by Maj. Bill Harting, S. Richard Black, and Tony Barr
![]() | HMGS Sponsored events: Sponsoring Regions: M-S=Mid-South; E=East; MW=Midwest; S=South; GL=Great Lakes; HA=Heart of America; TA= Tornado Alley; GS=GuIf South; PNW=Pacific North- west; PSW=Pacific Southwest; W=West. 30 Mar-1 Apr 01 M-S 6th Annual Battle of Cowpens: Hendrix Student Center, Clemson University, Clemson, SC (same location as 2000). HM. POC: Chris Pagano, 100 North Smith Street, Six Mile, SC 29682, 864 868-0839, email: 6-8 Apr 01 MW Little Wars Marriott Lincolnshire Resort 10 Marriott Dr., Lincolnshire, IL 60069 1-847-634-0100 web: HM, Theme:The Wars of America POC e-mail: 4-6 MAY 01 S RECON 01 TravelLodge Busch Gardens Tampa FL. Reservations ($59 night) (813) 933-4011. POC's: Rhett Scott, 1416 Forsyth Way, Brandon FL 33511, (813) 661-0641, e-mail rhettscott@aol,com, or Pat Condray, 2225 S. Gulfwater Pt. Crystal River, FL 34429, (352) 795-1317, e-mail: pcondray @xtalwind. net 4-6 MAY01 HoA CALL TO ARMS 2001 Best Western Inn and Conference Center Kansas City, KS 1-800-368-1741. POC: Brian Beal, PO BOX 15192, Kansas City MO 64106. (W) 816-936-3201 web: 18-19 May 01 GL Drums Along the Maumee 2 Clarion Hotel, Toledo, OH. HM. POC: Jim Thomasson, 1217 Birch Ave. Maumee, OH 43537 419-893-3025 or jtoma227 25-27 May 01 NASHCON 01 M-S Downtown Sheraton, Nashville, TN. HM, WRG. POC: Baxter Key, 2929 Kraft Dr., Nashville, TN 37204. 615-742-9666 gaiserco 25-27 May 01 PNW ENFILADE 2001 Best Western Executive Inn & Con Cntr P00 Pa- cific Hwy East (1-5 exit 137) Tacoma / Fife WA 98374. POC. Tim McNulty 12418 67 ave ct. E. Puyallup Wa 98373253-770-0957 Email: timmcnulty@rnsn.corn 8-10 Jun 01 GS Bayou Wars 2001 Quality Hotel, Metairie, LA 70001 504-833-8211 HM. POC: 504-486-5340 19-22 July 01 HISTORICON , Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster, PA. POC: James E. Thomas, Jr, 8314 Sprague PI., New Carrollton, MD 20784, 301-552-4879 Email: Webpage: ? 14-16 Sept 01 GL Advance The Colors, Holiday Inn, Springfield, OH (338 E. Leffel Ln off 1-70, Exit 54) HM POC: David van Hoose 10581 Brookview Dr., Carmel, IN 46032 Web: http://adv anc eth eco lors. homestead. cc m/ 28-30 SEP 01 S HURRICON 01, Travell-odge Busch Gardens, Tampa FL. Reserva- tions ($59 night) (813) 933-4011. POC: Rhett Scott, 1416 Forsyth Way, Brandon FL 33511, (813)661-0641, e-mail: rhettscott@aol.corn Web: 9-11 Nov 01 E FALL IN Eisenhower Inn & Con Cntr, Gettysburg, PA. HM.POC: Bob Giglio, 5732 Goldfinch Ct., Ellicott City, MD 21043, Ph: (evenings before 9 p.m.) 410- 465-7688, E: 29-31 Mar 02 E COLD WARS, Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster, PA. POC:John Drye, 8316 Tobin Rd, Apt. T2, Annadale, VA 22003, phones: (w)703-578-5626, (h) 703-698-7148 and E-mail: jdrye@spa.corn DATE TENTATIVE (IT'S EASTER AND WILL PROBABLY CHANGE) 24-26 May 02 PNW ENFILADE 2002. Best Western Executive Inn & Con Cntr 5700 Pacific Hwy E. (1-5 exit 137) Tacoma /Fite WA 98374 POC: Tim McNulty 12418 67 av ct e. Puyallup Wa 98373 253-770-0957 email: 25-28 July 02 E HISTORICON , Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster, PA. POC: James E. Thomas, Jr, 8314 Sprague PI., New Carrollton, MD 20784, 301-552-4879 Email: Webpage: 8-10 Nov 02 E FALL IN Eisenhower Inn & Con Cntr, Gettysburg, PA. HM.POC: Bob Giglio, 5732 Goldfinch Ct., Ellicott City, MD 21043, Ph: (evenings before 9 p.m.) 410- 465-7688, E: 23-25 May 03 PNW