by Pat Condray
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This is just a quick note about the convention. The Neo- National meeting occurred, and I managed to get myself into a record number of meetings. Thursday night (I think) there was a meeting to air gamesmaster concerns to an EAST BOD member, Rick Egtvadt. Somewhere along the line there was a preliminary session with dealers at which the entire BOD was present with Jay Hadley doing most of the talking. Friday at 0700 there was a Legion -of 'Honor (LOH) Breakfast Meeting followed by the Neo- National Meeting at 0800-well, not exactly. Then a session with HATSOFF, Pete and Jodi Panzeri, and Don Featherstone over a seafood buffet (not great by Florida or Crisfield standards except for the company.) Then the EAST Membership Meeting from Hell on Saturday morning and the LEGION Awards Dinner for Frank Chadwick, Pete Panzeri, and Duncan MacFarlane (the latter AWOL) Saturday evening. There were follow up meetings for gamesmasters and dealers Sunday morning, I missed part of the first and all of the second gamesmasters meetings. But I still got in more meetings than the most diligent gratefully recovering alcoholic in the short span of time involved. And I am a reformed drunk just so I won't have to go to a lot of meetings. As a side project, 'I 'had planned to stay over Monday to confirm or deny rumors that Rick Nance (Who hasn't returned to the Lancaster Host since) was arrested following a hit and run and a car chase after being evicted from the LH bar for bringing in his dog & H99. This proved unnecessary. The Congress allows unlimited local calls, and I tracked through the Lancaster County Court system. Arrest 2 AUG 99, pled guilty and paid fines etc. 9 AUG 99. I forgot to confirm the exact charge but will call back Monday. Surprisingly enough, with all of the above, seeing lots of old friends including Craig Martelle, Steve Phenow, the HATSOFF crew, Don Featherstone, the Panzeris et. all, taking 110 photos, and getting a little bit of sleep I managed to sell more toys and books than ever before. It is quite possible that the convention program, in spite of (or because of) an electronic only PEL and the nastiest election in HMGS EAST history, has at least reached its former (1998) peak attendance. COLDWARS 01 reached a temporary record of $24,000 "positive cash flow" and roughly 1600 attendance (highest since Watts wrecked C97.) Highlights: Uncle Duke did Babylon and Assyria. Over 400 great games. More dealers than ever. HISTORY Channel covered the convention like a blanket. Bob Giglio resigned from the BOD at the Membership Meeting. The three "A pox on both your houses" protest motions from Bill Frye and Toby Barrett were blunted. One voted down, one withdrawn, and one modified until it made sense. These initiatives were: a. Nobody can serve on the BOD more than 10 years in his life time. This was aimed at Bob Coggins, who is on the BOD, Bob Giglio who could come back after a 2 year vacation, and possibly me, though there is no danger of my being elected. I think this is the motion withdrawn. b. No sitting convention director can serve on the BOD. To my surprise the Montemarano, who took over the MINICON from me and made it COLDWARS in 1989, then naturally getting on the BOD, spoke in favor because of the massive duties involved, Neither is a full time job. Shot down. c. The third required the BOD to seek approval of ByLaw changes from either the Membership Meeting or a Referendum. Mitch Osborn, a new BOD member, pointed out that the Articles ofincorporation give the BOD authority to change ByLaws (though they'have usually run them by the Membership.) Thus the motion was changed to conducting a referendum to make a change in the AOI. I raised the issue of Referendum only. This was a logical extension of the changes made in 1995 at my- recommended on to the committee chaired by Mitch Osborne. The intended effect was to convert the Membership Meeting (this time 81 out of 2400 members) into a public hearing instead of a legislative assembly. The motion passed unanimously (I think) once it was modified. When Bob Giglio made his resignation speech he offered if requested to go ahead and run FALL IN! 01. Said that he was going to focus on BATTLEFIELDS magazine, running games, developing rules, and (with Roni's help) starting a family. By evening when he spoke in honor of his friend Frank Chadwick loyal Gigliophiles (including himself) were ceremonially wearing black ribbons of mourning. I will be working on a formal and more or less