German 18th Artillery Division


by Jerry Lane

The 18th Artillery Division was created in 1943 from the remains of the 18th Panzer Division. It was disbanded in 1944. It had the following units assigned to it.

18th Artillery Division

Troop Quality: Experienced, Morale: 8

Division HQ, with:

    1 command stand 1 car 1 staff radio truck 1 infantry stand 1 light truck
    MP Detachment, with: 1 recon MP Stand 1 light truck

Artillery Combat Battalion 18

    HQ Company, with: 1 command stand 1 kubelwagen
    1st & 2nd Cos, each with:
      1 command Infantry stand 2 Infantry stands 1 weapons stand 2 medium trucks

    3rd Company, with:
      1 command RkPzB stand 1 RkPzB stand 4 antitank assault stands 4 light trucks

    4th Company
      1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 2 gun crew stands 1 45L66 ATG (Russian) 1 75L12 IG (battalion gun) 2 light trucks

Division Services, as late 1943 Panzer Division

Supply Battalion, as late 1943 Panzer Division

Signal Battalion, as late 1943 Panzer Division

88th Panzer Artillery Regiment

    Regimental HQ Battery, with: 1 command stand, 1 car, 1 staff radio truck, 1 maint van, 1 med gen supply truck with trailer, 1 med baggage truck with field kitchen, 1 support stand

    I/88th Panzer Artillery Battalion, with:

      HQ Battery, with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 1 staff radio truck, 1 FO PzBeobWg III, 1 med gen supply truck with trailer, 1 med baggage truck with field kitchen, 1 support stand
      2 Light Batteries, each with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen,1 Wespe SP 105, 1 sWS ammo carrier, 1 light truck, 1 support stand
      Medium Battery, with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 1 Hummel SP 150, 1 sWS ammo carrier I light truck, 1 support stand

    II/88th Light Artillery Battalion, with:

      HQ Battery, with: 1 command stand, 1 FO stand, 2 kubelwagens, 1 staff radio truck, 1 med gen supply truck with trailer, 1 med baggage truck with field kitchen, 1 support stand
      3 Batteries, each with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 1 gun crew (ds), 1 105L28 How, 1 tractor, 1 tried ammo truck with trailer, 1 support stand

    III/88th Medium Arty Battalion, with:

      HQ Battery, with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 1 staff radio truck, 1 mcd gen supply truck with trailer, 1 med baggage truck with field kitchen, 1 support stand
      3 Batteries, each with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 1 gun crew (ds), 1 150L30 How, 1 tractor, 1 tried ammo truck with trailer, 1 support stand

288th Artillery Regiment

    Regimental HQ Battery, with: 1 command stand, 1 car, 1 staff radio truck, 1 maint van, 1 med gen supply truck with trailer, 1 med baggage truck with field kitchen, 1 support stand

    I/288th Light Artillery Battalion, with: same as II/88th above

    II/288th Heavy Cannon Battalion, with:

      HQ Battery, with: 1 command stand, 1 FO stand, 2 kubelwagens, 1 staff radio truck, 1 tried gen supply truck with trailer, 1 med baggage truck with field kitchen, 1 support stand
      3 Batteries, each with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 1 gun crew (ds), 1 105L52 Gun, 1 tractor, 1 med arnnuo truck with trailer, 1 support stand

    III/288th Heavy Cannon Battalion, with:
      HQ Battery, with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 1 staff radio truck, 1 med gen supply truck with trailer, 1 med baggage truck with field kitchen, 1 support stand
      3 Batteries, each with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 1 gun crew (ds) 1 170L50 Gun, 1 tractor, 1 med ammo truck with trailer, 1 support stand

388th Artillery Regiment

    Regimental HQ Battery, with: 1 command stand, 1 car, 1 staff radio truck, 1 maint van, 1 med gen supply truck with trailer, 1 med baggage truck with field kitchen, 1 support stand
    II/388th Light Artillery Battalion, with: same as II/88th above
    II/388th Medium Arty Battalion, with: same as III/88th above
    III/388th Heavy Arty Battalion, with:
      HQ Battery, with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 1 staff radio truck, 1 med gen supply truck with trailer, 1 med baggage truck with field kitchen, 1 support stand
      3 Batteries, each with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 1 gun crew (ds) 1 210L31 How, 1 tractor, 1 heavy ammo truck with trailer, 1 support stand

Observation Battalion

    HQ Battery, with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen
    Fire Control Battery, with: 1 staff radio truck (fire control), 2 FO PzBeobWg IIIs, 2 recon StuG IIIGs
    Survey Battery, with: 1 command stand, 2 survey patrols, 3 kubelwagens, 1 shop van
    Counter-Battery Battery, with: 1 command stand, 1 kubelwagen, 2 med trucks with sound/flash detectors


1. The 18th Artillery Division was formed from the shell of the 18th Panzer Division. It was designed to quickly bring massive firepower down on a breakthrough or to support a counter-attack.

2. The FOs of the fire control battery of the observation battalion can call fire for any or all of the division's batteries using the staff. The StuGa were assigned to escort the FOs.

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