CDII Point System

Germany and USA

by Tom Thomas

General Instructions: To use these lists, simply select abase battalion and then determine how many upgrades that battalion is allowed Upgrades serve to balance the battalions. Weaker battalions get more upgrades. Some strong battalions are not allowed any upgrades. Select from the list of upgrades to round out the battalion. A battalion with two upgrades may select two upgrades from its upgrade list.

In addition, some battalions are allowed to cross-attach companies from other battalions. To cross-attach, the base battalion must give up one company to get the cross-attached company. The base battalion can never give up the battalion HQ company to get the attached company.

In some cases, a battalion will have an upgradelcross-attachment listed. In order to get this company, the battalion must use both an upgrade as well as give up a company.

All upgrades and cross-attachments assume the morale and troop quality level of the base battalion.

All base battalions or cross-attached companies use the 1944 historical organizations given in Armies of the Second World War unless otherwise noted.


Panther Battalion
(Experienced, Morale: 8)
No Upgrades

Panzergrenadier Company
Recon AC Company or Recon Inf Company (less 1 platoon)

PzKfw IV Battalion (Experienced, Morale: 8)
One Upgrade
Make Veteran
Add Recon AC Company
Add Recon Inf Company (less 1 platoon)
Add off-board 105mm Battalion with FO
Add Engineer Company

Panzergrenadier Company
Recon AC Company or Recon Inf Company (less 1 platoon)

Recon Battalion (Veteran, Morale: 9)
One Upgrade
Add StG III Company
Add AT Company (75mm Pak)
Add off-board 105mm Battalion with FO
Add Engineer Company
Add Flak Group (188 and 1 quad 20 with trucks)

Cross Attachments
PzKfw IV Company
Panzergrenadier Company

Panzergrenadier Battalion (Halftrack, Experienced, Morale: 8)
One Upgrade
Make Veteran
Add AC Company
Add Recon Inf Company (less 1 platoon)
Add StG III Company
Add AT Company (75mm Pak)
Add off-board 105mm Battalion with FO
Add Engineer Company
Add Flak Group (188 and 1 quad 20 with trucks)

PzKfw N Company
Tiger Company (1 Tiger I, 1 Tiger II)
Panther Company (2 Panthers)

Panzergrenadier Battalion (Truck, Experienced, Morale: 8)
Delete Panzershreck and light truck from each company
Make one stand in each company a Panzersheck/Panzergrenadier stand

Two Upgrades
Make Veteran
Add AC Company
Add Recon Inf Company (less 1 platoon)
Add StG III Company
Add AT Company (75mm Pak)
Add off-board 105mm Battalion with FO
Add Engineer Company
Add Flak Group (188 and 1 quad 20 with trucks)

Cross Attachments
PzKfw N Company
Tiger Company (1 Tiger I, 1 Tiger II)
Panther Company (2 Panthers)

Infantry or Para Battalion (Experienced, Morale: 8)
Two Upgrades
Make Veteran (Para only)
Add StG III Company
Add AT Company (75mm Pak)
Add off-board 105mm Battalion with FO
Add Engineer Company
Add Flak Group (188 and 1 quad 20 with trucks)

StG III Company
AT Company (75mm Pak)
Jahg IV Company (1 Jahg IV L48, 1 Jahg IV L70)

Volksgrenadier Battalion (Regular, Morale: 8)
Three Upgrades
Make Experienced
Add Hetzer Company
Add AT Company (75mm Pak)
Add off-board 105mm Battalion with FO
Add Flak Group (188 and 1 quad 20 with trucks)
Hetzer Company
AT Company (75mm Pak)


Sherman Battalion (Regular, Morale: 8)
Two Upgrades
Make Experienced
Make Veteran (if already Experienced)
Add off-board 105mm Battalion with FO
Add P-47 Airstrike (2 aircraft)
Add M10 or M18 Company
Add Engineer Company Add Recon company
Add Armored Inf Company

Cross Attachments
Armored Inf Company

Armored Infantry Battalion (Regular, Morale: 8)
Two Upgrades
Make Experienced Make Veteran
Add off-board 105mm Battalion with FO
Add P-47 Airstrike (2 aircraft)
Add M10 or M18 Company
Add Engineer Company
Add Recon Company
Add Sherman Company

Sherman Company

Recon Battalion (Regular, Morale: 8)
Three Upgrades
Make Experienced
Add off-board 105mm Battalion with FO
Add P-47 Airstrike (2 aircraft)
Add M10 or M18 Company
Add Engineer Company
Add Armored Infantry company
Add Sherman Company

Cross Attachments
Sherman Company

Infantry Battalion (Experienced, Morale: 8)
Three Upgrades
Make Veteran
Add off-board 105mm Battalion with FO
Add P-47 Airstrike (2 aircraft)
Add M10 or M18 Company
Add Engineer Company
Add Recon Company
Add Jumbo Sherman Company (all 75L38)

Sherman Company or Jumbo Sherman Company (all 75L38)

Para or Glider Infantry Battalion (Veteran, Morale: 10)
Two Upgrades
Add off board or on-board 75mm Battalion with FO
Add P-47 Airstrike (2 aircraft)
Add M10 or M18 Company
Add Parachute Engineer Company
Add AA/AT company

M10 or M18 Company

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