complete report on Neo-National. For various reasons somewhat out of my control my information at this point is a bit sketchy. Most of the ideas proposed, or reportedly proposed do not inspire me with confidence. But I want to read the handouts over, study my notes, and contact Mike Cosentino and others to make sure I have the same understanding they do, Also to adequately understand and do justice to the proposals. Mike is supposed to provide a complete report as soon as he can manage. I pitched my WARGAMER'S ALMANAC concept to the Neo- National meeting (blank puzzled stares) and some BoD members (reservations and hedging.) Basically, however, the meeting was muddled. When I came in for the LOH breakfast I saw Cosentino sitting with one person I didnt immediately recoginzie, but whom I think was Manny Granillo from PSW(or was it PNW?). I asked why the meeting was starting early, but Mike told me 1hat he was just having breakfast early so that it would digest. During the LOH meeting Bob Giglior, who had- become- the de facto National Rep for EAST incidentally to being kicked upstairs to - Executive VP, arrived. Some time before 0800 I think Brian Beal, Nance's Plenipotentiary, arrived, as did Steve Verdoliva of PSW. I got there -at 0755 at which point several items seem to have been discussed and either tabled or discarded. Dr. Jim Birdseye from MIDSOUTH came just about 0800 when the meeting was supposed to, start. The HMGS GL rep arrived shortly thereafter. A cursory glance at the agenda items handed out suggests a continued fondness for conducting business mainly at widely separated and expensively reached face to face meetings. There was a proposal for a National Membership card number structure. The reps from West of the Rockies announced a determination not to share or publish membership names and addresses. In spite of the mess caused by the last National Treasurer, or perhaps because of it, there is a continued fondness for the creation of a treasury. At least on the part of Mlke Cosentino and, I think, Brian Beal. National bobbled the insurance issue in 96-97, and Mike told me over the phone that they (MIDWEST) were OK and insurance and had a policy of their own for only $300 per year. But the issue is again on the table. I can't help but get the impression that national taking on the insurance issue is less a matter of solving a problem than trying to justify a treasury. Fund raising concepts include having each chapter run a National section in which advertising revenue would go to National. A "National Member" would pay $50 per year and get up to five (or all) chapter Newsletters. This seem-s vaguely to be a substitute for chapter membership, but I'm not sure of the details. Some concepts of mutually supportive convention advertising. In addition, there are criteria for the creation of chapters. In place of the original 50 members and $500, or the subsequent (and I thought foolish) increase to 100 and $1,000, the proposal is for 75 members and $1,000, New chapters would be required to have 100 registered members and $1,500. I did renew my HMGS MIDWEST Membership- and got a- Newsletter with the the LITTLE WARS 01 financial reports and comparative figures from LITTLE WARS 00. The numbers look a bit strange, but Mike explained that the apparent drop in net worth during a period in which LW 00 made $450 and LW 01 made $1500 was due to the fact that the net was as of a time before LW 01 income had been tallied. The $1,850 "positive cash flow" for a convention with a reported gate of 584 (up 13% from last year's 514) includes a $1,000 donation from HMGS EAST and $250 for a staff 16. I don't have last year's in front of me but I think they made $450 on an investment of $12,000 or so, and it may have included an EAST grant of $450. Math isn't really my best subject, but It looks a bit like voodoo economics. I'm going to sound out Mike Cosentino and try to clarify my impressions of the Neo-National issues and discussions. Then I'll get back to you gentlemen with a more comprehensive and objective report. And in case it has occurred to anyone, I wouldn't recommend moving to a facility we can't afford and trying to get a $1,000 a year donation from EAST.' With Giglio and Scott Holder gone, I'm not sure there is anyone left who gets his self esteem from dispensing largesse at corporate expense. Back to Dispatch August 2001 Table of Contents Back to Dispatch List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2001 by HMGS Mid-South This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |