British Royal Marine
Commando Brigade Late 1980s


by Jeff Glasco

British and Dutch "W" Company: Elite, Morale: 10
Other Dutch Marines: Veteran, Morale: 9

Brigade Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 Land Rover
    1 Land Rover TOC

Engineer Squadron, with:

    1 command engineer stand
    2 engineer stands
    3 light trucks

Air Defense Battery, with:

    1 command stand
    3 Blowpipe stands
    4 Land Rovers

Aviation Squadron, with:

    1 Lynx helicopter
    3 Gazelle helicopters

Artillery Regiment, with:

    Headquarters Battery, with:
      1 command stand
      1 FO Stand
      2 Land Rovers

    3 Artillery Batteries, each with:

      1 command stand
      1 Land Rover
      1 L118 105mm howitzer
      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 medium truck

2 British Royal Marine Commando Battalions, each with:

    Battalion Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 Land Rover

    Headquarters Company, with:

      1 Assault Pioneer stand
      1 BV-206
      1 recon Land Rover with MG
      4 Milan stands
      4 Land Rovers
      1 81 mm mortar stand (ds)
      2 Land Rovers 1 GSR stand
      1 Land Rover

    3 Marine Companies, each with:

      1 command stand
      3 infantry stands
      3 BV-206

Dutch Marine Amphibious Combat Group, with:

    Headquarters Company, with:
      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      1 jeep with MG

    Weapons Company, with:

      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      1 81mm mortar stand (ds)
      1 BV-206
      1 MMG Stand
      1 BV-206
      1 jeep with 106 RR
      1 engineer stand
      1 BV-206
    2 Marine Companies, each with:
      1 command stand
      1 weapons stand
      3 infantry stands 4 BV-206s
    Dutch Marine Company "W," with:
      1 command stand
      1 weapons stand
      3 infantry stands 4 BV-206s


1. Dutch Marine Amphibious Combat Group: Upon mobilization, the Dutch Marine Amphibious Combat Group will form two additional Marine Companies from reservists and additional marines.

2. BV-206 (Bandswagen): the BV-206 is a light tracked vehicle designed for operations in snow. They are pre-positioned in Norway. If the Marine units are deployed to other areas they would probably fight as foot infantry.

3. 81mm Mortar Stands: The 81mm mortar stands in the Marine Battalions are carried in two vehicles (either Land Rovers or jeeps). Assume that the crew rides in one vehicle and the ammunition is carried in the other for game purposes.

4. Wartime Organization: The probable wartime organization would be:

    3rd (British) Commando Brigade, Royal Marines
      59th (British) Independent Commando Squadron, Royal Engineers
      one (British) Air Defense Battery, Royal Artillery
      29th (British) Commando Regiment, Royal Artillery
      42nd (British) Commando (Battalion), Royal Marines
      45th (British) Commando (Battalion), Royal Marines
      1st (Dutch) Amphibious Combat Group (Battalion),

    Royal Netherlands Marine Corps
      "W" Company, Royal Netherlands Marine Corps


Isby, David C. and Charles Kamps Jr. Armies of NATO's Central Front, Jane's Publishing Company Limited: London, 1985
Rea-Taylor, Bruce, Ultra Modern Army Lists and Organizations, Volume I, the Central Front. Tabletop Games: Oxton, United Kingdom, 1985

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