courtesy of Gus Carroll, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia
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In our last issue we carried some quotes from Winston Churchill. They turned out to be such a hit with our readers that, we offer you these: Diplomats are just as essential in starting a war as soldiers are in finishing it. -- Will Rogers A riot is a spontaneous outburst. A war is subject to advance planning. -- Richard M. Nixon War is the science of destruction. -- John Abbott War is much too serious a matter to be entrusted to the military. -- French Proverb When people speak to you about a preventive war, you tell them to go and fight it. After my experience, I have come to hate war. War settles nothing. -- Dwight D. Eisenhower I have always said that a conference was held for one reason only, to give everybody a chance to get sore at everybody else. Sometimes it takes two or three conferences to scare up a war, but generally one will do it. -- Will Rogers I venture to say no war can be long carried on against the will of the people. -- Edmund Burke How good bad music and bad reasons sound when we march against an enemy. -- Friedrich Nietzsche The (American) Civil War is not ended: I question whether any serious civil war ever does end. -- T. S. Eliot Be convinced that to be happy means to be free and that to be free means to be brave. Therefore do not take lightly the perils of war. -- Thucydides It is well that war is so terrible -- we shouldn't grow too fond of it. -- Robert E. Lee The grim fact is that we prepare for war like precocious giants, and for peace like retarded pygmies. -- Lester Bowles Pearson Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here. -- John Parker In order for a war to be just, three things are necessary. First, the authority of the sovereign.... Secondly, a just cause.... Thirdly ... a rightful intention. -- Saint Thomas Aquinas War is not merely a political act but a real political instrument, a continuation of political intercourse, a carrying out of the same by other means. -- Karl von Clausewitz War challenges virtually every other institution of society-- the justice and equity of its economy, the adequacy of its political systems, the energy of its productive plant, the bases, wisdom and purposes of its foreign policy. -- Walter Millis We have to go along a road covered with blood. We have no other alternative. For us it is a matter of life or death, a matter of living or existing. We have to be ready to face the challenges that await us. -- Gamel Abdel Nasser All of us who served in one war or another know very well that all wars are the glory and the agony of the young. -- Gerald R. Ford Soldiers usually win the battles and generals get the credit for them. -- Napoleon Bonaparte Back to Cry Havoc #4 Table of Contents Back to Cry Havoc List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1993 by David W. Tschanz. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |