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UPCOMING EVENTS as of 1 Jul 01. Corrections/additions in Boldface. Prepared in conjunction with S. Richard Black of MWAN and Tony Barr of Great Britain's SoA. Normally only the CONUS events are listed here, contact Maj Bill or see the rec.games.miniatures.historical newsgroup or our website: http://www.geocities.com/hmgs_ms
HMGS Sponsored events:
19-22 July 01 HISTORICON, Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster, PA. POC: James E..Thomas, Jr, 8314 Sprague Pl., New Carrollton, MD 20784, 301-5524879 Email- kingjt@aol.com Webpage: ? 14-16 Sept 61 GL Advance The Colors, Holiday Inn, Springfield, OH (338 E. Leffel Ln off 1-70, Exit 54) HM POC: David van Hoose 10581 Brookview Dr., Carmel, IN 46032 Davidkvh@aol.com Web: http://advancethecolors.homestead.com/ 28-30 SEP 01 S HURRICON 01, TravelLodge Busch Gardens, Tampa FL. Reservations ($59 night) (813) 933-4011. POC: Rhett Scott, 1416 Forsyth Way, Brandon FL 33511, (813)661-0641, e-mail: rheftscoft@aol.com Web: http:/Avww .xtalwind.net/-pcondrayfindex.html 5-7 Oct 01 HoA BORDERWARS 2001 Best Western Inn & Conference Center Kansas City, KS. Reservations: 1-800368-1741. POC: Brian Beal, POB 15192, Kansas City MO 64106. (W) 816-9363201 bbeal@cysource.com web:http://www.hahmgs.org/ 19-21 Oct 01 M-S WARGAMER'S REUNION X1 Cobb Conf Center, 755 Cobb Place Blvd., Kennesaw, GA Comfort Inn 770-419-1530 Mention HMGS MidSouth for special rates. HM. POC:Tim Mullen, 537 South Summit Stone Mtn, GA 30083 404-298-0968 E: Tim@Travispruitt.com . Center at SW corner of 1-75 and Ernest Barrett P kwy. 9-11 Nov01 E FALL IN Eisenhower Inn & Con Cntr, Gettysburg, PA. HM.POC: Bob Giglio, 5732 Goldfinch Ct., Ellicott City, MD 21043, Ph: (evenings before 9 p.m.) 410-465-7688, E: ECWCaptain@aol.com 1-3 Mar 02 Battle of Cowpens, Hendrix Student Center, Clemson University, Clemson, SC. HM. POC: Chris Pagano, 418 Brackett Hall, Clemson, SC 29634-1355, phone 864 656-4984 or email cpagano@clemson.edu. 24-26 May Qa PNW ENFILADE 2002. Best Western Executive Inn & Con Cntr 5700 Pacific Hwy E. (1-5 exit 137) Tacoma /Fife WA 98374 POC:Kevin Smyth 15008 111 th Ave CT E, Puyallup, WA 98374 smyths@primenet.com 25-28 July 02 E HISTORICON, Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster, PA. POC: James E. Thomas, Jr, 8314 Sprague PI., New Carrollton, MD 20784, 301-5524879 Email: kingjt@aol.com Webpage: www.hmgs.org 15-17 Mar 02 Little Wars 2002. Marriott's Lincolnshire Resort, Lincolnshire, IL. Ph: 847-634-0100. HM. POC: Michael Cosentino 5641 S Rutherford, Chicago, IL 60638. 773-586-3332, nfmsc@aol.com 8-10 Nov02 E FALL IN Eisenhower Inn & Con Cntr, Gettysburg, PA. HM.POC: Bob Giglio, 5732 Goldfinch Ct., Ellicott City, MD 21043, Ph: (evenings before 9 p.m.) 410-465-7688, ECWCaptain@aol.com 23-25 May 03 PNW ENFILADE 2003 Best Western Inn Executive Inn & Con Cntr 5700 Pacific Hwy E. (1-5 exit 137) Tacoma / Fife WA 98374 POC: Tim McNulty 12418 67 av ct e Puyallup Wa 98373 253-7700957 email:timmcnulty@msn.com 24-27 Jul 03 E HISTORICON, Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster, PA. POC: James E. Thomas, Jr, 8314 Sprague PI., New Carrollton, MD 20784, 301-5524879 Email: kingjt@aol.com Webpage: www.hmgs.org 28-30 May 04 PNW ENFILADE 2004 Best Western Inn & Con Cntr 5700 Pacific Hwy E ( 1-5 exit 137) Tacoma / Fife Wa 98374 POC: Tim McNulty 12418 67 av ct e Puyallup WA 98373 253-770-0957 email: timmcnuity@msn.com 22-25 July 04 E HISTORICON, Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster, PA. POC: James E. Thomas, Jr, 8314 Sprague PI., New Carrollton, MID 20784, 301-5524879 Email: kingjt@aol.com Webpage: www.hmgs.org 21-24 July 05 E HISTORICON , Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster, PA. POC: James E. Thomas, Jr, 8314 Sprague PI., New Carrollton, MD 20784, 301-5524879 Email: kingjt@aol.com Webpage: www.hmgs.org OTHER EVENTS: 22-24 Jun 01 QUIN CON 2001. The Tangerine Bowl, 3530 Maine St., Quincy IL. Web site www.quincon.org HM,BG,FM, SF,RP,Cards, others POC: Quincy Con, P.O. Box 3892, Quincy, IL. 62305-3892. 