Israeli Parachute Battalion 1973


by Greg Novak

Elite, Morale: 10

Battalion Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    1 staff radio light truck

3 Infantry Companies, each with:

    1 command stand
    1 recon infantry stand
    2 infantry stands

Weapons Company, with:

    1 recon jeep with MG
    1 120mm mortar stand (ds)
    1 medium truck
    1 jeep with 106 RR

1. On occasion the Israeli Paras were mounted in M3 halftracks or M113 APCs depending on what was available at the time. Israeli M113 "Zeldas" are not amphibious.
2. All stands are parachute trained.
3. The command and gun crew stands have ROFs of 1, range of 4". The infantry stands gave ROFs of 2 (AR), range 8 ", and have integral 3.5" bazookas.

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