ENFILADE 2003 Best Western Inn Executive Inn & Con Cntr 5700 Pacific Hwy E. (1-5 exit 137) Tacoma / Fife WA 98374 POC: Tim McNulty 12418 67 av ct e Puyallup Wa 98373 253-770-0957 emall:timmcnulty@rnsn.corn 24-27 July 03 E HISTORICON , Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster, PA. POC: James E. Thomas, Jr, 8314 Sprague PI., New Carrollton, MD 20784, 301-552-4879 Email: kingjt@aol.corn Webpage: 28-30 May 04 PNW ENFILADE 2004 Best Western Inn & Con Cntr 5700 Pacifi; Hwy E ( 1-5 exit 137) Tacoma / Fite Wa 98374 POC: Tim McNulty 12418 67 av ct e Puyallup WA 98373 253-770-0957 email: timmcnulty@rnsn.corn 4 22-25 July 04 E HISTORICON , Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster, PA. POC: James E. Thomas, Jr, 8314 Sprague PI., New Carrollton, MD 20784, 301-552-4879 Email: Webpage: 21-24 July 05 E HISTORICON , Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster, PA. POC: James E. Thomas, Jr, 8314 Sprague PI., New Carrollton, MD 20784, 301-552-4879 Email: Webpage: OTHER EVENTS: 30-31 Mar 01 18th Annual SYW Association Con. Holliday Inn Downtown, 213 W. Washington St., South Bend, IN 46601 219-232-3941 Gaming the period 1700-1789 POC:Paul Petri email: Ziethen@aol.corn 7 APR 01 GAMECON 14, WestPark Hotel, McLean, VA. HM, Scifl. POC: NOVAG, attn: GAMECON 14, PO BOX 223660, Chantilly, Va 20153 web: http:l/clik.tolnovag- 13-15 Apr 01 Egyptian Campaign 2001, SIUC, Carbondale IL, Mixed Genre Conven- tion, INFO: 618-529-4630, 28-29 Apri 01 HAVOC 17 Fort Devens Sports Arena , Ayer, MA POC: Pete English, 44 Maynard St., Northboro, MA 01532, pkrenglish@erols.corn 27-29 Apr 01 CAPCON XXIV The OH Union, Ohio State Univ Columbus, OH. Multl- Genre Supported by HMGS-GL POC: Guy Flora, Web: http:/15-17 Jun 01 WARFAIR Atlanta Powers Ferry Crowne Plaza Hotel, Atlanta, GA. HM, SclFi, FM. POC: Charlie Traylor: 770-473-1461 web: 18 AUG 01 GAMECON 15,WestPark Hotel, McLean, VA. HM, Scifl. POC: NOVAG, attn: GAMECON 14, PO BOX 223660, Chantilly, Va 20153 web: http:/ 22-24 Jun 01 QUIN CON 2001. The Tangerine Bowl, 3530 Maine St., Quincy IL. Web site HM,BG,FM,SF,RP,Cards, others POC: Quincy Con, P.O. Box 3892, Quincy, IL. 62305-3892. 22 Sept 01 BARRAGE VI, Perry Hall Community Hall, Perry Hall, MD. Sponsored by the Harford Area Weekly Kriegspielers -- The HAWKs. Doors open 8:30 AM , games start 9 AM, run to10 PM. POC: Geoff Graff (410) 254-3672 12-14 Oct 01.TR0NOC*C0N Durham Marriott, Durham, NC, SciFi, POC: Trinoc*con, POB 10633, Raleigh, NC 27605, 1-3 Mar 02 DESERT WARS 2002 Las Vegas NV. HM. POC: Ed Teixeira:, HM=Historical Miniatures, BG=Boardganes, RP=Roleplay, SF=SciFi, Mxd=Mixed Ev- ents, POC= Point of Contact. In general game types listed in order of main theme or prevalence if known. MIDSOUTH GAME DAYS Only MidSouth game days will be listed here, Please contact Mal Bill it you want to be listed here. TN: NASHVILLE area: Nashville Vanguard: 1st and 3rd Saturdays of every month at Lord Al's Expeditionary Supply. Nastwille Track and Hull Club: 2nd and last Tuesday of the month at Lord Al's 2819 Columbine PI., other Tuesdays at the Keep. POCs: Joe Collins, James Rogers and Kirk Harris. DBA Sundays: 3rd Sunday of each month, POC: Paul Potter, 615-859-6955 Back to Dispatch March 2001 Table of Contents Back to Dispatch List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2001 by HMGS Mid-South This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |