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A number of subscribers have asked that we occasionally post the qualifications for Mensa. While I think subscribing to Cry "Havoc!" is prima facie evidence of extremely high intelligence persons interested have to meet the below qualifying standards. I strongly recommend that if you meet the qualifications you join the organization as it is a great deal of fun and full of interesting people. — DWT I. QUALIFICATION BY PROVIDING PRIOR EVIDENCE. Applicants must supply evidence of intelligence test scores in the top 2% of the population, or arrange to have it sent. All documentation will be returned. Notarized photostatic copies of original documents are usually acceptable. A list of qualifying scores for several of the major intelligence tests is given below: A. QUALIFYING TEST SCORES California Test of Mental Maturity IQ 132 Many other intelligence tests may also be accepted subject to individual appraisal of the documentation by Mensa's Supervisory Psychologists, e.g. Henmon-Nelson, NY State Regents Scholarship Test (Aptitude section only), Cattell Culture Fair, SRA Primary Mental Abilities. Note: The term "IQ score" is used as a convenient, easily understood reference. Candidates for membership in Mensa must achieve a score at or above the 98th percentile on a standard test of intelligence. The "IQ Score" varies from test to test, as shown by the list above. Mensa reserves the right to alter or change these norms as the tests shown are renormed or restandardized. All prior evidence submitted to Mensa will be appraised individually and Mensa reserves the right to make the final determination about the acceptability of any test. B. TO OBTAIN PRIOR EVIDENCE: 1. I.Q. Tests Given In Elementary Or High Schools. Write to the school you attended, and ask for a CERTIFIED copy of your score. It must include your birth date, the grade in which you took the test, the name of the test, and a clearly defined number,i.e., IQ, or percentile rank nationally. Mensa does not accept achievement tests. School seal must be stamped. 2. Army, Navy, Air Force, Or Marine Scores A certified copy of your records, which you may have, or a copy from Demobilized Records Branch, St. Louis, MO. Unfortunately, a fire there destroyed many records some years ago. Note: The only scores that Mensa can accept are: the AGCT scores from the Army - before the use of the ASVAB, and the GT scores from the Navy-also prior to the use of the ASVAB. The new military tests are vocational aptitude tests and are not suitable for Mensa admission. Mensa has been asked specifically not to use them for this purpose. This is unfortunate, but communication with the government agency that makes up and distributes the tests (ASVAB) indicates clearly that they are unsuitable for Mensa purposes. 3. Individual Testing Done By A Psychologist, Or Agency. The report must be sent to Mensa on professional letterhead, with the psychologist's or agency's license or registration number. Mensa accepts only tests given by those people qualified to do testing privately in the state in which the examiner resides. Date of test, name of test, and full score must be given, and the report must be signed. 4. Miller Analogies Test (MAT) Psychological Corp., 555 Academic Ct., San Antonio, TX 78204 Call (512) 299-1061 for latest advice. II. QUALIFICATION THROUGH MENSA TESTING If you're not sure whether you're Mensa material, simply complete the application below, and return it with your check or money order for $12. Mensa will send you a pretest you can take in the privacy of your home. When you've finished it, send it back to Mensa. It will be scored, and you will be notified of the results. If your score indicates an IQ at or above the 95th percentile, you'll be invited to take the qualifying supervised test, which costs $25. (Although the pre-test is not required for admission, many people take it anyway simply for the challenge.) If you prefer, you may apply directly to take the supervised test at one of many locations convenient to you. If your score on that test is at or above the 98th percentile, you'll be offered membership in Mensa. Note: Mensa's tests are not valid for people under the age of 14; they can qualify for membership via prior evidence, described earlier. It should be noted that the information given above on how to join Mensa applies ONLY to residents of the United States. APPLICATION FORMMail to: American Mensa, Ltd. Name _______________________________________ Date of birth ________________
[ ] Please send me the at-home pre-test. I understand that if I score in the top 5%, I will be invited to take the supervised test. Enclosed is U.S. $12 (check or money order) for the pretest. [ ] I wish to go directly to the Mensa-supervised test. Please send me the name and address of the nearest proctor (a $25 fee is to be paid to the proctor.) I understand that if I score in the top 2%, I will be invited to join Mensa. [ ] I claim exemption from testing and enclose prior evidence of intelligence test scores in the top 2% of the general population. Enclosed is my U.S. $20 (check or money order) non-refundable evaluation fee. (If the evidence is being sent to us directly by a psychologist or testing institution, please note that the score must be sent on an official letterhead and signed by the psychologist or institution responsible for the testing.) Amount enclosed: $___________ (All checks must be drawn on U.S. banks in U.S. funds.) I learned about Mensa through: Cry "Havoc!" (Military History SIG) Back to Cry Havoc #22 Table of Contents Back to Cry Havoc List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1997 by David W. Tschanz. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |