US 2nd Infantry Division
1994 in Korea


by Greg Novak

With the on-again, off-again Korean crisis still going on and still unsettled, the question of US forces in Korea has been raised. The major US Army element there is the 2nd Infantry Division, with a one-of-a-kind TO&E. Currently present along the DMZ, the 2nd Infantry Division has the following units (organizations as per CPQ #4):

2nd Infantry Division, with:

Divisional Headquarters
2nd Engineer Battalion
5th Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery
1st Brigade, with: Brigade Headquarters
2nd Brigade, with: Brigade Headquarters
Tank Battalions, with:
1st Battalion, 72nd Armor, with: IPM1
2nd Battalion, 72nd Armor, with: IPM1
Armored Infantry Battalions, with:
1st Battalion, 5th Infantry, with: M2A3 Bradleys
5th Battalion, 20th Infantry, with: M2A3 Bradleys
Airmobile Infantry Battalions, with:
1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry, with: Airmobile
1st Battalion, 506th Infantry, with: Airmobile
Divisional Artillery "Warrior Thunder." with:

    8th Battalion, 8th Field Artillery "Steel," with: 3 batteries of 155mm SP howitzers
    1st Battalion, 15th Field Artillery 'First to Fire' with: 3 batteries of 155mm SP howitzers
    6th Battalion, 37th Field Artillery "On the Minute," with: 3 batteries of MLRS/ATACMs
    Battery A, 38th Field Artillery, with: 1 MLRS battery
    Battery F, 26th Field Artillery "Wolfpack," with: Target Acquisition radar

Aviation Brigade, with:
    1st Attack Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment, with: AH-64
    2nd Assault Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment, with: UH-60, UH-1
    1st Squadron, 7th Cavalry

Intended reinforcements would include the divisional roundout Brigade, 81st Mechanized Infantry Brigade and Washington National Guard. Other units would include the 25th Light Infantry Division from Hawaii and elements of the Fleet Marine Force, Pacific.

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