German 78th Sturm Division


by Jerry Lane

(Exp 8), with:

Division HQ:

    HQ Company, with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 1 staff radio truck, 1 infantry stand, 1 light truck
    MP Detachment, with: 1 recon MP stand, 1 light truck

Division Services

    HQ Company, with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen
    Workshop Company, with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 2 workshop vans, 1 med baggage truck, 1 med truck, 2 support stands
    Admin Company, with: 1 mounted command stand, 2 baggage wagons, 2 support stands
    Supply Battalion, with:
      HQ Company, with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen
      Heavy Truck Column, with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 4 med ammo trucks with trailers, 2 support stands
      4 Light Horse Columns, each with: 1 mounted command stand, 3 wagons, 2 support stands

14th, 195th, & 215th Sturm Regiments:

    HQ Company, with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 1 staff radio wagon, 1 baggage wagon, 1 general supply wagon, 1 field kitchen wagon, 1 support stand
    Regimental Pioneer Company, with: 1 command engineer stand, 1 engineer stand, 1 engineer flamethrower stand
    Regimental Heavy Company, with: 2 MMG stands, 1 8cm mortar stand (DS, HIW), 1 gun crew stand (DS), 175L12 Infantry Gun, 1 limber, 1 ammo wagon

    I Battalion, with:

      HQ Company, with: 1 command stand, 2 ammo wagons, 1 support stand, 1 baggage wagon, 1 general supply wagon 1 field kitchen wagon
      Heavy Company, with: 2 MMG stands, 2 8cm mortar stands (DS,HIW)
      4 Companies, each with: 1 command infantry stand, 2 infantry stands, 1 gun crew stand (DS), 1 75L46 AT gun, 1 tractor or RSO

    II Battalion, with:

      HQ Battery, with: 1 mounted command stand, 1 mounted FO stand, 1 staff radio wagon, 1 baggage wagon, 1 general supply wagon, 1 field kitchen wagon, 1 support stand
      3 Batteries, each with: 1 mounted command stand, 1 gun crew stand (DS), 1 105L28 How, 1 limber, 1 ammo wagon, 1 support stand

5th Heavy Mortar Battalion

    HQ Battery, with: 1 command stand, 1 FO stand, 2 kubelwagens, 1 staff telephone truck, 1 RkPzB stand, 1 light truck, 1 med gen supply truck with trailer, 1 med baggage truck w/field kitchen, 1 support stand
    3 Batteries, each with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 3 gun crew (ds), 3 12cm mortars, 3 med trucks, 1 med ammo truck with trailer, 1 support stand

1078th Bicycle Squadron

    1 Bicycle command infantry stand, 2 Bicycle infantry stands, 1 Bicycle weapons stand

178th Panzerjager Battalion

      1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 1 med ammo truck with trailer, 1 support stand

    2 Companies, each with: 1 command Marder, 2 Marder

178th Artillery Regiment

    Regimental HQ, with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 1 staff radio wagon, 1 field kitchen wagon, 1 general supply wagon, 1 baggage wagon, 2 support stands

    IV/178th Medium Arty Battalion, with

      Headquarters Battery, with: 1 mounted command stand, 1 staff radio wagon, 1 gen supply wagon, 1 field kitchen wagon, 1 baggage wagon, 1 support stand
      3 Batteries, each with: 1 mounted command stand, 1 gun crew (ds), 1 150L30 How, 1 limber, 1 ammo wagon, 1 support stand

189th Assault Gun Battalion

    Headquarters, with: l command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 1 staff radio truck, 1 med ammo truck with trailer, 1 support stand
    Escort Company (rides on StuGs) 3 infantry stands
    3 Companies, each with: 1 command StuG BIG, 1 StuG IIIG

293rd Army Antiaircraft Battalion

    HQ Company, with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 1 staff radio truck
    Supply Company, with: 2 med Ammo trucks with trailers, 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 1 maintenance van, 1 med gen supply truck with trailer, 1 med baggage truck w/field kitchen, 2 support stands
    2 Mixed AAA Batteries, each with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 1 gun crew stand (ds), 1 gun crew stand, l 88L56 AA gun, 1 20L113 AA gun, 1 light truck, 1 heavy tractor, 1 med ammo truck with trailer
    Heavy AAA Battery, with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 3 gun crew stands (ds), 3 8L56 AA guns, 3 heavy tractors, 1 med ammo truck with trailer, 1 support stand


1. This division was an experiment in forming a unit to deal with Soviet prepared defenses. It was supposed to he used in a manner similar to the WWI Sturm Battalions. It was formed on the remnants of the 78th Infantry Division.

2. The 78th had a large proportion of LMGs, treat all infantry as panzergrenadiers for fire. Integral antitank weapons are as for a panzergrenadier division.

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