Additional Japanese
Special Landing Forces 1941


by Loren Wiseman/Greg Novak

A search of sources on the Japanese Army/Navy has turned up the TO&Es of two additional Naval Landing Forces, the Yokosuka 7th Special Landing Forces, and the Maizuru 2nd Special Landing Force. The organization of the 7th is most interesting, as it shows how it was first organized for use as a Base Defense Unit, and then how it was modified for active service in the field.

Yokosuka 7th Special Landing Force

Force Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 patrol stand
    1 staff radio stand
    2 medium trucks
    1 engineer stand
    3 support stands

Rifle Company, with:

    1 command stand
    2 infantry stands
    1 MMG stand

1st, 2nd Companies, each with:

    1 gun crew stand (ds)
    1 command support stand
    1 support stand 14.7" gun (fixed)

3rd Company, with:

    4 gun crew stands (ds)
    1 command support stand
    1 support stand
    4 8cm guns (fixed)

Mobile AA Gun Company, with:

    1 gun crew stand (ds)
    1 command support stand
    1 support stand
    1 75mm AA gun (fixed)

AA Machinegun Company, with:

    2 AA MG stands
    1 gun crew stand
    1 40mm AA gun
    1 command infantry stand

1. The unit should be rated as Veteran, Morale 9.
2. In early 1942, the 7th was reinforced with the following:

#2 Rifle Company, with:

    1 command infantry stand
    3 infantry stands
    1 weapons stand
    1 MMG stand

Antitank Platoon, with:

    1 gun crew stand
    1 37L AT gun
    1 light truck

Mortar Platoon, with:

    1 3" mortar stand (ds)

By contrast, the 2nd Maizuru Special Landing Force was built along the lines of a standard infantry battalion.

Yokosuka 2nd Maizuru Special Landing Force
Force Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 infantry stand
    1 staff radio stand
    2 medium trucks
    1 engineer stand
    3 support stands

1st and 2nd Rifle Companies, each with:
    1 command infantry stand
    4 infantry stands
    1 MMG stand

Heavy Weapons Company, with:
    1 command support stand
    2 gun crew stands (ds)
    1 75mm regiment gun
    1 70mm battalion howitzer

1. The unit should be rated as Veteran, Morale: 9.

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