3-5 Aug 01 Crescent City Con XVI Best Western Landmark Metairie, LA. 504-8889500. Mxd, Scifi. POC:CRESCENT CITY CONXVI, POBox 52622 NEW ORLEANS, LA. 70150-2622 CCCNO@aol.com www.crescentcitycon.com 18 Aug 01 GAMECON 15,WestPark Hotel, McLean, VA. HM, Scifi. POC: NOVAG, attn: GAMECON 14, PO BOX 223660, Chantilly, Va 20153 web: http://Clik.to/novag Aug 31-Sept3 01: Dragoncon Hyatt Regency Atlanta and Atlanta Marriott Marquis ScIFi, RPG, FM POC:770-909-0115, POB 16459,Atlanta, GA30321 web: www.dragoncon.org 7-9 Sept 01 Triangle Simulations Society's SOUTHERN FRONT 2001 Holiday Inn Crabtree, Raleigh, NC (919-782-8600).[HM] POC: Chris Hughes, 119 Dublin Rd., Raleigh, NC 27609 (919-870-5265); christopherhnc@earthlink.net 22 Sept 01 BARRAGE VI, Perry Hall Community Hall, Perry Hall, MD. Sponsor: Harford Area Weekly Kriegspieler-HAWK. Doors open 8:30 AM, games start 9 AM, run to 10 PM. POC: Geoff Graff (410) 2543672 ggraff@erols.com 12th-14 Oct 01 24th Annual Norbert Gisclair Memorial Ancients Tournament . University Comfort Inn, 1-1 Oat Acadian Thruway 225 927-5790 or 724dos-batonrouge@sunbursthospitality.com (mention "DBM Championship) Baton Rouge, LA. 2 OBs (same year/location), 400 pt Army, Books 1-4 12-14 Oct 01 TRONOC*CON Durham Marriott, Durham, NC, SciFi, POC: Trinoc*con, POB 10633, Raleigh, NC 27605, Trinoccon@aol.com 9-11 Nov 01 FORT WORTH WARS IV LaQuinta Conf. Cntr. Arlington, TX HM, DBM POC: Jeff Lawrence, 2806 Speedway Ave., Wichita Falls, TX 96303 (940-767-3699 after 8pm or jlaw2424@gateway.net 16-18 Nov 01 MILLENNIUM 4 Four Points Sheraton Hotel, 7800 1-35N & Hwy 183, Austin, TX. Mxd. Events POC: Jeff McCollough skippy@texas.net Dealer POC: Rob Smith rsmith@quickarrow.com Industry POC: Scott McKinlay, mckinlay@mail.fc net Official website: millenniumcon.com Mail: PO Box # 8239, Austin TX 78713 16-18 Nov 01 COMMANDCON III Grant Shelter, Jefferson Barracks Park, MO. HM POC: Harold Wones, 9040 Olden Ave., Overland, MO 63114 314-890-0827 bigmuddyhga@juno.com http://www.apci.netlipw4lbigmuddy/bigmudl.htm 01-03 Feb 02 Winter War 29, Champaign, IL. HM, Mxd POC: Don McKinney, PO Box 1012, St. Joseph, IL, 61873, 217469-9917, e-mail winterwar@prairienet .org, web: http://www.prairienet.org/winterwar/ 1-3 Mar 02 DESERT WARS 02 Orleans Hotel. www.orleanscasino.com Las Vegas NV Mxd. POC: Ed Teixeira: twohourwargames@hotmaii.com. 15-17 Mar 02 Trumpeter Salute 2002 Tabletop Miniatures Gaming Con Bonsor Community Centre, Burnaby (Vancouver), BC Canada. All types of miniatures games. POC: Steve Allen: 604- 889-4970 big-dog@telus.net 12-14 Apr 02 CAPCON XXV The OH Union, Ohio State Univ Columbus. OH. Mixed, Supported by HMGS-GL POC: Guy Flora, flora. 1 @osu.edu Web: http://www.mgaosu.org HM=Historical Miniatures, SF=SciFi, BG=Boardganes, RP=Roleplay, Mxd=Mixed Events, POC= Point of Contact. In general game types listed in order of main theme or prevalence if known. MIDSOUTH GAME DAYS: Only MidSouth game days will be listed here. Please contact Maj. Bill if you want to be listed here. , TN: NASHVILLE area Nashville Vanguard: 1 st and 3rd Saturdays of every month at Lord Al's Expediat Lord Al's 2819 Columbine PI., other Tuesdays at the Keep. POCs: Joe Collins, James Rogers and Kirk Harris. DBA Sundays: 3rd Sunday of each month. POC: Paul Potter. 615-859-6955 Back to Dispatch July 2001 Table of Contents Back to Dispatch List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2001 by HMGS Mid-South This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |