodiecon.org, web: http://www.jodiecon.org/ 8-10 Nov 02 E FALL IN Eisenhower Inn & Con Cntr, Gettysburg, PA. HM.POC: Bob Giglio, 5732 Goldfinch Ct., Ellicott City, MD 21043, Ph: (evenings before 9 p.m.) 410-465-7688, E: ECWCaptain@aol.com 23-25 May 03 PNW ENFILADE 2003 Best Western Inn Executive Inn & Con Cntr 5700 Pacific Hwy E. (1-5 exit 137) Tacoma / Fife WA 98374 POC: Tim McNulty 12418 67 av ct e Puyallup Wa 98373 253-7700957 email:timmcnulty@msn.com 24-27 JulyM E HISTOR ICON, Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster, PA. POC: Jay Hadley, Email: HadleyJay@Cooper Health.edu. Web: www.hmgs.org 28-30 MU-04 PNW ENFILADE 2004 Best Western Inn & Con Cntr 5700 Pacific Hwy E (I-5 exit 137) Tacoma / Fife Wa 98374 POC: Tim McNulty 12418 67 av ct e Puyallup WA 98373 253770-0957 email- timmcnulty@msn.com 22-25 July04 E HISTORICON , Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster, PA. POC: Jay Hadley, Email: HadleyJay @Cooper Health.edu. Web: www.hmgs.org 21-24 July 05 HISTORICON, Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster, PA. POC: Jay Hadley, Email: Hadley-Jay@ Cooper Health.edu. Web: www.hmgs.org OTHER EVENTS:01-03 Feb 02 Winter War 29, Champaign, IL. HM, Mxd POC: Don McKinney, PO Box 1012, St. Joseph, IL, 61873, 217469-9917, e-mail winterwar@prairienet .org, web: http://www.prairienet.org/winterwar/ 22-23 Feb 02 SPRING MANEUVERS 2002 Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas HM. POC.http://community.webtv.net/LlMBERRIDER /SPR ING MANEUVERS_ 23-24 Mar 02 DESERT WARS 02 Orleans Hotel. i.,vww.orleanscasino.com Las Vegas NV Mxd. POC: Ed Teixeira: twohourwargames@hotmail.com. 15-17 Mar 02 Trumpeter Salute 2002 Tabletop Miniatures Gaming Con Bonsor Community Centre, Burnaby (Vancouver), BC Canada, All types of miniatures games. POC: Steve Allen: 604889-4970 big-dog@telus.net 12-14 Apr 02 CAPCON XXV The OH Union, Ohio State Univ Columbus, OH. Mixed, Supported by HMGS-GL POC: Guy Flora, flora. 1 @osu.edu Web: http://www.mgaosu.org 25-28 July 03 Gencon Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, IN 5-8 Aug 04 Gencon Indiana Convention Center Indianapolis, IN 11-14 Aug 05 Gencon Indiana Convention Center Indianapolis, IN 10-13 Aug 06 Gencon Indiana Convention Center Indianapolis, IN HM=Historical Miniatures, SF=SciFi, BG Board games, RP=Roleplay, Mxd=Mixed Events, POC= Point of Contact. In general game types listed in order of main theme or prevalence if known. MIDSOUTH GAME DAYSOnly MidSouth game days will be listed here. Please contact Maj. Bill if you want to be listed here. TN: NASHVILLE area: Nashville Vanguard: 1 st and 3rd Saturdays of every month at Lord Al's Expeditionary Supply. Nashville Track and Hull Club: 2nd and last Tuesday of the month at Lord Al's 2819 Columbine PI., other Tuesdays at the Keep. POCs: Joe Collins, James Rogers and Kirk Harris. DBA Sundays: 3rd Sunday of each month. POC: Paul Potter, 615-859-6955
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